Simple Menu for user config at startup etc



File content as of revision 0:694155408133:

/// @file   userMenu.h
/// @brief  Simple commandline menu subsystem.
/// @discussion
/// Menu derived from old version of ArduPilot, used in ArduIMU.V3
/// Originally from
/// The Menu class implements a simple CLI that accepts commands typed by
/// the user, and passes the arguments to those commands to a function
/// defined as handing the command.
/// Commands are defined in an array of Menu::command structures passed
/// to the constructor.  Each entry in the array defines one command.
/// Arguments passed to the handler function are pre-converted to both
/// long and float for convenience.


#include <inttypes.h>

//#define MENU_COMMANDLINE_MAX    32  
//#define MENU_ARGS_MAX           4   
//#define MENU_COMMAND_MAX        14  

/// Class defining and handling one menu tree
class Menu {

    static constexpr uint8_t commandlineLenMax = 32U;     ///< maximum input line length
    static constexpr uint8_t argsLenMax        = 4U;   ///< maximum number of arguments
    static constexpr uint8_t commandNameLenMax   = 14; ///< maximum length of a command name
    /// argument passed to a menu function
    /// Space-delimited arguments are parsed from the commandline and
    /// separated into these structures.
    /// If the argument cannot be parsed as a float or a long, the value
    /// of f or i respectively is undefined.  You should range-check
    /// the inputs to your function.
    struct arg {
        arg(): str{nullptr}, i{0},f{0.0}{}
        const char  *str;           ///< string form of the argument
        long        i;              ///< integer form of the argument (if a number)
        float       f;              ///< floating point form of the argument (if a number)

    /// menu command function
    /// Functions called by menu array entries are expected to be of this
    /// type.
    /// @param  argc        The number of valid arguments, including the
    ///                     name of the command in argv[0].  Will never be
    ///                     more than argsLenMax.
    /// @param  argv        Pointer to an array of Menu::arg structures
    ///                     detailing any optional arguments given to the
    ///                     command.  argv[0] is always the name of the
    ///                     command, so that the same function can be used
    ///                     to handle more than one command.
    typedef int8_t          (*func)(uint8_t argc, const struct arg *argv);

    /// menu pre-prompt function
    /// Called immediately before waiting for the user to type a command; can be
    /// used to display help text or status, for example.
    /// If this function returns false, the menu exits.
    typedef bool            (*preprompt)(void);

    /// menu command description
    struct command {
        /// Name of the command, as typed or received.
        /// Command names are limited in size to keep this structure compact.
        const char  command[commandNameLenMax];

        /// The function to call when the command is received.
        /// The argc argument will be at least 1, and no more than
        /// argsLenMax.  The argv array will be populated with
        /// arguments typed/received up to argsLenMax.  The command
        /// name will always be in argv[0].
        /// Commands may return -2 to cause the menu itself to exit.
        /// The "?", "help" and "exit" commands are always defined, but
        /// can be overridden by explicit entries in the command array.
        int8_t          (*func)(uint8_t argc, const struct arg *argv);  ///< callback function

    /// constructor
    /// Note that you should normally not call the constructor directly.  Use
    /// the MENU and MENU2 macros defined below.
    /// @param prompt       The prompt to be displayed with this menu.
    /// @param commands     An array of ::command structures in program memory (PROGMEM).
    /// @param entries      The number of entries in the menu.
    Menu(const char *prompt, const struct command *commands, uint8_t entries, preprompt ppfunc = 0);

    /// menu runner
    void                run(void);

    /// Implements the default 'help' command.
    void                _help(void);                    ///< implements the 'help' command

    /// calls the function for the n'th menu item
    /// @param n            Index for the menu item to call
    /// @param argc         Number of arguments prepared for the menu item
    int8_t              _call(uint8_t n, uint8_t argc);

    const char          *_prompt;                       ///< prompt to display
    const command       *_commands;                     ///< array of commands
    const uint8_t       _entries;                       ///< size of the menu
    const preprompt     _ppfunc;                        ///< optional pre-prompt action

    static char         _inbuf[commandlineLenMax];   ///< input buffer
    static arg          _argv[argsLenMax+ 1];       ///< arguments

/// Macros used to define a menu.
/// The commands argument should be an arary of Menu::command structures, one
/// per command name.  The array does not need to be terminated with any special
/// record.
/// Use to run the menu.
/// The MENU2 macro supports the optional pre-prompt printing function.
#define MENU(name, prompt, commands)                            \
    static constexpr char __menu_name__ ##name[] = prompt;  \
    static Menu name(__menu_name__ ##name, commands, sizeof(commands) / sizeof(commands[0]))

#define MENU2(name, prompt, commands, preprompt)                \
    static constexpr char __menu_name__ ##name[] = prompt;  \
    static Menu name(__menu_name__ ##name, commands, sizeof(commands) / sizeof(commands[0]), preprompt)
