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00001 /*******************************************************/
00002 /* file: ports.c                                       */
00003 /* abstract:  This file contains the routines to       */
00004 /*            output values on the JTAG ports, to read */
00005 /*            the TDO bit, and to read a byte of data  */
00006 /*            from the prom                            */
00007 /* Revisions:                                          */
00008 /* 12/01/2008:  Same code as before (original v5.01).  */
00009 /*              Updated comments to clarify instructions.*/
00010 /*              Add print in setPort for xapp058_example.exe.*/
00011 /*******************************************************/
00012 #include "ports.h"
00013 #include "mbed.h"
00015 typedef struct work {
00016     FILE *fp;
00017     int done;
00018     int total;
00019     void (*cbfunc_progress)(int done, int total);
00020     void (*cbfunc_waittime)(int microsec);
00021 } work_t;
00023 work_t work;
00024 DigitalOut g_iTCK(p15); /* For mbed */
00025 DigitalOut g_iTMS(p16); /* For mbed */
00026 DigitalOut g_iTDI(p17); /* For mbed */
00027 DigitalIn  g_iTDO(p18); /* For mbed */
00029 void initPort(FILE *fp, void (*cbfunc_progress)(int done, int total), void (*cbfunc_waittime)(int microsec)) {
00030     work.fp = fp;
00031     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
00032     work.total = ftell(fp);
00033     work.done = 0;
00034     fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00035     work.cbfunc_progress = cbfunc_progress;
00036     work.cbfunc_waittime = cbfunc_waittime;
00037 }
00039 /* setPort:  Implement to set the named JTAG signal (p) to the new value (v).*/
00040 /* if in debugging mode, then just set the variables */
00041 void setPort(short p,short val) {
00042     /*
00043      * Modified for mbed.
00044      */
00045     /* Printing code for the xapp058_example.exe.  You must set the specified
00046        JTAG signal (p) to the new value (v).  See the above, old Win95 code
00047        as an implementation example. */
00048     if (p == TCK) {
00049         g_iTCK = val;
00050         // printf( "TCK = %d;  TMS = %d;  TDI = %d\n", g_iTCK.read(), g_iTMS.read(), g_iTDI.read() );
00051         return;
00052     }
00053     if (p == TMS) {
00054         g_iTMS = val;
00055         return;
00056     }
00057     if (p == TDI) {
00058         g_iTDI = val;
00059         return;
00060     }
00061 }
00063 /* toggle tck LH.  No need to modify this code.  It is output via setPort. */
00064 void pulseClock() {
00065     setPort(TCK,0);  /* set the TCK port to low  */
00066     setPort(TCK,1);  /* set the TCK port to high */
00067 }
00069 /* readByte:  Implement to source the next byte from your XSVF file location */
00070 /* read in a byte of data from the prom */
00071 void readByte(unsigned char *data) {
00072     /*
00073      * Modified for mbed.
00074      */
00075     *data   = (unsigned char)fgetc( work.fp );
00077     work.done++;
00078     if (work.cbfunc_progress != NULL) {
00079         work.cbfunc_progress(work.done, work.total);
00080     }
00081 }
00083 /* readTDOBit:  Implement to return the current value of the JTAG TDO signal.*/
00084 /* read the TDO bit from port */
00085 unsigned char readTDOBit() {
00086     /*
00087      * Modified for mbed.
00088      */
00089     return( (unsigned char) g_iTDO );
00090 }
00092 /* waitTime:  Implement as follows: */
00093 /* REQUIRED:  This function must consume/wait at least the specified number  */
00094 /*            of microsec, interpreting microsec as a number of microseconds.*/
00095 /* REQUIRED FOR SPARTAN/VIRTEX FPGAs and indirect flash programming:         */
00096 /*            This function must pulse TCK for at least microsec times,      */
00097 /*            interpreting microsec as an integer value.                     */
00098 /* RECOMMENDED IMPLEMENTATION:  Pulse TCK at least microsec times AND        */
00099 /*                              continue pulsing TCK until the microsec wait */
00100 /*                              requirement is also satisfied.               */
00101 void waitTime(long microsec) {
00102     /*
00103      * Modified for mbed.
00104      */
00106     static long tckCyclesPerMicrosec    = 2; /* must be at least 1 */
00107     long        tckCycles   = microsec * tckCyclesPerMicrosec;
00108     long        i;
00110     if (work.cbfunc_waittime != NULL) {
00111         work.cbfunc_waittime(microsec);
00112     }
00114     /* This implementation is highly recommended!!! */
00115     /* This implementation requires you to tune the tckCyclesPerMicrosec
00116        variable (above) to match the performance of your embedded system
00117        in order to satisfy the microsec wait time requirement. */
00118     for ( i = 0; i < tckCycles; ++i ) {
00119         pulseClock();
00120     }
00121 }