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00001 /*******************************************************/
00002 /* file: lenval.c                                      */
00003 /* abstract:  This file contains routines for using    */
00004 /*            the lenVal data structure.               */
00005 /*******************************************************/
00006 #include "lenval.h"
00007 #include "ports.h"
00009 /*****************************************************************************
00010 * Function:     value
00011 * Description:  Extract the long value from the lenval array.
00012 * Parameters:   plvValue    - ptr to lenval.
00013 * Returns:      long        - the extracted value.
00014 *****************************************************************************/
00015 long value( lenVal*     plvValue )
00016 {
00017     long    lValue;         /* result to hold the accumulated result */
00018     short   sIndex;
00020     lValue  = 0;
00021     for ( sIndex = 0; sIndex < plvValue->len ; ++sIndex )
00022     {
00023         lValue <<= 8;                       /* shift the accumulated result */
00024         lValue |= plvValue->val[ sIndex];   /* get the last byte first */
00025     }
00027     return( lValue );
00028 }
00030 /*****************************************************************************
00031 * Function:     initLenVal
00032 * Description:  Initialize the lenval array with the given value.
00033 *               Assumes lValue is less than 256.
00034 * Parameters:   plv         - ptr to lenval.
00035 *               lValue      - the value to set.
00036 * Returns:      void.
00037 *****************************************************************************/
00038 void initLenVal( lenVal*    plv,
00039                  long       lValue )
00040 {
00041     plv->len    = 1;
00042     plv->val[0] = (unsigned char)lValue;
00043 }
00045 /*****************************************************************************
00046 * Function:     EqualLenVal
00047 * Description:  Compare two lenval arrays with an optional mask.
00048 * Parameters:   plvTdoExpected  - ptr to lenval #1.
00049 *               plvTdoCaptured  - ptr to lenval #2.
00050 *               plvTdoMask      - optional ptr to mask (=0 if no mask).
00051 * Returns:      short   - 0 = mismatch; 1 = equal.
00052 *****************************************************************************/
00053 short EqualLenVal( lenVal*  plvTdoExpected,
00054                    lenVal*  plvTdoCaptured,
00055                    lenVal*  plvTdoMask )
00056 {
00057     short           sEqual;
00058     short           sIndex;
00059     unsigned char   ucByteVal1;
00060     unsigned char   ucByteVal2;
00061     unsigned char   ucByteMask;
00063     sEqual  = 1;
00064     sIndex  = plvTdoExpected->len;
00066     while ( sEqual && sIndex-- )
00067     {
00068         ucByteVal1  = plvTdoExpected->val[ sIndex ];
00069         ucByteVal2  = plvTdoCaptured->val[ sIndex ];
00070         if ( plvTdoMask )
00071         {
00072             ucByteMask  = plvTdoMask->val[ sIndex ];
00073             ucByteVal1  &= ucByteMask;
00074             ucByteVal2  &= ucByteMask;
00075         }
00076         if ( ucByteVal1 != ucByteVal2 )
00077         {
00078             sEqual  = 0;
00079         }
00080     }
00082     return( sEqual );
00083 }
00086 /*****************************************************************************
00087 * Function:     RetBit
00088 * Description:  return the (byte, bit) of lv (reading from left to right).
00089 * Parameters:   plv     - ptr to lenval.
00090 *               iByte   - the byte to get the bit from.
00091 *               iBit    - the bit number (0=msb)
00092 * Returns:      short   - the bit value.
00093 *****************************************************************************/
00094 short RetBit( lenVal*   plv,
00095               int       iByte,
00096               int       iBit )
00097 {
00098     /* assert( ( iByte >= 0 ) && ( iByte < plv->len ) ); */
00099     /* assert( ( iBit >= 0 ) && ( iBit < 8 ) ); */
00100     return( (short)( ( plv->val[ iByte ] >> ( 7 - iBit ) ) & 0x1 ) );
00101 }
00103 /*****************************************************************************
00104 * Function:     SetBit
00105 * Description:  set the (byte, bit) of lv equal to val
00106 * Example:      SetBit("00000000",byte, 1) equals "01000000".
00107 * Parameters:   plv     - ptr to lenval.
00108 *               iByte   - the byte to get the bit from.
00109 *               iBit    - the bit number (0=msb).
00110 *               sVal    - the bit value to set.
00111 * Returns:      void.
00112 *****************************************************************************/
00113 void SetBit( lenVal*    plv,
00114              int        iByte,
00115              int        iBit,
00116              short      sVal )
00117 {
00118     unsigned char   ucByteVal;
00119     unsigned char   ucBitMask;
00121     ucBitMask   = (unsigned char)(1 << ( 7 - iBit ));
00122     ucByteVal   = (unsigned char)(plv->val[ iByte ] & (~ucBitMask));
00124     if ( sVal )
00125     {
00126         ucByteVal   |= ucBitMask;
00127     }
00128     plv->val[ iByte ]   = ucByteVal;
00129 }
00131 /*****************************************************************************
00132 * Function:     AddVal
00133 * Description:  add val1 to val2 and store in resVal;
00134 *               assumes val1 and val2  are of equal length.
00135 * Parameters:   plvResVal   - ptr to result.
00136 *               plvVal1     - ptr of addendum.
00137 *               plvVal2     - ptr of addendum.
00138 * Returns:      void.
00139 *****************************************************************************/
00140 void addVal( lenVal*    plvResVal,
00141              lenVal*    plvVal1,
00142              lenVal*    plvVal2 )
00143 {
00144     unsigned char   ucCarry;
00145     unsigned short  usSum;
00146     unsigned short  usVal1;
00147     unsigned short  usVal2;
00148     short           sIndex;
00150     plvResVal->len  = plvVal1->len;         /* set up length of result */
00152     /* start at least significant bit and add bytes    */
00153     ucCarry = 0;
00154     sIndex  = plvVal1->len;
00155     while ( sIndex-- )
00156     {
00157         usVal1  = plvVal1->val[ sIndex ];   /* i'th byte of val1 */
00158         usVal2  = plvVal2->val[ sIndex ];   /* i'th byte of val2 */
00160         /* add the two bytes plus carry from previous addition */
00161         usSum   = (unsigned short)( usVal1 + usVal2 + ucCarry );
00163         /* set up carry for next byte */
00164         ucCarry = (unsigned char)( ( usSum > 255 ) ? 1 : 0 );
00166         /* set the i'th byte of the result */
00167         plvResVal->val[ sIndex ]    = (unsigned char)usSum;
00168     }
00169 }
00171 /*****************************************************************************
00172 * Function:     readVal
00173 * Description:  read from XSVF numBytes bytes of data into x.
00174 * Parameters:   plv         - ptr to lenval in which to put the bytes read.
00175 *               sNumBytes   - the number of bytes to read.
00176 * Returns:      void.
00177 *****************************************************************************/
00178 void readVal( lenVal*   plv,
00179               short     sNumBytes )
00180 {
00181     unsigned char*  pucVal;
00183     plv->len    = sNumBytes;        /* set the length of the lenVal        */
00184     for ( pucVal = plv->val; sNumBytes; --sNumBytes, ++pucVal )
00185     {
00186         /* read a byte of data into the lenVal */
00187         readByte( pucVal );
00188     }
00189 }