SRK Version of mDot LoRa_Sensormode_SRK

Dependencies:   libmDot mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mDot_LoRa_Sensornode by Adrian Mitevski

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uBlox Class Reference

uBlox Class Reference

Provides Functionality to control the uBlox. More...

#include <uBlox.h>

Public Member Functions

void init (uBLOX_MODE)
 Initializes the uBlox according to the desired uBLOX_MODE.
unsigned long getTimeOfWeekMs ()
 Gets the GPS Time of Week in ms.
float getLatitude ()
 Gets the decoded Latitude of the GPS Coordinate.
float getLongitude ()
 Gets the decoded Longitude of the GPS Coordinate.
signed long getHeightAboveEllipsoid ()
 Gets the decoded height above ellipsoid of the GPS Coordinate.
signed long getHeightAboveMeanSeaLevel ()
 Gets the decoded height above mean sea level of the GPS Coordinate.
unsigned long getHorizontalAccuracyEstimate ()
 Gets the decoded horizontal accuracy of the GPS Coordinate measurement.
unsigned long getVerticalAccuracyEstimate ()
 Gets the decoded vertical accuracy of the GPS Coordinate measurment.

Detailed Description

Provides Functionality to control the uBlox.

Definition at line 21 of file uBlox.h.

Member Function Documentation

signed long getHeightAboveEllipsoid (  )

Gets the decoded height above ellipsoid of the GPS Coordinate.


Definition at line 32 of file uBlox.cpp.

signed long getHeightAboveMeanSeaLevel (  )

Gets the decoded height above mean sea level of the GPS Coordinate.


Definition at line 36 of file uBlox.cpp.

unsigned long getHorizontalAccuracyEstimate (  )

Gets the decoded horizontal accuracy of the GPS Coordinate measurement.


Definition at line 40 of file uBlox.cpp.

float getLatitude (  )

Gets the decoded Latitude of the GPS Coordinate.


Definition at line 28 of file uBlox.cpp.

float getLongitude (  )

Gets the decoded Longitude of the GPS Coordinate.


Definition at line 24 of file uBlox.cpp.

unsigned long getTimeOfWeekMs (  )

Gets the GPS Time of Week in ms.

Definition at line 20 of file uBlox.cpp.

unsigned long getVerticalAccuracyEstimate (  )

Gets the decoded vertical accuracy of the GPS Coordinate measurment.


Definition at line 44 of file uBlox.cpp.

void init ( uBLOX_MODE  desiredMode )

Initializes the uBlox according to the desired uBLOX_MODE.

desiredModethe desired Mode depending on which the uBlox has to be configured

Definition at line 48 of file uBlox.cpp.