USBMouse Example

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

USBMouse/USBMouse.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/USBMouse.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/asciihid.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/usbdc.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/usbdc.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/usbdevice.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/usbdevice.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/usbhid.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBMouse/usbhid.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/USBMouse.cpp	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "USBMouse.h"
+USBMouse::USBMouse() {
+    _buttons = 0;
+void USBMouse::move(int x, int y) {
+    while(x > 127) {
+        mouse(127, 0, _buttons, 0);
+        x = x - 127;
+    }
+    while(x < -128) {
+        mouse(-128, 0, _buttons, 0);
+        x = x + 128;
+    }
+    while(y > 127) {
+        mouse(0, 127, _buttons, 0);
+        y = y - 127;
+    }
+    while(y < -128) {
+        mouse(0, -128, _buttons, 0);
+        y = y + 128;
+    }
+    mouse(x, y, _buttons, 0);
+void USBMouse::scroll(int z) {
+    while(z > 127) {
+        mouse(0, 0, _buttons, 127);
+        z = z - 127;
+    }
+    while(z < -128) {
+        mouse(0, 0, _buttons, -128);
+        z = z + 128;
+    }
+    mouse(0, 0, _buttons, z);
+void USBMouse::buttons(int left, int middle, int right) {
+    int _buttons = 0;
+    if(left) {
+        _buttons |= MOUSE_L;
+    }
+    if(middle) {
+        _buttons |= MOUSE_M;
+    }
+    if(right) {
+        _buttons |= MOUSE_R;
+    }
+    mouse(0,0, _buttons, 0);    
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/USBMouse.h	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "usbhid.h"
+/* Class: USBMouse
+ * Emulate a USB Mouse HID device
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * > #include "mbed.h"
+ * > #include "USBMouse.h"
+ * > 
+ * > USBMouse mouse;
+ * >
+ * > int main() {
+ * >     while(1) {
+ * >         mouse.move(10, 0);
+ * >         wait(2);
+ * >     }
+ * > }
+ */
+class USBMouse : private usbhid {
+    /* Constructor: USBMouse
+     * Create a USB Mouse using the mbed USB Device interface
+     */
+    USBMouse();
+    /* Function: move
+     * Move the mouse
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  x - Distance to move in x-axis 
+     *  y - Distance to move in y-axis
+     */
+    void move(int x, int y);
+    /* Function: scroll
+     * Scroll the scroll wheel
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  z - Distance to scroll scroll wheel
+     */
+    void scroll(int z);
+    /* Function: buttons
+     * Set the state of the buttons
+     *
+     * Variables:
+     *  left - set the left button as down (1) or up (0)
+     *  middle - set the middle button as down (1) or up (0)
+     *  right - set the right button as down (1) or up (0)
+     */
+    void buttons(int left, int middle, int right);    
+    int _buttons;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/asciihid.h	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+/* asciihid.h */
+/* ASCII to HID Keyboard lookup table */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#ifndef HIDTABLE_H
+#define HIDTABLE_H
+/* Default is UK keyboard layout */
+/* #define US_KEYBOARD */
+/* Modifiers */
+#define SHIFT (1<<1)
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned char usage;
+    unsigned char modifier;
+/* US keyboard (as HID standard) */
+#define KEYMAP_SIZE (128)
+const KEYMAP keymap[KEYMAP_SIZE] = {
+{0, 0},             /* NUL */
+{0, 0},             /* SOH */
+{0, 0},             /* STX */
+{0, 0},             /* ETX */
+{0, 0},             /* EOT */
+{0, 0},             /* ENQ */
+{0, 0},             /* ACK */  
+{0, 0},             /* BEL */
+{0x2a, 0},          /* BS  */  /* Keyboard Delete (Backspace) */ 
+{0x2b, 0},          /* TAB */  /* Keyboard Tab */
+{0x28, 0},          /* LF  */  /* Keyboard Return (Enter) */
+{0, 0},             /* VT  */
+{0, 0},             /* FF  */
+{0, 0},             /* CR  */
+{0, 0},             /* SO  */
+{0, 0},             /* SI  */
+{0, 0},             /* DEL */
+{0, 0},             /* DC1 */
+{0, 0},             /* DC2 */
+{0, 0},             /* DC3 */
+{0, 0},             /* DC4 */
+{0, 0},             /* NAK */
+{0, 0},             /* SYN */
+{0, 0},             /* ETB */
+{0, 0},             /* CAN */
+{0, 0},             /* EM  */
+{0, 0},             /* SUB */
+{0, 0},             /* ESC */
+{0, 0},             /* FS  */
+{0, 0},             /* GS  */
+{0, 0},             /* RS  */
+{0, 0},             /* US  */
+{0x2c, 0},          /*   */
+{0x1e, SHIFT},      /* ! */
+{0x34, SHIFT},      /* " */
+{0x20, SHIFT},      /* # */
+{0x21, SHIFT},      /* $ */
+{0x22, SHIFT},      /* % */
+{0x24, SHIFT},      /* & */
+{0x34, 0},          /* ' */
+{0x26, SHIFT},      /* ( */
+{0x27, SHIFT},      /* ) */
+{0x25, SHIFT},      /* * */
+{0x2e, SHIFT},      /* + */
+{0x36, 0},          /* , */
+{0x2d, 0},          /* - */
+{0x37, 0},          /* . */
+{0x38, 0},          /* / */
+{0x27, 0},          /* 0 */
+{0x1e, 0},          /* 1 */
+{0x1f, 0},          /* 2 */
+{0x20, 0},          /* 3 */
+{0x21, 0},          /* 4 */
+{0x22, 0},          /* 5 */
+{0x23, 0},          /* 6 */
+{0x24, 0},          /* 7 */
+{0x25, 0},          /* 8 */
+{0x26, 0},          /* 9 */
+{0x33, SHIFT},      /* : */
+{0x33, 0},          /* ; */
+{0x36, SHIFT},      /* < */
+{0x2e, 0},          /* = */
+{0x37, SHIFT},      /* > */
+{0x38, SHIFT},      /* ? */
+{0x1f, SHIFT},      /* @ */
+{0x04, SHIFT},      /* A */
+{0x05, SHIFT},      /* B */
+{0x06, SHIFT},      /* C */
+{0x07, SHIFT},      /* D */
+{0x08, SHIFT},      /* E */
+{0x09, SHIFT},      /* F */
+{0x0a, SHIFT},      /* G */
+{0x0b, SHIFT},      /* H */
+{0x0c, SHIFT},      /* I */
+{0x0d, SHIFT},      /* J */
+{0x0e, SHIFT},      /* K */
+{0x0f, SHIFT},      /* L */
+{0x10, SHIFT},      /* M */
+{0x11, SHIFT},      /* N */
+{0x12, SHIFT},      /* O */
+{0x13, SHIFT},      /* P */
+{0x14, SHIFT},      /* Q */
+{0x15, SHIFT},      /* R */
+{0x16, SHIFT},      /* S */
+{0x17, SHIFT},      /* T */
+{0x18, SHIFT},      /* U */
+{0x19, SHIFT},      /* V */
+{0x1a, SHIFT},      /* W */
+{0x1b, SHIFT},      /* X */
+{0x1c, SHIFT},      /* Y */
+{0x1d, SHIFT},      /* Z */
+{0x2f, 0},          /* [ */
+{0x31, 0},          /* \ */
+{0x30, 0},          /* ] */
+{0x23, SHIFT},      /* ^ */
+{0x2d, SHIFT},      /* _ */
+{0x35, 0},          /* ` */
+{0x04, 0},          /* a */
+{0x05, 0},          /* b */
+{0x06, 0},          /* c */
+{0x07, 0},          /* d */
+{0x08, 0},          /* e */
+{0x09, 0},          /* f */
+{0x0a, 0},          /* g */
+{0x0b, 0},          /* h */
+{0x0c, 0},          /* i */
+{0x0d, 0},          /* j */
+{0x0e, 0},          /* k */
+{0x0f, 0},          /* l */
+{0x10, 0},          /* m */
+{0x11, 0},          /* n */
+{0x12, 0},          /* o */
+{0x13, 0},          /* p */
+{0x14, 0},          /* q */
+{0x15, 0},          /* r */
+{0x16, 0},          /* s */
+{0x17, 0},          /* t */
+{0x18, 0},          /* u */
+{0x19, 0},          /* v */
+{0x1a, 0},          /* w */
+{0x1b, 0},          /* x */
+{0x1c, 0},          /* y */
+{0x1d, 0},          /* z */
+{0x2f, SHIFT},      /* { */
+{0x31, SHIFT},      /* | */
+{0x30, SHIFT},      /* } */
+{0x35, SHIFT},      /* ~ */
+{0,0},              /* DEL */
+/* UK keyboard */
+#define KEYMAP_SIZE (128)
+const KEYMAP keymap[KEYMAP_SIZE] = {
+{0, 0},             /* NUL */
+{0, 0},             /* SOH */
+{0, 0},             /* STX */
+{0, 0},             /* ETX */
+{0, 0},             /* EOT */
+{0, 0},             /* ENQ */
+{0, 0},             /* ACK */  
+{0, 0},             /* BEL */
+{0x2a, 0},          /* BS  */  /* Keyboard Delete (Backspace) */ 
+{0x2b, 0},          /* TAB */  /* Keyboard Tab */
+{0x28, 0},          /* LF  */  /* Keyboard Return (Enter) */
+{0, 0},             /* VT  */
+{0, 0},             /* FF  */
+{0, 0},             /* CR  */
+{0, 0},             /* SO  */
+{0, 0},             /* SI  */
+{0, 0},             /* DEL */
+{0, 0},             /* DC1 */
+{0, 0},             /* DC2 */
+{0, 0},             /* DC3 */
+{0, 0},             /* DC4 */
+{0, 0},             /* NAK */
+{0, 0},             /* SYN */
+{0, 0},             /* ETB */
+{0, 0},             /* CAN */
+{0, 0},             /* EM  */
+{0, 0},             /* SUB */
+{0, 0},             /* ESC */
+{0, 0},             /* FS  */
+{0, 0},             /* GS  */
+{0, 0},             /* RS  */
+{0, 0},             /* US  */
+{0x2c, 0},          /*   */
+{0x1e, SHIFT},      /* ! */
+{0x1f, SHIFT},      /* " */ 
+{0x32, 0},          /* # */ 
+{0x21, SHIFT},      /* $ */
+{0x22, SHIFT},      /* % */
+{0x24, SHIFT},      /* & */
+{0x34, 0},          /* ' */
+{0x26, SHIFT},      /* ( */
+{0x27, SHIFT},      /* ) */
+{0x25, SHIFT},      /* * */
+{0x2e, SHIFT},      /* + */
+{0x36, 0},          /* , */
+{0x2d, 0},          /* - */
+{0x37, 0},          /* . */
+{0x38, 0},          /* / */
+{0x27, 0},          /* 0 */
+{0x1e, 0},          /* 1 */
+{0x1f, 0},          /* 2 */
+{0x20, 0},          /* 3 */
+{0x21, 0},          /* 4 */
+{0x22, 0},          /* 5 */
+{0x23, 0},          /* 6 */
+{0x24, 0},          /* 7 */
+{0x25, 0},          /* 8 */
+{0x26, 0},          /* 9 */
+{0x33, SHIFT},      /* : */
+{0x33, 0},          /* ; */
+{0x36, SHIFT},      /* < */
+{0x2e, 0},          /* = */
+{0x37, SHIFT},      /* > */
+{0x38, SHIFT},      /* ? */
+{0x34, SHIFT},      /* @ */
+{0x04, SHIFT},      /* A */
+{0x05, SHIFT},      /* B */
+{0x06, SHIFT},      /* C */
+{0x07, SHIFT},      /* D */
+{0x08, SHIFT},      /* E */
+{0x09, SHIFT},      /* F */
+{0x0a, SHIFT},      /* G */
+{0x0b, SHIFT},      /* H */
+{0x0c, SHIFT},      /* I */
+{0x0d, SHIFT},      /* J */
+{0x0e, SHIFT},      /* K */
+{0x0f, SHIFT},      /* L */
+{0x10, SHIFT},      /* M */
+{0x11, SHIFT},      /* N */
+{0x12, SHIFT},      /* O */
+{0x13, SHIFT},      /* P */
+{0x14, SHIFT},      /* Q */
+{0x15, SHIFT},      /* R */
+{0x16, SHIFT},      /* S */
+{0x17, SHIFT},      /* T */
+{0x18, SHIFT},      /* U */
+{0x19, SHIFT},      /* V */
+{0x1a, SHIFT},      /* W */
+{0x1b, SHIFT},      /* X */
+{0x1c, SHIFT},      /* Y */
+{0x1d, SHIFT},      /* Z */
+{0x2f, 0},          /* [ */
+{0x64, 0},          /* \ */ 
+{0x30, 0},          /* ] */
+{0x23, SHIFT},      /* ^ */
+{0x2d, SHIFT},      /* _ */
+{0x35, 0},          /* ` */
+{0x04, 0},          /* a */
+{0x05, 0},          /* b */
+{0x06, 0},          /* c */
+{0x07, 0},          /* d */
+{0x08, 0},          /* e */
+{0x09, 0},          /* f */
+{0x0a, 0},          /* g */
+{0x0b, 0},          /* h */
+{0x0c, 0},          /* i */
+{0x0d, 0},          /* j */
+{0x0e, 0},          /* k */
+{0x0f, 0},          /* l */
+{0x10, 0},          /* m */
+{0x11, 0},          /* n */
+{0x12, 0},          /* o */
+{0x13, 0},          /* p */
+{0x14, 0},          /* q */
+{0x15, 0},          /* r */
+{0x16, 0},          /* s */
+{0x17, 0},          /* t */
+{0x18, 0},          /* u */
+{0x19, 0},          /* v */
+{0x1a, 0},          /* w */
+{0x1b, 0},          /* x */
+{0x1c, 0},          /* y */
+{0x1d, 0},          /* z */
+{0x2f, SHIFT},      /* { */
+{0x64, SHIFT},      /* | */ 
+{0x30, SHIFT},      /* } */
+{0x32, SHIFT},      /* ~ */ 
+{0,0},             /* DEL */
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/usbdc.cpp	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+/* usbdc.cpp */
+/* USB device controller */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#include "mbed.h"  
+#include "usbdc.h"
+#include "cmsis.h"
+#ifdef  TARGET_LPC2368
+#undef  LPC_USB_BASE
+#define LPC_USB_BASE (0xFFE0C000) /* TODO */
+/* Power Control for Peripherals register */
+#define PCUSB      ((unsigned long)1<<31)
+/* USB Clock Control register */
+#define DEV_CLK_EN ((unsigned long)1<<1)
+#define AHB_CLK_EN ((unsigned long)1<<4)
+/* USB Clock Status register */
+#define DEV_CLK_ON ((unsigned long)1<<1)
+#define AHB_CLK_ON ((unsigned long)1<<4)
+/* USB Device Interupt registers */
+#define FRAME      ((unsigned long)1<<0)
+#define EP_FAST    ((unsigned long)1<<1)
+#define EP_SLOW    ((unsigned long)1<<2)
+#define DEV_STAT   ((unsigned long)1<<3)
+#define CCEMPTY    ((unsigned long)1<<4)
+#define CDFULL     ((unsigned long)1<<5)
+#define RxENDPKT   ((unsigned long)1<<6)
+#define TxENDPKT   ((unsigned long)1<<7)
+#define EP_RLZED   ((unsigned long)1<<8)
+#define ERR_INT    ((unsigned long)1<<9)
+/* Endpoint Interrupt Registers */
+#define EP(endpoint) (1<<endpoint)
+/* USB Control register */
+#define RD_EN (1<<0)
+#define WR_EN (1<<1)
+#define LOG_ENDPOINT(endpoint) ((endpoint>>1)<<2)
+/* USB Receive Packet Length register */
+#define DV      ((unsigned long)1<<10)
+#define PKT_RDY ((unsigned long)1<<11)
+#define PKT_LNGTH_MASK (0x3ff)
+/* Serial Interface Engine (SIE) */
+#define SIE_WRITE   (0x01)
+#define SIE_READ    (0x02)
+#define SIE_COMMAND (0x05)
+#define SIE_CMD_CODE(phase, data) ((phase<<8)|(data<<16))
+/* SIE Command codes */
+#define SIE_CMD_SET_ADDRESS        (0xD0)
+#define SIE_CMD_SET_MODE           (0xF3)
+#define SIE_CMD_GET_ERROR_CODE     (0xFF)
+#define SIE_CMD_SELECT_ENDPOINT(endpoint)                 (0x00+endpoint)
+#define SIE_CMD_SELECT_ENDPOINT_CLEAR_INTERRUPT(endpoint) (0x40+endpoint)
+#define SIE_CMD_SET_ENDPOINT_STATUS(endpoint)             (0x40+endpoint)
+#define SIE_CMD_CLEAR_BUFFER    (0xF2)
+/* SIE Device Status register */
+#define SIE_DS_CON    (1<<0)
+#define SIE_DS_CON_CH (1<<1)
+#define SIE_DS_SUS    (1<<2)
+#define SIE_DS_SUS_CH (1<<3)
+#define SIE_DS_RST    (1<<4)
+/* SIE Device Set Address register */
+#define SIE_DSA_DEV_EN  (1<<7)
+/* SIE Configue Device register */
+#define SIE_CONF_DEVICE (1<<0)
+/* Select Endpoint register */
+#define SIE_SE_FE       (1<<0)
+#define SIE_SE_ST       (1<<1)
+#define SIE_SE_STP      (1<<2)
+#define SIE_SE_PO       (1<<3)
+#define SIE_SE_EPN      (1<<4)
+#define SIE_SE_B_1_FULL (1<<5)
+#define SIE_SE_B_2_FULL (1<<6)
+/* Set Endpoint Status command */
+#define SIE_SES_ST      (1<<0)
+#define SIE_SES_DA      (1<<5)
+#define SIE_SES_RF_MO   (1<<6)
+#define SIE_SES_CND_ST  (1<<7)
+usbdc *usbdc::instance;
+#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
+    LPC_SC->USBCLKCFG=5; /* TODO */
+    /* Enable power to USB device controller */
+    /* Enable USB clocks */
+    while (LPC_USB->USBClkSt != (DEV_CLK_ON | AHB_CLK_ON));
+    /* Configure pins P0.29 and P0.30 to be USB D+ and USB D- */
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= 0xc3ffffff;
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |= 0x14000000;
+#ifdef ENABLE_VBUS    
+    /* Configure pin P1.30 to be VBUS */
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 &= 0xcfffffff;
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 |= 0x20000000;
+    /* Configure pin P1.30 to have pull-down */
+    LPC_PINCON->PINMODE3 |= 0x30000000;
+    /* Configure pin P2.9 to be Connect */
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 &= 0xfffcffff;
+    LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 |= 0x00040000;
+    /* Connect must be low for at least 2.5uS */
+    wait_ms(1);
+    /* Attach IRQ */
+    instance = this;
+    NVIC_SetVector(USB_IRQn, (uint32_t)&_usbisr);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(USB_IRQn); 
+    /* Enable device interrupts */
+    enableEvents();
+void usbdc::connect(void)
+    /* Connect USB device */
+    unsigned char status;
+    status = getDeviceStatus();
+    setDeviceStatus(status | SIE_DS_CON);
+void usbdc::disconnect(void)
+    /* Disconnect USB device */
+    unsigned char status;
+    status = getDeviceStatus();
+    setDeviceStatus(status & ~SIE_DS_CON);
+void usbdc::SIECommand(unsigned long command)
+    /* The command phase of a SIE transaction */
+    LPC_USB->USBCmdCode = SIE_CMD_CODE(SIE_COMMAND, command);
+    while (!(LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & CCEMPTY)); 
+void usbdc::SIEWriteData(unsigned char data)
+    /* The data write phase of a SIE transaction */
+    while (!(LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & CCEMPTY)); 
+unsigned char usbdc::SIEReadData(unsigned long command)
+    /* The data read phase of a SIE transaction */
+    LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr = CDFULL;
+    LPC_USB->USBCmdCode = SIE_CMD_CODE(SIE_READ, command);
+    while (!(LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & CDFULL));
+    return (unsigned char)LPC_USB->USBCmdData;
+void usbdc::setDeviceStatus(unsigned char status)
+    /* Write SIE device status register */
+    SIEWriteData(status);
+unsigned char usbdc::getDeviceStatus(void)
+    /* Read SIE device status register */
+void usbdc::setAddress(unsigned char address)
+    /* Write SIE device address register */
+    SIEWriteData((address & 0x7f) | SIE_DSA_DEV_EN);
+unsigned char usbdc::selectEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* SIE select endpoint command */
+    SIECommand(SIE_CMD_SELECT_ENDPOINT(endpoint));
+    return SIEReadData(SIE_CMD_SELECT_ENDPOINT(endpoint));
+#if 1
+unsigned char usbdc::selectEndpointClearInterrupt(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* SIE select endpoint and clear interrupt command */
+    /* Using the Select Endpoint / Clear Interrupt SIE command does not seem   */
+    /* to clear the appropriate bit in EP_INT_STAT? - using EP_INT_CLR instead */
+    LPC_USB->USBEpIntClr = EP(endpoint);
+    while (!(LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & CDFULL));
+    return (unsigned char)LPC_USB->USBCmdData;
+unsigned char usbdc::selectEndpointClearInterrupt(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* SIE select endpoint and clear interrupt command */
+unsigned char usbdc::clearBuffer(void)
+    /* SIE clear buffer command */
+    return SIEReadData(SIE_CMD_CLEAR_BUFFER);
+void usbdc::validateBuffer(void)
+    /* SIE validate buffer command */
+void usbdc::setEndpointStatus(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char status)
+    /* SIE set endpoint status command */
+    SIECommand(SIE_CMD_SET_ENDPOINT_STATUS(endpoint));
+    SIEWriteData(status);
+void usbdc::realiseEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned long maxPacket)
+    /* Realise an endpoint */
+    LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr = EP_RLZED;
+    LPC_USB->USBReEp |= EP(endpoint);
+    LPC_USB->USBEpInd = endpoint;
+    LPC_USB->USBMaxPSize = maxPacket;
+    while (!(LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & EP_RLZED));
+    LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr = EP_RLZED;
+    /* Clear stall state */
+    endpointStallState &= ~EP(endpoint);
+void usbdc::enableEndpointEvent(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* Enable an endpoint interrupt */
+    LPC_USB->USBEpIntEn |= EP(endpoint);
+void usbdc::disableEndpointEvent(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* Disable an endpoint interrupt */
+    LPC_USB->USBEpIntEn &= ~EP(endpoint);
+void usbdc::stallEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* Stall an endpoint */
+    if ( (endpoint==EP0IN) || (endpoint==EP0OUT) )
+    {
+        /* Conditionally stall both control endpoints */
+        setEndpointStatus(EP0OUT, SIE_SES_CND_ST);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        setEndpointStatus(endpoint, SIE_SES_ST);
+        /* Update stall state */
+        endpointStallState |= EP(endpoint);
+    }
+void usbdc::unstallEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* Unstall an endpoint. The endpoint will also be reinitialised */
+    setEndpointStatus(endpoint, 0);
+    /* Update stall state */
+    endpointStallState &= ~EP(endpoint);
+bool usbdc::getEndpointStallState(unsigned char endpoint)
+    /* Returns true if endpoint stalled */
+    return endpointStallState & EP(endpoint);
+void usbdc::configureDevice(void)
+    /* SIE Configure device command */
+void usbdc::unconfigureDevice(void)
+    /* SIE Configure device command */
+    SIEWriteData(0);
+unsigned long usbdc::endpointRead(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char *buffer)
+    /* Read from an OUT endpoint */
+    unsigned long size;
+    unsigned long i;
+    unsigned long data;
+    unsigned char offset;
+    LPC_USB->USBCtrl = LOG_ENDPOINT(endpoint) | RD_EN;
+    while (!(LPC_USB->USBRxPLen & PKT_RDY));
+    size = LPC_USB->USBRxPLen & PKT_LNGTH_MASK;
+    offset = 0;
+    for (i=0; i<size; i++)
+    {    
+        if (offset==0)
+        {    
+            /* Fetch up to four bytes of data as a word */
+            data = LPC_USB->USBRxData;
+        }
+        /* extract a byte */
+        *buffer++ = data>>offset;
+        /* move on to the next byte */
+        offset = (offset + 8) % 32;
+    }    
+    /* Clear RD_EN to cover zero length packet case */
+    LPC_USB->USBCtrl=0;
+    selectEndpoint(endpoint);
+    clearBuffer();
+    return size;
+void usbdc::endpointWrite(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long size)
+    /* Write to an IN endpoint */
+    unsigned long temp, data;
+    unsigned char offset;
+    LPC_USB->USBCtrl = LOG_ENDPOINT(endpoint) | WR_EN;
+    LPC_USB->USBTxPLen = size;    
+    offset = 0;
+    data = 0;
+    if (size>0)
+    {
+        do {
+            /* Fetch next data byte into a word-sized temporary variable */
+            temp = *buffer++;
+            /* Add to current data word */
+            temp = temp << offset;
+            data = data | temp;
+            /* move on to the next byte */
+            offset = (offset + 8) % 32;
+            size--;
+            if ((offset==0) || (size==0))
+            {
+                /* Write the word to the endpoint */
+                LPC_USB->USBTxData = data;
+                data = 0;
+            }    
+        } while (size>0);
+    }
+    /* Clear WR_EN to cover zero length packet case */
+    LPC_USB->USBCtrl=0;
+    selectEndpoint(endpoint);
+    validateBuffer();
+void usbdc::enableEvents(void)
+    /* Enable interrupt sources */
+void usbdc::disableEvents(void)
+    /* Disable interrupt sources */
+void usbdc::usbisr(void)
+    unsigned char devStat;
+    if (LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & FRAME)
+    {
+        /* Frame event */
+        deviceEventFrame();
+        /* Clear interrupt status flag */
+        LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr = FRAME;
+    }
+    if (LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & DEV_STAT)
+    {
+        /* Device Status interrupt */        
+        /* Must clear the interrupt status flag before reading the device status from the SIE */
+        LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr = DEV_STAT;    
+        /* Read device status from SIE */
+        devStat = getDeviceStatus();
+        if (devStat & SIE_DS_RST)
+        {
+            /* Bus reset */
+            deviceEventReset();
+        }
+    }
+    if (LPC_USB->USBDevIntSt & EP_SLOW)
+    {
+        /* (Slow) Endpoint Interrupt */
+        /* Process each endpoint interrupt */
+        if (LPC_USB->USBEpIntSt & EP(EP0OUT))
+        {
+            if (selectEndpointClearInterrupt(EP0OUT) & SIE_SE_STP)
+            {
+                /* this is a setup packet */
+                endpointEventEP0Setup();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                endpointEventEP0Out();
+            }
+        }
+        if (LPC_USB->USBEpIntSt & EP(EP0IN))
+        {
+            selectEndpointClearInterrupt(EP0IN);
+            endpointEventEP0In();
+        }
+        if (LPC_USB->USBEpIntSt & EP(EP1OUT))
+        {
+            selectEndpointClearInterrupt(EP1OUT);
+            endpointEventEP1Out();
+        }    
+        if (LPC_USB->USBEpIntSt & EP(EP1IN))
+        {
+            selectEndpointClearInterrupt(EP1IN);
+            endpointEventEP1In();
+        }    
+        if (LPC_USB->USBEpIntSt & EP(EP2OUT))
+        {
+            selectEndpointClearInterrupt(EP2OUT);
+            endpointEventEP2Out();
+        }    
+        if (LPC_USB->USBEpIntSt & EP(EP2IN))
+        {
+            selectEndpointClearInterrupt(EP2IN);
+            endpointEventEP2In();
+        }    
+        /* Clear interrupt status flag */
+        /* EP_SLOW and EP_FAST interrupt bits should be cleared after the corresponding endpoint interrupts are cleared. */
+        LPC_USB->USBDevIntClr = EP_SLOW;
+    }
+void usbdc::_usbisr(void)
+    instance->usbisr();
+void usbdc::deviceEventReset(void)
+void usbdc::deviceEventFrame(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP0Setup(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP0In(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP0Out(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP1In(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP1Out(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP2In(void)
+void usbdc::endpointEventEP2Out(void)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/usbdc.h	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* usbdc.h */
+/* USB device controller */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#ifndef USBDC_H
+#define USBDC_H
+/* Endpoints */
+#define EP0OUT  (0) /* Control */
+#define EP0IN   (1) /* Control */
+#define EP1OUT  (2) /* Interrupt */
+#define EP1IN   (3) /* Interrupt */
+#define EP2OUT  (4) /* Bulk */
+#define EP2IN   (5) /* Bulk */
+#include "mbed.h"
+class usbdc : public Base 
+    usbdc();
+    void connect(void);
+    void disconnect(void);
+    void setAddress(unsigned char address);
+    void realiseEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned long maxPacket);
+    void enableEndpointEvent(unsigned char endpoint);
+    void disableEndpointEvent(unsigned char endpoint);
+    void stallEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint);
+    void unstallEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint);
+    bool getEndpointStallState(unsigned char endpoint);
+    void configureDevice(void);
+    void unconfigureDevice(void);
+    unsigned long endpointRead(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char *buffer);
+    void endpointWrite(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long size);
+    void enableEvents(void);
+    void disableEvents(void);    
+    virtual void deviceEventReset(void);
+    virtual void deviceEventFrame(void); 
+    virtual void endpointEventEP0Setup(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP0In(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP0Out(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP1In(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP1Out(void);    
+    virtual void endpointEventEP2In(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP2Out(void);        
+    void SIECommand(unsigned long command);
+    void SIEWriteData(unsigned char data);
+    unsigned char SIEReadData(unsigned long command);
+    void setDeviceStatus(unsigned char status);
+    void setEndpointStatus(unsigned char endpoint, unsigned char status);    
+    unsigned char getDeviceStatus(void);
+    unsigned char selectEndpoint(unsigned char endpoint);
+    unsigned char selectEndpointClearInterrupt(unsigned char endpoint);
+    unsigned char clearBuffer(void);
+    void validateBuffer(void);
+    void usbisr(void);
+    unsigned long endpointStallState;
+    static void _usbisr(void);
+    static usbdc *instance;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/usbdevice.cpp	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+/* usbdevice.cpp */
+/* Generic USB device */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "usbdevice.h"
+/* Standard requests */
+#define GET_STATUS        (0)
+#define CLEAR_FEATURE     (1)
+#define SET_FEATURE       (3)
+#define SET_ADDRESS       (5)
+#define GET_DESCRIPTOR    (6)
+#define SET_DESCRIPTOR    (7)
+#define GET_INTERFACE     (10)
+#define SET_INTERFACE     (11)
+/* Device status */
+/* Endpoint status */
+#define ENDPOINT_STATUS_HALT        (1<<0)
+/* Standard feature selectors */
+#define DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP        (1)
+#define ENDPOINT_HALT               (0)
+/* Macro to convert wIndex endpoint number to physical endpoint number */
+#define WINDEX_TO_PHYSICAL(endpoint) (((endpoint & 0x0f) << 1) + ((endpoint & 0x80) ? 1 : 0))
+USB_DEVICE device;
+    /* Set initial device state */
+    device.state = POWERED;
+    device.configuration = 0;
+    device.suspended = false;
+    /* Set the maximum packet size for the control endpoints */
+    realiseEndpoint(EP0IN, MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0);
+    realiseEndpoint(EP0OUT, MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0);
+    /* Enable endpoint events for EP0 */
+    enableEndpointEvent(EP0IN);
+    enableEndpointEvent(EP0OUT);
+void usbdevice::endpointEventEP0Setup(void)
+    /* Endpoint 0 setup event */
+    if (!controlSetup())
+    {    
+        /* Protocol stall; this will stall both endpoints */
+        stallEndpoint(EP0OUT);
+    }
+void usbdevice::endpointEventEP0Out(void)
+    /* Endpoint 0 OUT data event */
+    if (!controlOut())
+    {    
+        /* Protocol stall; this will stall both endpoints */
+        stallEndpoint(EP0OUT);
+    }    
+void usbdevice::endpointEventEP0In(void)
+    /* Endpoint 0 IN data event */
+    if (!controlIn())
+    {    
+        /* Protocol stall; this will stall both endpoints */
+        stallEndpoint(EP0OUT);
+    }
+void usbdevice::deviceEventReset(void)
+    device.state = DEFAULT;
+    device.configuration = 0;
+    device.suspended = false;
+void usbdevice::decodeSetupPacket(unsigned char *data, SETUP_PACKET *packet)
+    /* Fill in the elements of a SETUP_PACKET structure from raw data */
+    packet->bmRequestType.dataTransferDirection = (data[0] & 0x80) >> 7;
+    packet->bmRequestType.Type = (data[0] & 0x60) >> 5;
+    packet->bmRequestType.Recipient = data[0] & 0x1f;
+    packet->bRequest = data[1];
+    packet->wValue = (data[2] | (unsigned short)data[3] << 8);
+    packet->wIndex = (data[4] | (unsigned short)data[5] << 8);
+    packet->wLength = (data[6] | (unsigned short)data[7] << 8);
+bool usbdevice::controlSetup(void)
+    /* Control transfer setup stage */
+    unsigned char buffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0];
+    unsigned long count;
+    count = endpointRead(EP0OUT, buffer);
+    /* Must be 8 bytes of data */
+    if (count != 8)
+    {    
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Initialise control transfer state */
+    decodeSetupPacket(buffer, &transfer.setup);        
+    transfer.ptr = NULL;
+    transfer.remaining = 0;
+    transfer.direction = 0;
+    transfer.zlp = false;
+    /* Process request */
+    if (!requestSetup())
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Check transfer size and direction  */
+    if (transfer.setup.wLength>0)
+    {
+        if (transfer.setup.bmRequestType.dataTransferDirection==DEVICE_TO_HOST)
+        {
+            /* IN data stage is required */
+            if (transfer.direction != DEVICE_TO_HOST)
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            /* Transfer must be less than or equal to the size requested by the host */
+            if (transfer.remaining > transfer.setup.wLength)
+            {
+                transfer.remaining = transfer.setup.wLength;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* OUT data stage is required */
+            if (transfer.direction != HOST_TO_DEVICE)
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            /* Transfer must be equal to the size requested by the host */
+            if (transfer.remaining != transfer.setup.wLength)
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* No data stage; transfer size must be zero */
+        if (transfer.remaining != 0)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }                
+    /* Data or status stage if applicable */
+    if (transfer.setup.wLength>0)
+    {
+        if (transfer.setup.bmRequestType.dataTransferDirection==DEVICE_TO_HOST)
+        {            
+            /* Check if we'll need to send a zero length packet at the end of this transfer */
+            if (transfer.setup.wLength > transfer.remaining)
+            {
+                /* Device wishes to transfer less than host requested */
+                if ((transfer.remaining % MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0) == 0)
+                {
+                    /* Transfer is a multiple of EP0 max packet size */
+                    transfer.zlp = true;
+                }            
+            }
+            /* IN stage */
+            controlIn();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Status stage */
+        endpointWrite(EP0IN, NULL, 0);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::controlOut(void)
+    /* Control transfer data OUT stage */
+    unsigned char buffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0];
+    unsigned long packetSize;
+    /* Check we should be transferring data OUT */
+    if (transfer.direction != HOST_TO_DEVICE)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Read from endpoint */
+    packetSize = endpointRead(EP0OUT, buffer);
+    /* Check if transfer size is valid */
+    if (packetSize > transfer.remaining)
+    {
+        /* Too big */
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Update transfer */
+    transfer.ptr += packetSize;
+    transfer.remaining -= packetSize;
+    /* Check if transfer has completed */
+    if (transfer.remaining == 0)
+    {
+        /* Process request */        
+        if (!requestOut())
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+        /* Status stage */
+        endpointWrite(EP0IN, NULL, 0);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::controlIn(void)
+    /* Control transfer data IN stage */    
+    unsigned packetSize;
+    /* Check if transfer has completed (status stage transactions also have transfer.remaining == 0) */
+    if (transfer.remaining == 0)
+    {
+        if (transfer.zlp)
+        {
+            /* Send zero length packet */
+            endpointWrite(EP0IN, NULL, 0);
+            transfer.zlp = false;
+        }
+        /* Completed */
+        return true;
+    }
+    /* Check we should be transferring data IN */
+    if (transfer.direction != DEVICE_TO_HOST)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    packetSize = transfer.remaining;
+    if (packetSize > MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0)
+    {
+        packetSize = MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0;
+    }
+    /* Write to endpoint */
+    endpointWrite(EP0IN, transfer.ptr, packetSize);
+    /* Update transfer */
+    transfer.ptr += packetSize;
+    transfer.remaining -= packetSize;
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::requestSetup(void)
+    bool success = false;
+    /* Process standard requests */
+    if ((transfer.setup.bmRequestType.Type == STANDARD_TYPE))
+    {
+        switch (transfer.setup.bRequest)
+        {
+             case GET_STATUS:
+                 success = requestGetStatus();
+                 break;
+             case CLEAR_FEATURE:
+                 success = requestClearFeature();
+                 break;
+             case SET_FEATURE:
+                 success = requestSetFeature();
+                 break;
+             case SET_ADDRESS:
+                success = requestSetAddress();
+                 break;    
+             case GET_DESCRIPTOR:
+                 success = requestGetDescriptor();
+                 break;
+             case SET_DESCRIPTOR:
+                 /* TODO: Support is optional, not implemented here */
+                 success = false;
+                 break;
+             case GET_CONFIGURATION:
+                 success = requestGetConfiguration();
+                 break;
+             case SET_CONFIGURATION:
+                 success = requestSetConfiguration();
+                 break;
+             case GET_INTERFACE:
+                 success = requestGetInterface();
+                 break;
+             case SET_INTERFACE:
+                 success = requestSetInterface();
+                 break;
+             default:
+                 break;
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool usbdevice::requestOut(void)
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::requestSetAddress(void)
+    /* Set the device address */
+    setAddress(transfer.setup.wValue);    
+    if (transfer.setup.wValue == 0)
+    {
+        device.state = DEFAULT;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        device.state = ADDRESS;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::requestSetConfiguration(void)
+    /* Set the device configuration */    
+    if (transfer.setup.wValue == 0)
+    {
+        /* Not configured */
+        unconfigureDevice();
+        device.state = ADDRESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        configureDevice();
+        device.state = CONFIGURED;
+    }
+    /* TODO: We do not currently support multiple configurations, just keep a record of the configuration value */
+    device.configuration = transfer.setup.wValue;
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::requestGetConfiguration(void)
+    /* Send the device configuration */
+    transfer.ptr = &device.configuration;
+    transfer.remaining = sizeof(device.configuration);
+    transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+    return true;
+bool usbdevice::requestGetInterface(void)
+    static unsigned char alternateSetting;
+    /* Return the selected alternate setting for an interface */
+    if (device.state != CONFIGURED)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* TODO: We currently do not support alternate settings so always return zero */
+    /* TODO: Should check that the interface number is valid */    
+    alternateSetting = 0;
+    /* Send the alternate setting */
+    transfer.ptr = &alternateSetting;
+    transfer.remaining = sizeof(alternateSetting);
+    transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+    return true;    
+bool usbdevice::requestSetInterface(void)
+    /* TODO: We currently do not support alternate settings, return false */
+    return false;
+bool usbdevice::requestSetFeature()
+    bool success = false;
+    if (device.state != CONFIGURED)
+    {
+        /* Endpoint or interface must be zero */
+        if (transfer.setup.wIndex != 0)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    switch (transfer.setup.bmRequestType.Recipient)
+    {
+        case DEVICE_RECIPIENT:
+            /* TODO: Remote wakeup feature not supported */
+            break;
+        case ENDPOINT_RECIPIENT:    
+            if (transfer.setup.wValue == ENDPOINT_HALT)
+            {
+                /* TODO: We should check that the endpoint number is valid */
+                stallEndpoint(WINDEX_TO_PHYSICAL(transfer.setup.wIndex));
+                success = true;
+            }            
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return success;
+bool usbdevice::requestClearFeature()
+    bool success = false;
+    if (device.state != CONFIGURED)
+    {
+        /* Endpoint or interface must be zero */
+        if (transfer.setup.wIndex != 0)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    switch (transfer.setup.bmRequestType.Recipient)
+    {
+        case DEVICE_RECIPIENT:
+            /* TODO: Remote wakeup feature not supported */
+            break;
+            /* TODO: We should check that the endpoint number is valid */    
+            if (transfer.setup.wValue == ENDPOINT_HALT)
+            {
+                unstallEndpoint(WINDEX_TO_PHYSICAL(transfer.setup.wIndex));
+                success = true;
+            }            
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return success;
+bool usbdevice::requestGetStatus(void)
+    static unsigned short status;
+    bool success = false;
+    if (device.state != CONFIGURED)
+    {
+        /* Endpoint or interface must be zero */
+        if (transfer.setup.wIndex != 0)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    switch (transfer.setup.bmRequestType.Recipient)
+    {
+        case DEVICE_RECIPIENT:
+            /* TODO: Currently only supports self powered devices */
+            status = DEVICE_STATUS_SELF_POWERED;
+            success = true;
+            break;
+            status = 0;
+            success = true;
+            break;
+            /* TODO: We should check that the endpoint number is valid */
+            if (getEndpointStallState(WINDEX_TO_PHYSICAL(transfer.setup.wIndex)))
+            {
+                status = ENDPOINT_STATUS_HALT;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                status = 0;
+            } 
+            success = true;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    if (success)
+    {
+        /* Send the status */ 
+        transfer.ptr = (unsigned char *)&status; /* Assumes little endian */
+        transfer.remaining = sizeof(status); 
+        transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+    }
+    return success;
+bool usbdevice::requestGetDescriptor(void)
+    return false;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/usbdevice.h	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/* usbdevice.h */
+/* Generic USB device */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#ifndef USBDEVICE_H
+#define USBDEVICE_H
+#include "usbdc.h"
+/* Endpoint packet sizes */
+#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0 (64)
+/* bmRequestType.dataTransferDirection */
+#define HOST_TO_DEVICE (0)
+#define DEVICE_TO_HOST (1)
+/* bmRequestType.Type*/
+#define STANDARD_TYPE  (0)
+#define CLASS_TYPE     (1)
+#define VENDOR_TYPE    (2)
+#define RESERVED_TYPE  (3)
+/* bmRequestType.Recipient */
+#define DEVICE_RECIPIENT    (0)
+#define OTHER_RECIPIENT     (3)
+/* Descriptors */
+#define DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(wValue)  (wValue >> 8)
+#define DESCRIPTOR_INDEX(wValue) (wValue & 0xf)
+/* Descriptor type */
+#define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR        (1)
+#define STRING_DESCRIPTOR        (3)
+#define ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR      (5)
+typedef struct {
+    struct { 
+        unsigned char dataTransferDirection;
+        unsigned char Type;
+        unsigned char Recipient;
+    } bmRequestType;
+    unsigned char  bRequest;
+    unsigned short wValue;
+    unsigned short wIndex;
+    unsigned short wLength;
+typedef struct {
+    SETUP_PACKET  setup;
+    unsigned char *ptr;
+    unsigned long remaining;
+    unsigned char direction;
+    bool          zlp;
+typedef struct {
+    DEVICE_STATE  state;
+    unsigned char configuration;
+    bool          suspended;
+class usbdevice : public usbdc
+    usbdevice(); 
+    virtual void endpointEventEP0Setup(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP0In(void);
+    virtual void endpointEventEP0Out(void);
+    virtual bool requestSetup(void);
+    virtual bool requestOut(void);
+    virtual void deviceEventReset(void);
+    virtual bool requestGetDescriptor(void);
+            bool requestSetAddress(void);
+    virtual bool requestSetConfiguration(void);
+    virtual bool requestGetConfiguration(void);
+            bool requestGetStatus(void);
+    virtual bool requestSetInterface(void);
+    virtual bool requestGetInterface(void);
+            bool requestSetFeature(void);
+            bool requestClearFeature(void);    
+    CONTROL_TRANSFER transfer;
+    USB_DEVICE device;
+    bool controlIn(void);
+    bool controlOut(void);
+    bool controlSetup(void);
+    void decodeSetupPacket(unsigned char *data, SETUP_PACKET *packet);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/usbhid.cpp	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+/* usbhid.cpp */
+/* USB HID class device */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "usbhid.h"
+#include "asciihid.h"
+/* Endpoint packet sizes */
+#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP1 (64)
+/* HID Class */
+#define HID_CLASS         (3)
+#define HID_SUBCLASS_NONE (0)
+#define HID_PROTOCOL_NONE (0)
+#define HID_DESCRIPTOR    (33)
+/* Class requests */
+#define GET_REPORT (0x1)
+#define GET_IDLE   (0x2)
+#define SET_REPORT (0x9)
+#define SET_IDLE   (0xa)
+/* Descriptors */
+unsigned char deviceDescriptor[] = {
+    0x12,                    /* bLength */
+    DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR,       /* bDescriptorType */
+    0x00,                    /* bcdUSB (LSB) */
+    0x02,                    /* bcdUSB (MSB) */
+    0x00,                    /* bDeviceClass */
+    0x00,                    /* bDeviceSubClass */
+    0x00,                    /* bDeviceprotocol */
+    MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP0,     /* bMaxPacketSize0 */
+    0x28,                    /* idVendor (LSB) */
+    0x0d,                    /* idVendor (MSB) */
+    0x05,                    /* idProduct (LSB) */
+    0x02,                    /* idProduct (MSB) */
+    0x00,                    /* bcdDevice (LSB) */
+    0x00,                    /* bcdDevice (MSB) */
+    0x00,                    /* iManufacturer */
+    0x00,                    /* iProduct */
+    0x00,                    /* iSerialNumber */
+    0x01                     /* bNumConfigurations */
+    };
+unsigned char configurationDescriptor[] = {
+    0x09,                        /* bLength */
+    CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR,    /* bDescriptorType */
+    0x09+0x09+0x09+0x07,         /* wTotalLength (LSB) */
+    0x00,                        /* wTotalLength (MSB) */
+    0x01,                        /* bNumInterfaces */
+    0x01,                        /* bConfigurationValue */
+    0x00,                        /* iConfiguration */
+    0xc0,                        /* bmAttributes */
+    0x00,                        /* bMaxPower */
+    0x09,                        /* bLength */
+    INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR,        /* bDescriptorType */    
+    0x00,                        /* bInterfaceNumber */
+    0x00,                        /* bAlternateSetting */
+    0x01,                        /* bNumEndpoints */
+    HID_CLASS,                   /* bInterfaceClass */
+    HID_SUBCLASS_NONE,           /* bInterfaceSubClass */
+    HID_PROTOCOL_NONE,           /* bInterfaceProtocol */
+    0x00,                        /* iInterface */
+    0x09,                        /* bLength */
+    HID_DESCRIPTOR,              /* bDescriptorType */
+    0x11,                        /* bcdHID (LSB) */
+    0x01,                        /* bcdHID (MSB) */
+    0x00,                        /* bCountryCode */
+    0x01,                        /* bNumDescriptors */
+    REPORT_DESCRIPTOR,           /* bDescriptorType */
+    0x79,                        /* wDescriptorLength (LSB) */
+    0x00,                        /* wDescriptorLength (MSB) */
+    0x07,                        /* bLength */
+    ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR,         /* bDescriptorType */
+    0x81,                        /* bEndpointAddress */
+    0x03,                        /* bmAttributes */
+    MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP1,         /* wMaxPacketSize (LSB) */
+    0x00,                        /* wMaxPacketSize (MSB) */
+    0x0a,                        /* bInterval */
+    };
+/* HID Class Report Descriptor */
+/* Short items: size is 0, 1, 2 or 3 specifying 0, 1, 2 or 4 (four) bytes of data as per HID Class standard */
+/* Main items */
+#define INPUT(size)             (0x80 | size)
+#define OUTPUT(size)            (0x90 | size)
+#define FEATURE(size)           (0xb0 | size)
+#define COLLECTION(size)        (0xa0 | size)
+#define END_COLLECTION(size)    (0xc0 | size)
+/* Global items */
+#define USAGE_PAGE(size)        (0x04 | size)
+#define LOGICAL_MIN(size)       (0x14 | size)
+#define LOGICAL_MAX(size)       (0x24 | size)
+#define PHYSICAL_MIN(size)      (0x34 | size)
+#define PHYSICAL_MAX(size)      (0x44 | size)
+#define UNIT_EXPONENT(size)     (0x54 | size)
+#define UNIT(size)              (0x64 | size)
+#define REPORT_SIZE(size)       (0x74 | size)
+#define REPORT_ID(size)         (0x84 | size)
+#define REPORT_COUNT(size)      (0x94 | size)
+#define PUSH(size)              (0xa4 | size)
+#define POP(size)               (0xb4 | size)
+/* Local items */
+#define USAGE(size)             (0x08 | size)
+#define USAGE_MIN(size)         (0x18 | size)
+#define USAGE_MAX(size)         (0x28 | size)
+#define DESIGNATOR_INDEX(size)  (0x38 | size)
+#define DESIGNATOR_MIN(size)    (0x48 | size)
+#define DESIGNATOR_MAX(size)    (0x58 | size)
+#define STRING_INDEX(size)      (0x78 | size)
+#define STRING_MIN(size)        (0x88 | size)
+#define STRING_MAX(size)        (0x98 | size)
+#define DELIMITER(size)         (0xa8 | size)
+#define REPORT_ID_KEYBOARD      (1)
+#define REPORT_ID_MOUSE         (2)
+#define MAX_REPORT_SIZE         (8)
+unsigned char reportDescriptor[] = {
+/* Keyboard */
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x01,
+USAGE(1),           0x06,
+COLLECTION(1),      0x01,
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x07,
+USAGE_MIN(1),       0xE0,
+USAGE_MAX(1),       0xE7,
+LOGICAL_MIN(1),     0x00,
+LOGICAL_MAX(1),     0x01,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x01,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x08,
+INPUT(1),           0x02,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x01,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x08,
+INPUT(1),           0x01,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x05,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x01,
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x08,
+USAGE_MIN(1),       0x01,
+USAGE_MAX(1),       0x05,
+OUTPUT(1),          0x02,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x01,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x03,
+OUTPUT(1),          0x01,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x06,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x08,
+LOGICAL_MIN(1),     0x00,
+LOGICAL_MAX(2),     0xff, 0x00,
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x07,
+USAGE_MIN(1),       0x00,
+USAGE_MAX(2),       0xff, 0x00,
+INPUT(1),           0x00,
+/* Mouse */
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x01, 
+USAGE(1),           0x02, 
+COLLECTION(1),      0x01, 
+USAGE(1),           0x01, 
+COLLECTION(1),      0x00, 
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x03,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x01,
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x09,
+USAGE_MIN(1),       0x1,
+USAGE_MAX(1),       0x3,
+LOGICAL_MIN(1),     0x00,
+LOGICAL_MAX(1),     0x01,
+INPUT(1),           0x02,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x01,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x05,
+INPUT(1),           0x01,
+REPORT_COUNT(1),    0x03,
+REPORT_SIZE(1),     0x08,
+USAGE_PAGE(1),      0x01,
+USAGE(1),           0x30,
+USAGE(1),           0x31,
+USAGE(1),           0x38,
+LOGICAL_MIN(1),     0x81,
+LOGICAL_MAX(1),     0x7f,
+INPUT(1),           0x06,
+volatile bool complete;
+volatile bool configured;
+unsigned char outputReport[MAX_REPORT_SIZE];
+    configured = false;
+    connect();
+void usbhid::deviceEventReset()
+    configured = false;
+    /* Must call base class */ 
+    usbdevice::deviceEventReset();
+bool usbhid::requestSetConfiguration(void)
+    bool result;
+    /* Configure IN interrupt endpoint */
+    realiseEndpoint(EP1IN, MAX_PACKET_SIZE_EP1);
+    enableEndpointEvent(EP1IN);
+    /* Must call base class */
+    result = usbdevice::requestSetConfiguration();
+    if (result)
+    {
+        /* Now configured */
+        configured = true;
+    }
+    return result;
+bool usbhid::requestGetDescriptor(void)
+    bool success = false;
+    switch (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(transfer.setup.wValue))
+    {
+        case DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR:
+            transfer.remaining = sizeof(deviceDescriptor);
+            transfer.ptr = deviceDescriptor;
+            transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+            success = true;
+            break;
+            transfer.remaining =  sizeof(configurationDescriptor);
+            transfer.ptr = configurationDescriptor;
+            transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+            success = true;
+            break;
+        case STRING_DESCRIPTOR:
+            /* TODO: Support is optional, not implemented here */
+            break;
+        case HID_DESCRIPTOR:
+            transfer.remaining = 0x09; /* TODO: Fix hard coded size/offset */
+            transfer.ptr = &configurationDescriptor[18];
+            transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+            success = true;            
+            break;
+        case REPORT_DESCRIPTOR:
+            transfer.remaining = sizeof(reportDescriptor);
+            transfer.ptr = reportDescriptor;
+            transfer.direction = DEVICE_TO_HOST;
+            success = true;            
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;    
+    }
+    return success;
+bool usbhid::requestSetup(void)
+    /* Process class requests */
+    bool success = false;
+    if (transfer.setup.bmRequestType.Type == CLASS_TYPE)
+    {
+        switch (transfer.setup.bRequest)
+        {
+             case SET_REPORT:
+                 switch (transfer.setup.wValue & 0xff)
+                 {
+                    case REPORT_ID_KEYBOARD:                     
+                        /* TODO: LED state */
+                        transfer.remaining = sizeof(outputReport);
+                        transfer.ptr = outputReport;
+                        transfer.direction = HOST_TO_DEVICE;
+                        success = true;    
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                 }
+                 break;
+             default:
+                 break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (success)
+    {
+        /* We've handled this request */
+        return true;
+    }
+    return usbdevice::requestSetup();
+bool usbhid::sendInputReport(unsigned char id, unsigned char *data, unsigned char size)
+    /* Send an Input Report */
+    /* If data is NULL an all zero report is sent */
+    static unsigned char report[MAX_REPORT_SIZE+1]; /* +1 for report ID */
+    unsigned char i;
+    if (size > MAX_REPORT_SIZE)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Add report ID */
+    report[0]=id;
+    /* Add report data */
+    if (data != NULL)
+    {    
+        for (i=0; i<size; i++)
+        {
+            report[i+1] = *data++;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {    
+        for (i=0; i<size; i++)
+        {
+            report[i+1] = 0;
+        }
+    }    
+    /* Block if not configured */
+    while (!configured);
+    /* Send report */
+    complete = false;
+    disableEvents();
+    endpointWrite(EP1IN, report, size+1); /* +1 for report ID */
+    enableEvents();
+    /* Wait for completion */
+    while(!complete && configured);    
+    return true;
+void usbhid::endpointEventEP1In(void)
+    complete = true;
+bool usbhid::keyboard(char c)
+    /* Send a simulated keyboard keypress. Returns true if successful. */    
+    unsigned char report[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+    report[0] = keymap[c].modifier;
+    report[2] = keymap[c].usage;
+    /* Key down */
+    if (!sendInputReport(REPORT_ID_KEYBOARD, report, 8))
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    /* Key up */
+    if (!sendInputReport(REPORT_ID_KEYBOARD, NULL, 8))
+    {
+        return false;
+    }    
+    return true;
+bool usbhid::keyboard(char *string)
+    /* Send a string of characters. Returns true if successful. */
+    do {
+        if (!keyboard(*string++))
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    } while (*string != '\0');
+    return true;
+bool usbhid::mouse(signed char x, signed char y, unsigned char buttons, signed char wheel)
+    /* Send a simulated mouse event. Returns true if successful. */    
+    unsigned char report[4]={0,0,0,0};
+    report[0] = buttons;
+    report[1] = x;
+    report[2] = y;
+    report[3] = wheel;
+    if (!sendInputReport(REPORT_ID_MOUSE, report, 4))
+    {
+        return false;
+    }    
+    return true;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBMouse/usbhid.h	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* usbhid.h */
+/* USB HID class device */
+/* Copyright (c) Phil Wright 2008 */
+#ifndef USBHID_H
+#define USBHID_H
+#include "usbdevice.h"
+/* Mouse buttons */
+#define MOUSE_L (1<<0)
+#define MOUSE_M (1<<1)
+#define MOUSE_R (1<<2)
+class usbhid : public usbdevice
+    usbhid();
+    bool keyboard(char c);
+    bool keyboard(char *string);
+    bool mouse(signed char x, signed char y, unsigned char buttons=0, signed char wheel=0);
+    virtual bool requestSetConfiguration();
+    virtual void endpointEventEP1In(void);
+    virtual void deviceEventReset(void);
+    virtual bool requestGetDescriptor(void);
+    virtual bool requestSetup(void);
+    bool sendInputReport(unsigned char id, unsigned char *data, unsigned char size);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/mbed.bld	Thu Oct 22 13:57:14 2009 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Apr 07 13:42:47 2010 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@