This is test version of Pokemongo game. ELEC 2645 final project.

Dependencies:   Tone

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pokeball/PokeEngine.cpp	Thu Apr 15 15:35:12 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#include "PokeEngine.h"
+PokeEngine::PokeEngine(){ _lives = 4; }    
+void PokeEngine::init(int ball_x, int ball_y, int ball_radius, int pokemon_x, int pokemon_y, int pokemon_size, int speed){
+    _pokeball.init(ball_x, ball_y, ball_radius);
+    _pokemon.init(pokemon_x, pokemon_y, pokemon_size, speed);
+    _score = 0;
+void PokeEngine::init_rocket(int x, int y, int size, int speed){
+    _rocket.init(x,y,size, speed);    
+int PokeEngine::update(UserInput input){
+    _pokeball.update(input);
+    Position2D ball_pos = _pokeball.get_pos();
+    _pokemon.update();
+    _rocket.update(ball_pos);
+    check_wall_collision();
+    check_catching_collision();
+    check_crash();
+    return _lives;
+void PokeEngine::draw(N5110 &lcd) {
+    //printf("Pong Engine: Draw\n");
+    // draw the elements in the LCD buffer
+    // pitch
+    lcd.drawLine(0,0,WIDTH-1,0,1);  // top
+    lcd.drawLine(WIDTH-1,0,WIDTH-1,HEIGHT-1,1);  // back wall
+    lcd.drawLine(0,HEIGHT-1,WIDTH-1,HEIGHT-1,1); // bottom
+    lcd.drawLine(0,0,0,HEIGHT-1,1);
+    _pokeball.draw(lcd);
+    _pokemon.draw(lcd);
+    _rocket.draw(lcd);
+void PokeEngine::check_wall_collision() {
+    //printf("Pong Engine: Check Wall Collision\n");
+    // read current ball attributes
+    Position2D pokemon_pos = _pokemon.get_pos();
+    Position2D pokemon_velocity = _pokemon.get_velocity();
+    int size = _pokemon.get_size();
+    // check if hit top wall
+    if (pokemon_pos.y <= 1) {  //  1 due to 1 pixel boundary
+        pokemon_pos.y = 1;  // bounce off ceiling without going off screen
+        pokemon_velocity.y = -pokemon_velocity.y;  // flip velocity
+    } else if (pokemon_pos.y + size >= (HEIGHT-1) ) {
+        // hit bottom
+        pokemon_pos.y = (HEIGHT-1) - size;  // stops ball going off screen
+        pokemon_velocity.y = -pokemon_velocity.y;    // flip velcoity 
+    } else if (pokemon_pos.x + size >= (WIDTH-1) ) {
+        // hit right wall
+        pokemon_pos.x = (WIDTH-1) - size;  // stops ball going off screen
+        pokemon_velocity.x = -pokemon_velocity.x;    // flip velcoity 
+    } else if (pokemon_pos.x <= 1) {  //  1 due to 1 pixel boundary
+        pokemon_pos.x = 1;  // bounce off ceiling without going off screen
+        pokemon_velocity.x = -pokemon_velocity.x;  // flip velocity
+    }
+    // update ball parameters
+    _pokemon.set_velocity(pokemon_velocity);
+    _pokemon.set_pos(pokemon_pos);
+void PokeEngine::check_catching_collision() {
+    Position2D pokemon_pos = _pokemon.get_pos();
+    Position2D pokeball_pos = _pokeball.get_pos();  // paddle
+    // see if ball has hit the paddle by checking for overlaps
+    if (
+        (pokemon_pos.y >= pokeball_pos.y - _pokeball.get_radius()) && //top
+        (pokemon_pos.y <= pokeball_pos.y + _pokeball.get_radius() ) && //bottom
+        (pokemon_pos.x >= pokeball_pos.x - _pokeball.get_radius()) && //left
+        (pokemon_pos.x <= pokeball_pos.x + _pokeball.get_radius() )  //right
+    ) {
+        // if it has,the pokemon is caught.
+        _pokemon.pokemon_caught();
+        _score++;
+    }
+void PokeEngine::check_crash() {
+    int left_lives = _lives;
+    Position2D rocket_pos = _rocket.get_pos();
+    int rocket_size = _rocket.get_size();
+    Position2D pokeball_pos = _pokeball.get_pos();  // paddle
+     // see if ball has hit the paddle by checking for overlaps
+    if (
+        (rocket_pos.y >= pokeball_pos.y - _pokeball.get_radius()) && //top
+        (rocket_pos.y <= pokeball_pos.y + _pokeball.get_radius() ) && //bottom
+        (rocket_pos.x >= pokeball_pos.x - _pokeball.get_radius()) && //left
+        (rocket_pos.x <= pokeball_pos.x + _pokeball.get_radius() )  //right
+    ) {
+        // if it has,the pokemon is caught.
+        _rocket.rocket_crash();
+        _lives--;
+        }
+    int PokeEngine::get_lives() { return _lives;}
+    int PokeEngine::get_score() { return _score; }
+    void  PokeEngine::check_lives(int lives) { _lives = lives ;}