Class to provide simple access to I2C EEPROM chiles like Microchip's 24LC range or AMTELS AT24C range. Chips up to 64Kb in size are directly supported. Updated to Mbed OS v 5.1

Dependents:   storage_test



File content as of revision 10:3824e507953c:

/*! \file I2CEeprom.h */ 
/*! \class I2CEeprom */
/*! \brief Simple access class for I2C EEPROM chips like Microchip 24LC
 /* Copyright (c) 2015 Robin Hourahane
 *  Copyright (c) 2020 Andy Little
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef __I2CEEPROM_H__
#define __I2CEEPROM_H__

#include <mbed.h>

/// Based on the original Mbed I2CEeprom library by Robin Hourahane.
/// Class to provide simple access to I2C EEPROM chips like Microchip's 24LC 
/// or AMTELS AT24C series. Chips up to 64Kb in size are directly supported.
/// The library was tested on a Microchip 24LC128. 
/// The I2CEeprom class handles multiple page writes so any amount of data can 
/// be written in a single call to write. 
/// The code is modified from the original to better support RTOS.
/// At start of a write(addr,buffer,size), a buffer of up to pageSize + 2
/// is allocated on the heap, and the data and address are copied to it.
/// This allows the cuurent write chunk to proceed without unlocking, which 
/// prevents another device on the bus access and so aborting the write.
/// This allocation per write fits my usecase, where eeeprom variables
/// are written in a special menu mode at start up, but it may be better to
/// preallocate a buffer once at startup, if writes are occurring at arbitrary
/// times during execution, to prevent surprises with out of memory issues
/// when trying to write during normal execution.
/// The constructor takes the I2C bus by non-const reference argument. This 
/// enables a single I2C bus to be shared among many i2c devices.
/// Mbed OS enforces a lock on the bus during a bus read/write so reads 
/// are atomic. Writes are split into separate atomic chunks that only write 
/// one eeprom page. After a chunk is sent, the thread is sent to sleep for
/// writeCycleTime_ms as in the constructor arg, and is then polled at 1 ms
/// intervals to discover whether the write has completed.

class I2CEeprom {
    /// Constructor to create a new instance of the class.
    /// @param i2c A reference to the i2c bus the chip is connected to.
    /// @param address The 8bit I2C address of the chip.
    /// @param pageSize The size of the page used in writing to the chip.
    /// @param chipSize The size of the memory in the chip for range check. 
    /// @param writeCycleTime_ms The write cycle time in ms. 
            I2C& i2c, 
            int address, 
            size_t pageSize, 
            size_t chipSize,
            uint8_t writeCycleTime_ms);
    /// Read a single byte from the EEprom.
    /// @param address EEprom address to read from.
    /// @param value Reference of char to read into.
    /// @returns Number of bytes read .
    size_t read(size_t address, char &value);
    /// Read multiple bytes starting from EEprom memory.
    /// @param address EEprom Memory start read address.
    /// @param buffer Pointer to buffer to hold bytes read.
    /// @param size Number of bytes to read.
    /// @returns Number of bytes read.
    size_t read(size_t address, char *buffer, size_t size);
    /// Deserialise object of type T from Eeprom memory.
    /// @param address Start address of Object in EEprom.
    /// @param value Reference to Object to deserialise into.
    /// @returns Number of bytes read.
    template<typename T> size_t read(size_t address, T &value) {
        return read(address, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&value), sizeof(T));
    /// Write a char to EEprom.
    /// @param address Eeprom address to write to.
    /// @param value Value of char to write.
    /// @returns Number of bytes written.
    size_t write(size_t address, char value);

    /// Write multiple bytes to EEprom
    /// Note that in this implementation, the write is split into chunks
    /// of up to pageSize and for each chunk a buffer of up to pageSize +2   
    /// is temporarily allocated on the heap while the write is in progress.
    /// @param address Start EEprom address.
    /// @param buffer Buffer holding the bytes to write.
    /// @param size Number of bytes to write.
    /// @returns Number of bytes written.
    size_t write(size_t address, const char *buffer, size_t size);

    /// Serialise an object of type T.
    /// @param address EEprom write start address.
    /// @returns Number of bytes written.
    template<typename T> size_t write(size_t address, const T &value) {
        return write(address, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&value), sizeof(T));
    /// Sleep thread while write completes.
    void waitForWrite();
    ///  atomic chunk up to page aize write
    size_t ll_write(size_t address, const char *buffer, size_t size);
    /// Validate that proposed operation is in bounds.
    bool checkSpace(size_t address, size_t size)
       return (address + size) < m_chipSize ;
    I2C & m_i2c;
    int const m_i2cAddress;
    size_t const m_chipSize;
    size_t const m_pageSize;
    uint8_t const m_writeCycleTime_ms;
