Synthesizer based on the Unzen / Nucleo F746ZG

Dependencies:   amakusa mbed-dsp mbed shimabara ukifune unzen_nucleo_f746

Fork of skeleton_unzen_nucleo_f746 by seiichi horie

雲仙フレームワークのテストとして作っているプロジェクトです。中身はどんどん変っていきます。 説明はDSP空挺団の「シンセサイザー」カテゴリーを参照してください。初回は「ドッグフードを食べる」です。



File content as of revision 25:d15dd7b9101c:


#include "amakusa.h"


enum wave_form { triangle, square };
enum svf_mode { lpf, hpf, bpf };

    // Variable Frequency Oscillator. Only square and triangle
class VFO {
    VFO( void );
    virtual ~VFO(void);
    void run(           
        float out_buffer[],         // place to write the right output samples
        unsigned int block_size    // block size [sample]
        // parameter settings
    void set_frequency( int freq );     // unit is Hz.
    void set_Fs( int Fs );              // unit is Hz.
    void set_duty_cycle( float duty );  // 0 ... 0.5
    void set_wave_form( wave_form form );

        // control variables.
    int frequency;          // VFO frequency [Hz]
    int Fs;                 // sampling Frequency [Hz]
    float duty_cycle;       // VFO duty cycle. 0 ... 0.5
    wave_form form;         // form of the wave form.
        // internal variable.
    int current_phase;      // internal variable of VFO.
    int half_way;           // change point by duty cycle. ( period * duty_cycle ).
    float rising_rate;
    float falling_rate;
    void update_parameters(void);    // call one of the parameter is changed.

    // Blocking DC 
class DCBlocker : public amakusa::AbstractFilter {
    DCBlocker( uint32_t blockSize );
    virtual void run( float32_t *pSrc, float32_t *pDst );
    float x_last;
    float y_last;

    // State Variable Filter
    // The f * f_factor must be < Fs/6.
class SVFilter : public amakusa::AbstractFilter {
    SVFilter( uint32_t blockSize );
    virtual void run( float32_t *pSrc, float32_t *pDst);
    void set_Q( float32_t Q );              // real Q factor [ 0.5 ... inf ]
    void set_Fs( int new_Fs );              // Hz
    void set_fc( int new_fc );                // Hz
    void set_f_factor( float32_t new_f_factor );   
    void set_mode( svf_mode new_mode );
        // internal variable
    float32_t d1, d2;                       // delay 1, delay 2;
    float32_t q, f;                         // q = 1/Q, f = 2 * sin( fc*f_factor*pi/Fs );
        // parameter set by method
    int Fs, fc;                             // sampling frequency and control frequency
    float32_t f_factor;
    svf_mode mode;                          // lpf, hpf, bpf
    void update_parameters( void );

    // Monophonic synthsizer class
class Monophonic {
    Monophonic( unsigned int  block_size );
    virtual ~Monophonic(void);
    void run(           
        float out_buffer[],         // place to write the right output samples
        unsigned int block_size = 0    // block size [sample]
    void set_Fs( int Fs );                  // unit is Hz.
    void set_vfo_frequency( int freq );     // unit is Hz.
    void set_vfo_duty_cycle( float duty );  // 0 ... 0.5
    void set_vfo_wave_form( wave_form form );
    void set_filter_mode( svf_mode mode );
    void set_filter_Q( float Q );           // 0.5 .. inf
    void set_filter_f_factor( float f_factor ); // 0.0..1.0
    VFO *vfo;
    DCBlocker *dc_blocker;
    SVFilter *sv_filter;
    float32_t *work_buf_a, *work_buf_b;

    // User Signal processing Class 
class SignalProcessing {
        // essential members. Do not touch
    SignalProcessing( unsigned int  block_size );
    void run(           
        float rx_left_buffer[],     // array of the left input samples
        float rx_right_buffer[],    // array of the right input samples
        float tx_left_buffer[],     // place to write the left output samples
        float tx_right_buffer[],    // place to write the right output samples
        unsigned int block_size     // block size [sample]
        // project depenedent members.
    void set_volume( float vol );
    void set_Fs( int Fs );                      // unit is Hz.
    void set_vfo_frequency( int freq );         // unit is Hz.
    void set_vfo_duty_cycle( float duty );      // 0 ... 1.0
    void set_vfo_wave_form( wave_form form );
    void set_filter_mode( svf_mode mode );
    void set_filter_Q( float Q );               // 0.0..1.0
    void set_filter_f_factor( float f_factor ); // 0.0..1.0
        // essential members. Do not touch.
    void enter_critical_section(void);
    void leave_critical_section(void);

        // project dependent members.
    float volume_level;     // 0 ... 1.0
    Monophonic * note;
