Wiimote IR Camera test program, adapted from kako\'s source: http://www.kako.com/neta/2008-009/2008-009.html Generates ~20MHz clock signal for camera using PWM on p21. Communicates with camera via I2C on p9, p10. Schematic: {{http://lh4.ggpht.com/_59HHJuZw_Rk/TRxBhT0q6iI/AAAAAAAABq8/_dlbN1rIQb4/s912/mbed_schematic.jpg|600|400}} [[http://code.google.com/p/wii-cam-blobtrack/|Java GUI]] [[http://www.bot-thoughts.com/2010/12/connecting-mbed-to-wiimote-ir-camera.html|Interfacing Details]]

Dependencies:   mbed

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main.cpp [code]