Modify the file main.cpp for M487

Fri Sep 29 05:44:54 2017 +0000
main.cpp adds the setting of TARGET_NUMAKER_PFM_M487 for M487

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 1 # Getting started PWM0 with a speaker on mbed OS
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 2
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 3
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 4 ### Import NuMaker-mbed-PWM0_playnote from on-line IDE
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 5 1. Please choose Nuvoton NuMaker-PFM-XXX as your target platform.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 6 2. Please press the left-up icon "New", then choose "NuMaker PWM0 play notes (to speaker)" from the template list.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 7 3. Your NuMaker-mbed-PWM0_playnote program is existed.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 8
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 9 #### Now compile
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 10 Please press compile icon.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 11
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 12 #### Burn Code & Execute
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 13 1. Connect the board NuMaker-PFM-XXX with your PC by USB cable, then there will be one "mbed" disk.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 14 2. Copy the built binary file into "mbed" disk on you PC.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 15 3. Press device's reset button to execute, PWM0 outputs notes to a speaker.
shliu1 0:30d5f101ebff 16