SRK Version of mDot LoRa_Sensormode_SRK

Dependencies:   libmDot mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of mDot_LoRa_Sensornode by Adrian Mitevski

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UART_Tunnel Class Reference

UART_Tunnel Class Reference

Makes it possible to use the mDotDKs USB Connection as a COM-Port to communicate directly with a device thats connected to the STM32 Uart. More...

#include <UARTTunnel.h>

Detailed Description

Makes it possible to use the mDotDKs USB Connection as a COM-Port to communicate directly with a device thats connected to the STM32 Uart.

Its main purpose is to control the uBlox via uCenter.

Definition at line 19 of file UARTTunnel.h.