SparkFun Line Follower Array Library. based on

Dependents:   WRS_mechanamu_test

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SensorBar.cpp	Fri Aug 31 02:52:24 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+#include "SensorBar.h"
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include "sx1509_registers.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SensorBar.h"
+const uint8_t SX1509_ADDRESS = 0x3E<<1;  // SX1509 I2C address (00)
+int main()
+    I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+    SensorBar mySensorBar(&i2c, SX1509_ADDRESS);
+    mySensorBar.setBarStrobe();
+    mySensorBar.clearInvertBits();
+    uint8_t returnStatus = mySensorBar.begin();
+    printf("next, %d\r\n", returnStatus);
+    if(returnStatus)
+    {
+        printf("sx1509 IC communication OK");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        printf("i2c failed");
+        wait_ms(10);
+        while(1);
+    }
+    while(1)
+    {
+        uint8_t rawValue = mySensorBar.getRaw();
+        for( int i = 7; i >= 0; i-- )
+        {
+            printf("%d", (rawValue >> i) & 0x01);
+        }
+        printf("b, ");
+        printf("%d\r\n", mySensorBar.getPosition());
+        wait_ms(10);
+    }
+SensorBar::SensorBar(I2C *i2c, uint8_t address, uint8_t resetPin, uint8_t interruptPin, uint8_t oscillatorPin)
+    // Store the received parameters into member variables
+    _i2c = i2c;
+    deviceAddress = address;
+    pinInterrupt = interruptPin;
+    pinOscillator = oscillatorPin;
+    pinReset = resetPin;
+    invertBits = 0;
+    barStrobe = 0; //Default always on
+void SensorBar::debounceConfig(uint8_t configValue)
+    // First make sure clock is configured
+    uint8_t tempuint8_t = readByte(REG_MISC);
+    if ((tempuint8_t & 0x70) == 0)
+    {
+        tempuint8_t |= (1 << 4);    // Just default to no divider if not set
+        writeByte(REG_MISC, tempuint8_t);
+    }
+    tempuint8_t = readByte(REG_CLOCK);
+    if ((tempuint8_t & 0x60) == 0)
+    {
+        tempuint8_t |= (1 << 6);    // default to internal osc.
+        writeByte(REG_CLOCK, tempuint8_t);
+    }
+    configValue &= 0b111; // 3-bit value
+    writeByte(REG_DEBOUNCE_CONFIG, configValue);
+void SensorBar::debounceEnable(uint8_t pin)
+    unsigned int debounceEnable = readWord(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_B);
+    debounceEnable |= (1 << pin);
+    writeWord(REG_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE_B, debounceEnable);
+//Run this once during initialization to configure the SX1509 as a sensor bar
+//Returns 1 for success
+uint8_t SensorBar::begin(void)
+    uint8_t returnVar = 0;
+    // Reset the SX1509
+    reset();
+    // Communication test. We'll read from two registers with different
+    // default values to verify communication.
+    unsigned int testRegisters = 0;
+    testRegisters = readWord(REG_INTERRUPT_MASK_A);   // This should return 0xFF00
+    // Then read a uint8_t that should be 0x00
+    if (testRegisters == 0xFF00)
+    {
+        //Success!  Configure the device.
+        writeByte(REG_DIR_A, 0xFF);
+        writeByte(REG_DIR_B, 0xFC);
+        writeByte(REG_DATA_B, 0x01);
+        returnVar = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        returnVar = 0;
+    }
+    return returnVar;
+//Do a software reset
+void SensorBar::reset( void )
+    // No hardware option, try software reset
+    writeByte(REG_RESET, 0x12);
+    writeByte(REG_RESET, 0x34);
+unsigned int SensorBar::interruptSource(void)
+    unsigned int intSource = readWord(REG_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_B);
+    writeWord(REG_INTERRUPT_SOURCE_B, 0xFFFF);    // Clear interrupts
+    return intSource;
+void SensorBar::configClock(uint8_t oscSource, uint8_t oscPinFunction, uint8_t oscFreqOut, uint8_t oscDivider)
+    // RegClock constructed as follows:
+    //    6:5 - Oscillator frequency souce
+    //        00: off, 01: external input, 10: internal 2MHz, 1: reserved
+    //    4 - OSCIO pin function
+    //        0: input, 1 ouptut
+    //    3:0 - Frequency of oscout pin
+    //        0: LOW, 0xF: high, else fOSCOUT = FoSC/(2^(RegClock[3:0]-1))
+    oscSource = (oscSource & 0b11) << 5;      // 2-bit value, bits 6:5
+    oscPinFunction = (oscPinFunction & 1) << 4;   // 1-bit value bit 4
+    oscFreqOut = (oscFreqOut & 0b1111);   // 4-bit value, bits 3:0
+    uint8_t regClock = oscSource | oscPinFunction | oscFreqOut;
+    writeByte(REG_CLOCK, regClock);
+    // Config RegMisc[6:4] with oscDivider
+    // 0: off, else ClkX = fOSC / (2^(RegMisc[6:4] -1))
+    oscDivider = (oscDivider & 0b111) << 4;   // 3-bit value, bits 6:4
+    uint8_t regMisc = readByte(REG_MISC);
+    regMisc &= ~(0b111 << 4);
+    regMisc |= oscDivider;
+    writeByte(REG_MISC, regMisc);
+//Call .setBarStrobing(); to only illuminate while reading line
+void SensorBar::setBarStrobe( void )
+    barStrobe = 1; //Do strobe
+//Call .clearBarStrobing(); to illuminate all the time
+void SensorBar::clearBarStrobe( void )
+    barStrobe = 0; //Always on
+// .setInvertBits(); to make the bar functions look for a white line on dark surface
+void SensorBar::setInvertBits( void )
+    invertBits = 1; //Do strobe
+// .clearInvertBits(); to make the bar look for a dark line on a reflective surface
+void SensorBar::clearInvertBits( void )
+    invertBits = 0; //Always on
+//  Bar functions
+uint8_t SensorBar::getRaw( void )
+    //Get the information from the wire, stores in lastBarRawValue
+    scan();
+    return lastBarRawValue;
+int8_t SensorBar::getPosition( void )
+    //Assign values to each bit, -127 to 127, sum, and divide
+    int16_t accumulator = 0;
+    uint8_t bitsCounted = 0;
+    int16_t i;
+    //Get the information from the wire, stores in lastBarRawValue
+    scan();
+    //count bits
+    for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( ((lastBarRawValue >> i) & 0x01) == 1 )
+        {
+            bitsCounted++;
+        }
+    }
+    //Find the vector value of each positive bit and sum
+    for ( i = 7; i > 3; i-- ) //iterate negative side bits
+    {
+        if ( ((lastBarRawValue >> i) & 0x01) == 1 )
+        {
+            accumulator += ((-32 * (i - 3)) + 1);
+        }
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) //iterate positive side bits
+        {
+        if ( ((lastBarRawValue >> i) & 0x01) == 1 )
+        {
+            accumulator += ((32 * (4 - i)) - 1);
+        }
+    }
+    if ( bitsCounted > 0 )
+    {
+        lastBarPositionValue = accumulator / bitsCounted;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        lastBarPositionValue = 0;
+    }
+    return lastBarPositionValue;
+uint8_t SensorBar::getDensity( void )
+    uint8_t bitsCounted = 0;
+    uint8_t i;
+    //get input from the I2C machine
+    scan();
+    //count bits
+    for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( ((lastBarRawValue >> i) & 0x01) == 1 )
+        {
+            bitsCounted++;
+        }
+    }
+    return bitsCounted;
+//  Utilities
+void SensorBar::scan( void )
+    if( barStrobe == 1 )
+    {
+        writeByte(REG_DATA_B, 0x02); //Turn on IR
+        wait_ms(2);  //Additional delay required after IR is turned on to allow LEDs to achieve full brightness
+        writeByte(REG_DATA_B, 0x00); //Turn on feedback
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        writeByte(REG_DATA_B, 0x00); //make sure both IR and indicators are on
+    }
+    //Operate the I2C machine
+    lastBarRawValue = readByte( REG_DATA_A );  //Peel the data off port A
+    if( invertBits == 1 ) //Invert the bits if needed
+    {
+        lastBarRawValue ^= 0xFF;
+    }
+    if( barStrobe == 1 )
+    {
+        writeByte(REG_DATA_B, 0x03); //Turn off IR and feedback when done
+    }
+    //delay(8);
+// readByte(uint8_t registerAddress)
+//  This function reads a single uint8_t located at the registerAddress register.
+//  - deviceAddress should already be set by the constructor.
+//  - Return value is the uint8_t read from registerAddress
+//  Currently returns 0 if communication has timed out
+uint8_t SensorBar::readByte(uint8_t registerAddress)
+    char readValue;
+    char data[2] = {registerAddress, 0};
+    _i2c->write(deviceAddress, data, 1);
+    uint8_t val = _i2c->read(deviceAddress, &readValue, 1);
+    return readValue;
+// readWord(uint8_t registerAddress)
+//  This function will read a two-uint8_t word beginning at registerAddress
+//  - A 16-bit unsigned int will be returned.
+//      - The msb of the return value will contain the value read from registerAddress
+//      - The lsb of the return value will contain the value read from registerAddress + 1
+unsigned int SensorBar::readWord(uint8_t registerAddress)
+    unsigned int readValue;
+    unsigned int msb, lsb;
+    //unsigned int timeout = RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_VALUE * 2;
+    char data[2] = {registerAddress, 0};
+    char r_data[2];
+    uint8_t val = _i2c->write(deviceAddress, data, 1);
+    val = _i2c->read(deviceAddress, r_data, 2);
+    msb = ((unsigned int)r_data[0] & 0x00FF) << 8;
+    lsb = ((unsigned int)r_data[1] & 0x00FF);
+    readValue = msb | lsb;
+    return readValue;
+// readBytes(uint8_t firstRegisterAddress, uint8_t * destination, uint8_t length)
+//  This function reads a series of uint8_ts incrementing from a given address
+//  - firstRegsiterAddress is the first address to be read
+//  - destination is an array of uint8_ts where the read values will be stored into
+//  - length is the number of uint8_ts to be read
+//  - No return value.
+void SensorBar::readBytes(uint8_t firstRegisterAddress, char * destination, uint8_t length)
+    char data[2] = {firstRegisterAddress, 0};
+    _i2c->write(deviceAddress, data, 1);
+    uint8_t val = _i2c->read(deviceAddress, destination, length);
+// writeByte(uint8_t registerAddress, uint8_t writeValue)
+//  This function writes a single uint8_t to a single register on the SX509.
+//  - writeValue is written to registerAddress
+//  - deviceAddres should already be set from the constructor
+//  - No return value.
+void SensorBar::writeByte(uint8_t registerAddress, uint8_t writeValue)
+    char data[2] = {registerAddress, writeValue};
+    _i2c->write(deviceAddress, data, 2);
+// writeWord(uint8_t registerAddress, ungisnged int writeValue)
+//  This function writes a two-uint8_t word to registerAddress and registerAddress + 1
+//  - the upper uint8_t of writeValue is written to registerAddress
+//      - the lower uint8_t of writeValue is written to registerAddress + 1
+//  - No return value.
+void SensorBar::writeWord(uint8_t registerAddress, unsigned int writeValue)
+    uint8_t msb, lsb;
+    msb = ((writeValue & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+    lsb = (writeValue & 0x00FF);
+    char data[3] = {registerAddress, msb, lsb};
+    _i2c->write(deviceAddress, data, 3);
+// writeBytes(uint8_t firstRegisterAddress, uint8_t * writeArray, uint8_t length)
+//  This function writes an array of uint8_ts, beggining at a specific adddress
+//  - firstRegisterAddress is the initial register to be written.
+//      - All writes following will be at incremental register addresses.
+//  - writeArray should be an array of uint8_t values to be written.
+//  - length should be the number of uint8_ts to be written.
+//  - no return value.
+void SensorBar::writeBytes(uint8_t firstRegisterAddress, uint8_t * writeArray, uint8_t length)
+    char data[10] = {};
+    data[0] = firstRegisterAddress;
+    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+    {
+        data[1+i] = writeArray[i];
+    }
+    _i2c->write(deviceAddress, data, length+1);
+//  Circular buffer
+//Construct a CircularBuffer type with arguments
+//  uint16_t inputSize: number of elements
+//mbed has CircularBuffer
+namespace name
+CircularBuffer::CircularBuffer(uint16_t inputSize)
+    cBufferData = new int16_t[inputSize];
+    cBufferLastPtr = 0;
+    cBufferElementsUsed = 0;  
+    cBufferSize = inputSize;
+    delete[] cBufferData;
+//Get an element at some depth into the circular buffer
+//zero is the push location.  Max is cBufferSize - 1
+//  uint16_t elementNum: number of element in
+int16_t CircularBuffer::getElement( uint16_t elementNum )
+    //Translate elementNum into terms of cBufferLastPtr.
+    int16_t virtualElementNum;
+    virtualElementNum = cBufferLastPtr - elementNum;
+    if( virtualElementNum < 0 )
+    {
+        virtualElementNum += cBufferSize;
+    }
+    //Output the value
+    return cBufferData[virtualElementNum];
+//Put a new element into the buffer.
+//This also expands the size up to the max size
+//  int16_t elementVal: value of new element
+void CircularBuffer::pushElement( int16_t elementVal )
+    //inc. the pointer
+    cBufferLastPtr++;
+    //deal with roll
+    if( cBufferLastPtr >= cBufferSize )
+    {
+        cBufferLastPtr = 0;
+    }
+    //write data
+    cBufferData[cBufferLastPtr] = elementVal;
+    //increase length up to cBufferSize
+    if( cBufferElementsUsed < cBufferSize )
+    {
+        cBufferElementsUsed++;
+    }
+//Averages the last n numbers and provides that.  Discards fractions
+int16_t CircularBuffer::averageLast( uint16_t numElements )
+    //Add up all the elements
+    int32_t accumulator = 0;
+    int8_t i;
+    for( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
+    {
+        accumulator += getElement( i );
+    }
+    //Divide by number of elements
+    accumulator /= numElements;
+    return accumulator;
+//Returns the current size of the buffer
+uint16_t CircularBuffer::recordLength( void )
+    return cBufferElementsUsed;