Greatly simplified Architecture, Identical Functions Removed: Platform Interfaces, STP6001 interface

--- a/VL53L0X.cpp	Mon Jul 08 14:07:22 2019 +0000
+++ b/VL53L0X.cpp	Sat Jul 20 08:48:49 2019 +0000
@@ -68,102 +68,102 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "VL53L0X.h"
-void Report_Range_Infos(VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t RangeResults)
+void Report_Range_Infos(VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t RangeResults, Serial *aSerial )
-	printf("\n\r Reporting All  Fields of VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t structure \n\r" ); 
-    printf(" .Range_mm = %dmm; Ranged distance. \n\r",  RangeResults.Range_mm ); 
-    printf(" .RangeDMax_mm = %dmm; maximum detection distance in current setup and environment conditions \n\r",  RangeResults.RangeDMax_mm ); 
-    printf(" .SignalRateRtn_MHz = %3.3fMHz; effectively a measure of target  reflectance \n\r",  RangeResults.SignalRateRtn_MHz / 65535.01); 
-    printf(" .AmbientRateRtn_MHz = %3.3fMHz; effectively a measure of the ambient light \n\r",  RangeResults.AmbientRateRtn_MHz / 65535.01 ); 
-    printf(" .EffectiveSpadRtnCount = %3.3f; effective SPAD count for the return signal \n\r",  RangeResults.EffectiveSpadRtnCount / 256.001 ); 
-    printf(" .RangeFractionalPart = %d; Fractional part of range distance. \n\r",  RangeResults.RangeFractionalPart >> 6 ); 
-    printf(" .RangeStatus = %d[u8];  Status for the current measurement, 0 = value is valid \n\r",  RangeResults.RangeStatus ); 
-    printf(" .SigmaEstimate = %3.2f;  Estimated Sigma - based on ambient & VCSEL rates and signal_total_events \n\r",  RangeResults.SigmaEstimate/ 65535.01 ); 
+	aSerial->printf("\n\r Reporting All  Fields of VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t structure \n\r" ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Range_mm = %dmm; Ranged distance. \n\r",  RangeResults.Range_mm ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RangeDMax_mm = %dmm; maximum detection distance in current setup and environment conditions \n\r",  RangeResults.RangeDMax_mm ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SignalRateRtn_MHz = %3.3fMHz; effectively a measure of target  reflectance \n\r",  RangeResults.SignalRateRtn_MHz / 65535.01); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .AmbientRateRtn_MHz = %3.3fMHz; effectively a measure of the ambient light \n\r",  RangeResults.AmbientRateRtn_MHz / 65535.01 ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .EffectiveSpadRtnCount = %3.3f; effective SPAD count for the return signal \n\r",  RangeResults.EffectiveSpadRtnCount / 256.001 ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RangeFractionalPart = %d; Fractional part of range distance. \n\r",  RangeResults.RangeFractionalPart >> 6 ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RangeStatus = %d[u8];  Status for the current measurement, 0 = value is valid \n\r",  RangeResults.RangeStatus ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SigmaEstimate = %3.2f;  Estimated Sigma - based on ambient & VCSEL rates and signal_total_events \n\r",  RangeResults.SigmaEstimate/ 65535.01 ); 
-void Report_Deep_Infos(VL53L0X TOF1)
+void Report_Deep_Infos(VL53L0X TOF1, Serial *aSerial)
-    printf("\n\r Reporting All Top Level Infos of the class \n\r" ); 
-    printf("I2cDevAddr  = %d. \n\r",  TOF1.I2cDevAddr ); 
-    printf("comms_type  = %d. Type of comms: 1=VL53L0X_COMMS_I2C or VL53L0X_COMMS_SPI \n\r",  TOF1.comms_type ); 
-    printf("comms_speed = %d. Communication speed [kHz] : typically 400kHz for I2C   \n\r",  TOF1.comms_speed_khz ); 
+    aSerial->printf("\n\r Reporting All Top Level Infos of the class \n\r" ); 
+    aSerial->printf("I2cDevAddr  = %d. \n\r",  TOF1.I2cDevAddr ); 
+    aSerial->printf("comms_type  = %d. Type of comms: 1=VL53L0X_COMMS_I2C or VL53L0X_COMMS_SPI \n\r",  TOF1.comms_type ); 
+    aSerial->printf("comms_speed = %d. Communication speed [kHz] : typically 400kHz for I2C   \n\r",  TOF1.comms_speed_khz ); 
-    printf("\n\r Reporting All Infos of the Device_Info structure: \n\r" ); 
-    printf("Device_Info.ProductType = 0x%2X.  VL53L0X = 1, VL53L1 = 2 \n\r",  TOF1.Device_Info.ProductType );     
-    printf("Device_Info.ProductRevision = %d.%d. Revision NR, major.minor \n\r",  
+    aSerial->printf("\n\r Reporting All Infos of the Device_Info structure: \n\r" ); 
+    aSerial->printf("Device_Info.ProductType = 0x%2X.  VL53L0X = 1, VL53L1 = 2 \n\r",  TOF1.Device_Info.ProductType );     
+    aSerial->printf("Device_Info.ProductRevision = %d.%d. Revision NR, major.minor \n\r",  
        TOF1.Device_Info.ProductRevisionMajor, TOF1.Device_Info.ProductRevisionMinor );
-    printf("Device_Info.Name = %s. Name of Device e.g. Left_Distance\n\r",   TOF1.Device_Info.Name );
-    printf("Device_Info.Type = %s. Type of Device e.g VL53L0X \n\r",   TOF1.Device_Info.Type );
-    printf("Device_Info.ProductId = %s. Product Identifier String \n\r",   TOF1.Device_Info.ProductId );
-    printf("\n\r Reporting All  Fields of CurrentParameters \n\r" ); 
-    printf(" .DeviceMode            = %d. Defines type of measurement to be done for the next measurement \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf("Device_Info.Name = %s. Name of Device e.g. Left_Distance\n\r",   TOF1.Device_Info.Name );
+    aSerial->printf("Device_Info.Type = %s. Type of Device e.g VL53L0X \n\r",   TOF1.Device_Info.Type );
+    aSerial->printf("Device_Info.ProductId = %s. Product Identifier String \n\r",   TOF1.Device_Info.ProductId );
+    aSerial->printf("\n\r Reporting All  Fields of CurrentParameters \n\r" ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .DeviceMode            = %d. Defines type of measurement to be done for the next measurement \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.DeviceMode ); 
-    printf(" .Measure_Time_Budget_us= %dus.  Allowed total time for a single measurement \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Measure_Time_Budget_us= %dus.  Allowed total time for a single measurement \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.MeasurementTimingBudget_us ); 
-    printf(" .Measure_Period_ms     = %dms. Time between two consecutive measurements \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Measure_Period_ms     = %dms. Time between two consecutive measurements \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.InterMeasurementPeriod_ms ); 
-    printf(" .XTalk_Compens_En      = %d. Crosstalk compensation enable or not (0, default) \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .XTalk_Compens_En      = %d. Crosstalk compensation enable or not (0, default) \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.XTalkCompensationEnable ); 
-    printf(" .XTalk_CompRange_mm    = %dmm. CrossTalk compensation range, seems never used \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .XTalk_CompRange_mm    = %dmm. CrossTalk compensation range, seems never used \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.XTalkCompensationRange_mm ); 
-    printf(" .XTalk_CompRate_MHz    = %3.2fMHz. CrossTalk compensation rate . \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .XTalk_CompRate_MHz    = %3.2fMHz. CrossTalk compensation rate . \n\r", 
        (float) TOF1.CurrentParameters.XTalkCompensationRate_MHz / 65536); 
-    printf(" .RangeOffset_um        = %d. Range offset adjustment (um) last programmed.\n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RangeOffset_um        = %d. Range offset adjustment (um) last programmed.\n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.RangeOffset_um ); 
-    printf(" .LimitChecksEnable[x]  = %d %d %d %d %d %d. The Limit Checks enabled or not.\n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .LimitChecksEnable[x]  = %d %d %d %d %d %d. The Limit Checks enabled or not.\n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[0],TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[1] ,TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[2], 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[3],TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[4] ,TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[5]  ); 
-    printf(" .LimitChecksStatus[x]  = %d %d %d %d %d %d.  Status of checks of last measurement.\n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .LimitChecksStatus[x]  = %d %d %d %d %d %d.  Status of checks of last measurement.\n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksStatus[0],TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksStatus[1] ,TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksStatus[2], 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksStatus[3],TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksStatus[4] ,TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksStatus[5]  ); 
-    printf(" .LimitChecksValue[x]   = %d %d %d %d %d %d [FP1616]. The Limit Check values \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .LimitChecksValue[x]   = %d %d %d %d %d %d [FP1616]. The Limit Check values \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[0],TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[1] ,TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[2], 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[3],TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[4] ,TOF1.CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[5]  ); 
-    printf(" .WrapAroundCheckEnable = %d. Wrap Around Check enabled or not \n\r", 
+    aSerial->printf(" .WrapAroundCheckEnable = %d. Wrap Around Check enabled or not \n\r", 
        TOF1.CurrentParameters.WrapAroundCheckEnable ); 
-    printf("\n\r Reporting All Fields of VL53L0X_DevData_t Data structure \n\r" ); 
-    printf(" .OscFrequency_MHz          = %3.2fMHz; Frequency used \n\r",  (float) TOF1.Data.OscFrequency_MHz/65536 ); 
-    printf(" .LastEncodedTimeout        = %d[u16]; Last encoded Time out used for timing budget \n\r",  TOF1.Data.LastEncodedTimeout ); 
-    printf(" .Pin0GpioFunctionality     = %d[u8]; functionality of the GPIO: pin0  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Pin0GpioFunctionality ); 
-    printf(" .FinalRangeTimeout_us      = %d[u32]; Execution time of the final ranging \n\r",  TOF1.Data.FinalRangeTimeout_us ); 
-    printf(" .FinalRangeVcselPulsePeriod= %d[u8]; Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the final range measurement \n\r",  TOF1.Data.FinalRangeVcselPulsePeriod ); 
-    printf(" .PreRangeTimeout_us        = %d[u32]; Execution time of the final range \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PreRangeTimeout_us ); 
-    printf(" .PreRangeVcselPulsePeriod  = %d[u8]; Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the pre-range measurement \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PreRangeVcselPulsePeriod ); 
-    printf(" .ReadDataFromDeviceDone    = %2d;  reads from device has been done (>0) or not. \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ReadDataFromDeviceDone ); 
-    printf(" .ModuleId                  = %X; Module ID \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ModuleId ); 
-    printf(" .Revision                  = %d[u8]; test Revision \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Revision ); 
-    printf(" .ProductId                 = %s[char*]; Product Identifier String  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ProductId ); 
-    printf(" .ReferenceSpadCount        = %d[u8];  used for ref spad management \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ReferenceSpadCount ); 
-    printf(" .ReferenceSpadType         = %d[u8]; used for ref spad management \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ReferenceSpadType ); 
-    printf(" .RefSpadsInitialised       = %d[u8]; reports if ref spads are initialised. \n\r",  TOF1.Data.RefSpadsInitialised ); 
-    printf(" .PartUIDUpper              = %d[u32];  Unique Part ID Upper \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PartUIDUpper ); 
-    printf(" .PartUIDLower              = %d[u32]; Unique Part ID Lower \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PartUIDLower ); 
-    printf(" .SignalRateMeasFixed400mm  = %3.3f; Peak Signal rate at 400 mm \n\r",  1.0 / 65535.0 * TOF1.Data.SignalRateMeasFixed400mm ); 
-    printf(" .RefSpadEnables[x]         = %X %X %X %X %X %X[hex8]; Reference Spad Enables  \n\r",  
+    aSerial->printf("\n\r Reporting All Fields of VL53L0X_DevData_t Data structure \n\r" ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .OscFrequency_MHz          = %3.2fMHz; Frequency used \n\r",  (float) TOF1.Data.OscFrequency_MHz/65536 ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .LastEncodedTimeout        = %d[u16]; Last encoded Time out used for timing budget \n\r",  TOF1.Data.LastEncodedTimeout ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Pin0GpioFunctionality     = %d[u8]; functionality of the GPIO: pin0  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Pin0GpioFunctionality ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .FinalRangeTimeout_us      = %d[u32]; Execution time of the final ranging \n\r",  TOF1.Data.FinalRangeTimeout_us ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .FinalRangeVcselPulsePeriod= %d[u8]; Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the final range measurement \n\r",  TOF1.Data.FinalRangeVcselPulsePeriod ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .PreRangeTimeout_us        = %d[u32]; Execution time of the final range \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PreRangeTimeout_us ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .PreRangeVcselPulsePeriod  = %d[u8]; Vcsel pulse period (pll clocks) for the pre-range measurement \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PreRangeVcselPulsePeriod ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .ReadDataFromDeviceDone    = %2d;  reads from device has been done (>0) or not. \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ReadDataFromDeviceDone ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .ModuleId                  = %X; Module ID \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ModuleId ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Revision                  = %d[u8]; test Revision \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Revision ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .ProductId                 = %s[char*]; Product Identifier String  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ProductId ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .ReferenceSpadCount        = %d[u8];  used for ref spad management \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ReferenceSpadCount ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .ReferenceSpadType         = %d[u8]; used for ref spad management \n\r",  TOF1.Data.ReferenceSpadType ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RefSpadsInitialised       = %d[u8]; reports if ref spads are initialised. \n\r",  TOF1.Data.RefSpadsInitialised ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .PartUIDUpper              = %d[u32];  Unique Part ID Upper \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PartUIDUpper ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .PartUIDLower              = %d[u32]; Unique Part ID Lower \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PartUIDLower ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SignalRateMeasFixed400mm  = %3.3f; Peak Signal rate at 400 mm \n\r",  1.0 / 65535.0 * TOF1.Data.SignalRateMeasFixed400mm ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RefSpadEnables[x]         = %X %X %X %X %X %X[hex8]; Reference Spad Enables  \n\r",  
         TOF1.Data.RefSpadEnables[0], TOF1.Data.RefSpadEnables[1], TOF1.Data.RefSpadEnables[2], 
         TOF1.Data.RefSpadEnables[3], TOF1.Data.RefSpadEnables[4], TOF1.Data.RefSpadEnables[5] ); 
-    printf(" .RefGoodSpadMap[x]         = %X %X %X %X %X %X[hex8];  Reference Spad Good Spad Map\n\r",
+    aSerial->printf(" .RefGoodSpadMap[x]         = %X %X %X %X %X %X[hex8];  Reference Spad Good Spad Map\n\r",
         TOF1.Data.RefGoodSpadMap[0], TOF1.Data.RefGoodSpadMap[1], TOF1.Data.RefGoodSpadMap[2], 
         TOF1.Data.RefGoodSpadMap[3], TOF1.Data.RefGoodSpadMap[4], TOF1.Data.RefGoodSpadMap[5] );     
-    printf(" .Part2PartOffsetNVM_um     = %d[i32]; backed up NVM value \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Part2PartOffsetNVM_um ); 
-    printf(" .Part2PartOffsetAdjustNVM_um= %d[i32]; backed up NVM value of additional offset adjustment \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Part2PartOffsetAdjustNVM_um ); 
-    printf(" .SequenceConfig            = %d[u8]; Internal value for the sequence config  \n\r",   TOF1.Data.SequenceConfig ); 
-    printf(" .RangeFractionalEnable     = %d[u8]; Enable/Disable fractional part of range data  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.RangeFractionalEnable); 
-    printf(" .PalState                  = %d[u8]; Current state of the PAL \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PalState ); 
-    printf(" .PowerMode                 = %d[u8]; Current Power Mode; Stdby1/2, Idle1/2 \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PowerMode ); 
-    printf(" .SigmaEstRefArray          = %d[u16]; Reference array sigma value in 1/100th of [mm] \n\r",  TOF1.Data.SigmaEstRefArray ); 
-    printf(" .SigmaEstEffPulseWidth     = %d[u16]; Effective Pulse width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns \n\r", TOF1.Data.SigmaEstEffPulseWidth ); 
-    printf(" .SigmaEstEffAmbWidth       = %d. Effective Ambient width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns \n\r",  TOF1.Data.SigmaEstEffAmbWidth ); 
-    printf(" .StopVariable              = %d[u8]; StopVariable used during the stop sequence  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.StopVariable ); 
-    printf(" .targetRefRate             = %d. Target Ambient Rate for Ref spad management \n\r",   TOF1.Data.targetRefRate ); 
-    printf(" .LastSignalRef_MHz         = %3.3fMHz;  Latest Signal ref \n\r",  TOF1.Data.LastSignalRef_MHz / 65535.01 ); 
-    printf(" .UseInternalTuningSetting  = %d[u8]; Indicate if we use  Tuning Settings table  \n\r",    TOF1.Data.UseInternalTuningSettings ); 
-    printf(" .LinearityCorrectiveGain   = %d[u8]; Linearity Corrective Gain value in x1000 \n\r",  TOF1.Data.LinearityCorrectiveGain ); 
-    printf(" .DmaxCalRange_mm           = %dmm; Dmax Calibration Range \n\r",  TOF1.Data.DmaxCalRange_mm );               
-    printf(" .DmaxCalSignalRateRtn_MHz  = %3.3fMHz; Dmax Calibration Signal Rate Return \n\r",  TOF1.Data.DmaxCalSignalRateRtn_MHz / 65535.01 ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Part2PartOffsetNVM_um     = %d[i32]; backed up NVM value \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Part2PartOffsetNVM_um ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .Part2PartOffsetAdjustNVM_um= %d[i32]; backed up NVM value of additional offset adjustment \n\r",  TOF1.Data.Part2PartOffsetAdjustNVM_um ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SequenceConfig            = %d[u8]; Internal value for the sequence config  \n\r",   TOF1.Data.SequenceConfig ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .RangeFractionalEnable     = %d[u8]; Enable/Disable fractional part of range data  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.RangeFractionalEnable); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .PalState                  = %d[u8]; Current state of the PAL \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PalState ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .PowerMode                 = %d[u8]; Current Power Mode; Stdby1/2, Idle1/2 \n\r",  TOF1.Data.PowerMode ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SigmaEstRefArray          = %d[u16]; Reference array sigma value in 1/100th of [mm] \n\r",  TOF1.Data.SigmaEstRefArray ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SigmaEstEffPulseWidth     = %d[u16]; Effective Pulse width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns \n\r", TOF1.Data.SigmaEstEffPulseWidth ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .SigmaEstEffAmbWidth       = %d. Effective Ambient width for sigma estimate in 1/100th of ns \n\r",  TOF1.Data.SigmaEstEffAmbWidth ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .StopVariable              = %d[u8]; StopVariable used during the stop sequence  \n\r",  TOF1.Data.StopVariable ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .targetRefRate             = %d. Target Ambient Rate for Ref spad management \n\r",   TOF1.Data.targetRefRate ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .LastSignalRef_MHz         = %3.3fMHz;  Latest Signal ref \n\r",  TOF1.Data.LastSignalRef_MHz / 65535.01 ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .UseInternalTuningSetting  = %d[u8]; Indicate if we use  Tuning Settings table  \n\r",    TOF1.Data.UseInternalTuningSettings ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .LinearityCorrectiveGain   = %d[u8]; Linearity Corrective Gain value in x1000 \n\r",  TOF1.Data.LinearityCorrectiveGain ); 
+    aSerial->printf(" .DmaxCalRange_mm           = %dmm; Dmax Calibration Range \n\r",  TOF1.Data.DmaxCalRange_mm );               
+    aSerial->printf(" .DmaxCalSignalRateRtn_MHz  = %3.3fMHz; Dmax Calibration Signal Rate Return \n\r",  TOF1.Data.DmaxCalSignalRateRtn_MHz / 65535.01 ); 
 int VL53L0X::read_id(uint8_t *id)
@@ -187,12 +187,12 @@
     uint8_t id = 0;
     status = read_id(&id);
     if (status != 0) { 
-    	printf("VL53L0X sensor is not present!\n\r");
+    	//aSerial->printf("VL53L0X sensor is not present!\n\r");
     	return 99; } // device is not present
     status = VL53L0X_data_init();
     if (status != VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        printf("Failed to init VL53L0X sensor!\n\r");
+        //aSerial->printf("Failed to init VL53L0X sensor!\n\r");
         return status;
@@ -201,14 +201,14 @@
     status = prepare();
     if (status != VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        printf("Failed to prepare VL53L0X!\n\r");
+        //aSerial->printf("Failed to prepare VL53L0X!\n\r");
         return status;
     if (new_addr != VL53L0X_DEFAULT_ADDRESS) {
         status = set_device_address(new_addr);
         if (status) {
-            printf("Failed to change I2C address!\n\r");
+            //aSerial->printf("Failed to change I2C address!\n\r");
             return status;
@@ -366,14 +366,14 @@
     uint8_t PhaseCal;
     // default settings, for normal range.
     FixPoint1616_t signalLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(0.25 * 65536);
-    FixPoint1616_t sigmaLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(18 * 65536);
+    FixPoint1616_t sigmaLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(25 * 65536);
     uint32_t timingBudget = 33000;
     uint8_t preRangeVcselPeriod = 14;
     uint8_t finalRangeVcselPeriod = 10;
     if (operating_mode == range_continuous_interrupt) {
         if (_gpio1Int == NULL) {
-            printf("GPIO1 Error\r\n");
+            //aSerial->printf("GPIO1 Error\r\n");
             return 1;
@@ -394,10 +394,7 @@
         if (ClrStatus) { Status = 97; } // VL53L0X_ClearErrorInterrupt fail
         if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-            Status = VL53L0X_set_device_mode(VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING); // Setup in continuous ranging mode
-        }
-        if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
+            CurrentParameters.DeviceMode = VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING; // Setup in continuous ranging mode
             Status = VL53L0X_start_measurement();
@@ -406,11 +403,8 @@
         // singelshot, polled ranging
         if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
             // no need to do this when we use VL53L0X_PerformSingleRangingMeasurement
-            Status = VL53L0X_set_device_mode( VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING); // Setup in single ranging mode
-        }
-        // Enable/Disable Sigma and Signal check
-        if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
+            CurrentParameters.DeviceMode = VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING; // Setup in single ranging mode
+        	// Enable/Disable Sigma and Signal check
             Status = VL53L0X_set_limit_check_enable(VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGMA_FINAL_RANGE, 1);
         if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
@@ -422,7 +416,7 @@
 		case Range_Config_DEFAULT:
 			// default settings, for normal range.
 		    signalLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(0.25 * 65536);
-		    sigmaLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(18 * 65536);
+		    sigmaLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(16 * 65536);
 		    timingBudget = 33000;
 		    preRangeVcselPeriod = 14;
 		    finalRangeVcselPeriod = 10;
@@ -443,7 +437,7 @@
         case Range_Config_HIGH_SPEED:
 			signalLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(0.25*65536);
-			sigmaLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(32*65536);
+			sigmaLimit = (FixPoint1616_t)(60*65536);
 			timingBudget = 20000;
 			preRangeVcselPeriod = 14;
 			finalRangeVcselPeriod = 10;
@@ -474,12 +468,7 @@
     if (operating_mode == range_continuous_polling) {
         if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-            //printf("Call of VL53L0X_SetDeviceMode\n");
-            Status = VL53L0X_set_device_mode( VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING); // Setup in continuous ranging mode
-        }
-        if (Status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-            //printf("Call of VL53L0X_StartMeasurement\n");
+            CurrentParameters.DeviceMode = VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING; // Setup in continuous ranging mode
             Status = VL53L0X_start_measurement();
@@ -494,8 +483,7 @@
 //   status = VL53L0X_SetInterruptThresholds(Device, VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING, 0, 300);
     status = VL53L0X_set_gpio_config( 0, VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING,
-                                     VL53L0X_REG_SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_GPIO_NEW_SAMPLE_READY,
-                                     VL53L0X_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_HIGH);
     if (!status) {
@@ -542,7 +530,7 @@
     int status = 0;
     VL53L0X_RangingMeasurementData_t p_ranging_measurement_data;
-    status = start_measurement(range_single_shot_polling, NULL);
+    status = start_measurement(range_single_shot_polling, NULL, Range_Config_DEFAULT);
     if (!status) {
         status = get_measurement(range_single_shot_polling, &p_ranging_measurement_data);
@@ -621,12 +609,12 @@
     if (operating_mode == range_continuous_interrupt || operating_mode == range_continuous_polling) {
         // continuous mode
         if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-            //printf("Call of VL53L0X_StopMeasurement\n");
+            //aSerial->printf("Call of VL53L0X_StopMeasurement\n");
             status = VL53L0X_stop_measurement();
         if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-            //printf("Wait Stop to be competed\n");
+            //aSerial->printf("Wait Stop to be competed\n");
             status = wait_stop_completed();
@@ -645,13 +633,10 @@
 int VL53L0X::range_start_continuous_mode()
-{   int status;
-    status = VL53L0X_set_device_mode( VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING);
-    if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) 
-    	{  status = VL53L0X_start_measurement(); }
-    return status;
+{   CurrentParameters.DeviceMode =  VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_CONTINUOUS_RANGING;
+    return VL53L0X_start_measurement();
 VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_device_read_strobe(void)
@@ -824,7 +809,6 @@
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x94, 0x7B);
             status |= VL53L0X_device_read_strobe();
             status |= VL53L0X_read_dword( 0x90, &part_uid_upper);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x94, 0x7C);
             status |= VL53L0X_device_read_strobe();
             status |= VL53L0X_read_dword( 0x90, &part_uid_lower);
@@ -832,25 +816,21 @@
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x94, 0x73);
             status |= VL53L0X_device_read_strobe();
             status |= VL53L0X_read_dword( 0x90, &tmp_dword);
             signal_rate_meas_fixed1104_400_mm = (tmp_dword & 0x0000000ff) << 8;
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x94, 0x74);
             status |= VL53L0X_device_read_strobe();
             status |= VL53L0X_read_dword( 0x90, &tmp_dword);
             signal_rate_meas_fixed1104_400_mm |= ((tmp_dword & 0xff000000) >> 24);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x94, 0x75);
             status |= VL53L0X_device_read_strobe();
             status |= VL53L0X_read_dword( 0x90, &tmp_dword);
             dist_meas_fixed1104_400_mm = (tmp_dword & 0x0000000ff) << 8;
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x94, 0x76);
             status |= VL53L0X_device_read_strobe();
             status |= VL53L0X_read_dword( 0x90, &tmp_dword);
             dist_meas_fixed1104_400_mm |= ((tmp_dword & 0xff000000) >> 24);
@@ -860,7 +840,6 @@
         status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x83, byte & 0xfb);
         status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xFF, 0x01);
         status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x00, 0x01);
         status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xFF, 0x00);
         status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x80, 0x00);
@@ -913,14 +892,13 @@
     return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::wrapped_VL53L0X_get_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(int32_t *p_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter)
+VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(int32_t *p_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter)
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     uint16_t range_offset_register;
     int16_t c_max_offset = 2047;
     int16_t c_offset_range = 4096;
-    /* Note that offset has 10.2 format */
+    /* Note, that offset has 10.2 format */
     status = VL53L0X_read_word(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET_MM,
@@ -930,37 +908,22 @@
         /* Apply 12 bit 2's compliment conversion */
         if (range_offset_register > c_max_offset) {
             *p_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter =
-                (int16_t)(range_offset_register - c_offset_range)
-                * 250;
+                (int16_t)(range_offset_register - c_offset_range) * 250;
         } else {
             *p_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter =
-                (int16_t)range_offset_register * 250;
-        }
+                (int16_t)range_offset_register * 250; }
     return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(int32_t *p_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter)
-{   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
-    status = wrapped_VL53L0X_get_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(p_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter);
-    return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::wrapped_VL53L0X_set_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(int32_t offset_calibration_data_micro_meter)
+VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_set_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(int32_t offset_calibration_data_micro_meter)
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     int32_t c_max_offset_micro_meter = 511000;
     int32_t c_min_offset_micro_meter = -512000;
     int16_t c_offset_range = 4096;
     uint32_t encoded_offset_val;
     if (offset_calibration_data_micro_meter > c_max_offset_micro_meter) {
         offset_calibration_data_micro_meter = c_max_offset_micro_meter;
     } else {
@@ -970,32 +933,16 @@
     /* The offset register is 10.2 format and units are mm
-     * therefore conversion is applied by a division of
-     * 250.
-     */
+     * therefore conversion is applied by a division of 250. */
     if (offset_calibration_data_micro_meter >= 0) {
-        encoded_offset_val =
-            offset_calibration_data_micro_meter / 250;
+        encoded_offset_val = offset_calibration_data_micro_meter / 250;
     } else {
         encoded_offset_val =
-            c_offset_range +
-            offset_calibration_data_micro_meter / 250;
+            c_offset_range + offset_calibration_data_micro_meter / 250;
     status = VL53L0X_write_word(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET_MM,
-    return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_set_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(int32_t offset_calibration_data_micro_meter)
-{   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
-    status = wrapped_VL53L0X_set_offset_calibration_data_micro_meter(offset_calibration_data_micro_meter);
     return status;
@@ -1028,17 +975,6 @@
             CurrentParameters.RangeOffset_um = corrected_offset_micro_meters;
-    return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_device_mode(VL53L0X_DeviceModes *p_device_mode)
-{   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
-    *p_device_mode = CurrentParameters.DeviceMode ;
     return status;
@@ -1064,7 +1000,6 @@
         CurrentParameters.InterMeasurementPeriod_ms = *p_inter_measurement_period_ms;
     return status;
@@ -1074,8 +1009,6 @@
     uint16_t value;
     FixPoint1616_t temp_fix1616;
     status = VL53L0X_read_word(VL53L0X_REG_CROSSTALK_COMPENSATION_PEAK_RATE_MHz, (uint16_t *)&value);
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
         if (value == 0) {
@@ -1091,7 +1024,6 @@
     return status;
@@ -1102,8 +1034,6 @@
     uint16_t temp16;
     FixPoint1616_t temp_fix1616;
     switch (limit_check_id) {
@@ -1113,12 +1043,10 @@
-            status = VL53L0X_read_word(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_MIN_COUNT_RATE_RTN_LIMIT,
-                                       &temp16);
+            status = VL53L0X_read_word(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_MIN_COUNT_RATE_RTN_LIMIT, &temp16);
             if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
                 temp_fix1616 = VL53L0X_FP97TOFP1616(temp16);
             enable_zero_value = 1;
@@ -1151,7 +1079,6 @@
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
         if (enable_zero_value == 1) {
             if (temp_fix1616 == 0) {
@@ -1164,14 +1091,10 @@
                 CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[limit_check_id] = temp_fix1616;
                 CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[limit_check_id] = 1;
-        } else {
-            *p_limit_check_value = temp_fix1616;
-        }
+        } else { *p_limit_check_value = temp_fix1616; }
     return status;
 VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_limit_check_enable( uint16_t limit_check_id,
@@ -1179,8 +1102,6 @@
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     uint8_t temp8;
     if (limit_check_id >= VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_NUMBER_OF_CHECKS) {
         status = VL53L0X_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS;
         *p_limit_check_enable = 0;
@@ -1189,7 +1110,6 @@
         *p_limit_check_enable = temp8;
     return status;
@@ -1197,8 +1117,6 @@
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     uint8_t data;
     status = VL53L0X_read_byte( VL53L0X_REG_SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_CONFIG, &data);
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
         Data.SequenceConfig = data;
@@ -1212,7 +1130,6 @@
         CurrentParameters.WrapAroundCheckEnable = *p_wrap_around_check_enable;
     return status;
@@ -1221,7 +1138,6 @@
 {   VL53L0X_Error Status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     *p_sequence_step_enabled = 0;
     switch (sequence_step_id) {
         case VL53L0X_SEQUENCESTEP_TCC:
             *p_sequence_step_enabled = (sequence_config & 0x10) >> 4;
@@ -1241,8 +1157,6 @@
             Status = VL53L0X_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS;
     return Status;
@@ -1250,7 +1164,6 @@
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     uint8_t sequence_config = 0;
     status = VL53L0X_read_byte( VL53L0X_REG_SYSTEM_SEQUENCE_CONFIG,
@@ -1274,17 +1187,11 @@
         status = sequence_step_enabled(VL53L0X_SEQUENCESTEP_FINAL_RANGE, sequence_config,
     return status;
 uint8_t VL53L0X::VL53L0X_decode_vcsel_period(uint8_t vcsel_period_reg)
-{   /*!
-     * Converts the encoded VCSEL period register value into the real
-     * period in PLL clocks
-     */
+{   /*! Converts the encoded VCSEL period register value into the real period in PLL clocks  */
     uint8_t vcsel_period_pclks = 0;
     vcsel_period_pclks = (vcsel_period_reg + 1) << 1;
@@ -1293,10 +1200,7 @@
 uint8_t VL53L0X::lv53l0x_encode_vcsel_period(uint8_t vcsel_period_pclks)
-{   /*!
-     * Converts the encoded VCSEL period register value into the real period
-     * in PLL clocks
-     */
+{   /*! Converts the encoded VCSEL period register value into the real period  in PLL clocks */
     uint8_t vcsel_period_reg = 0;
@@ -1336,9 +1240,7 @@
     /* Apply specific settings for the requested clock period */
-    if (status != VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        return status;
-    }
+    if (status != VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) { return status; }
     if (vcsel_period_type == VL53L0X_VCSEL_PERIOD_PRE_RANGE) {
@@ -1369,52 +1271,35 @@
     } else if (vcsel_period_type == VL53L0X_VCSEL_PERIOD_FINAL_RANGE) {
         if (vcsel_pulse_period_pclk == 8) {
             status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_HIGH,0x10);
             status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_LOW,0x08);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_GLOBAL_CONFIG_VCSEL_WIDTH, 0x02);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_CONFIG_TIMEOUT, 0x0C);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x01);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_LIM,0x30);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x00);
         } else if (vcsel_pulse_period_pclk == 10) {
             status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_HIGH,0x28);
             status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_LOW,0x08);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_GLOBAL_CONFIG_VCSEL_WIDTH, 0x03);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_CONFIG_TIMEOUT, 0x09);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x01);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_LIM,0x20);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x00);
         } else if (vcsel_pulse_period_pclk == 12) {
-            status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_HIGH,
-                                        0x38);
-            status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_LOW,
-                                        0x08);
+            status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_HIGH, 0x38);
+            status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_LOW, 0x08);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_GLOBAL_CONFIG_VCSEL_WIDTH, 0x03);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_CONFIG_TIMEOUT, 0x08);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x01);
-            status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_LIM,
-                                         0x20);
+            status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_LIM,0x20);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x00);
         } else if (vcsel_pulse_period_pclk == 14) {
-            status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_HIGH,
-                                        0x048);
+            status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_HIGH,0x048);
             status = VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_VALID_PHASE_LOW,0x08);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_GLOBAL_CONFIG_VCSEL_WIDTH, 0x03);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_CONFIG_TIMEOUT, 0x07);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x01);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte(VL53L0X_REG_ALGO_PHASECAL_LIM,0x20);
             status |= VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xff, 0x00);
@@ -1424,8 +1309,7 @@
     /* Re-calculate and apply timeouts, in macro periods */
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        vcsel_period_reg = lv53l0x_encode_vcsel_period((uint8_t)
-                           vcsel_pulse_period_pclk);
+        vcsel_period_reg = lv53l0x_encode_vcsel_period((uint8_t) vcsel_pulse_period_pclk);
         /* When the VCSEL period for the pre or final range is changed,
         * the corresponding timeout must be read from the device using
@@ -1481,13 +1365,11 @@
     /* Finally, the timing budget must be re-applied */
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
         measurement_timing_budget_us = CurrentParameters.MeasurementTimingBudget_us ;
         status = VL53L0X_set_measurement_timing_budget_us(measurement_timing_budget_us);
     /* Perform the phase calibration. This is needed after changing on
-     * vcsel period.
-     * get_data_enable = 0, restore_config = 1 */
+     * vcsel period. get_data_enable = 0, restore_config = 1 */
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE)
         status = VL53L0X_perform_phase_calibration(&phase_cal_int, 0, 1);
@@ -1496,16 +1378,13 @@
 VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_set_vcsel_pulse_period(VL53L0X_VcselPeriod vcsel_period_type, uint8_t vcsel_pulse_period)
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
-    status = wrapped_VL53L0X_set_vcsel_pulse_period( vcsel_period_type,
-             vcsel_pulse_period);
+    status = wrapped_VL53L0X_set_vcsel_pulse_period( vcsel_period_type,  vcsel_pulse_period);
     return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::wrapped_VL53L0X_get_vcsel_pulse_period(VL53L0X_VcselPeriod vcsel_period_type, uint8_t *p_vcsel_pulse_period_pclk)
+VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_vcsel_pulse_period(VL53L0X_VcselPeriod vcsel_period_type, uint8_t *p_vcsel_pulse_period_pclk)
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     uint8_t vcsel_period_reg;
@@ -1523,28 +1402,13 @@
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE)
-        *p_vcsel_pulse_period_pclk =
-            VL53L0X_decode_vcsel_period(vcsel_period_reg);
-    return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_vcsel_pulse_period(VL53L0X_VcselPeriod vcsel_period_type, uint8_t *p_vcsel_pulse_period_pclk)
-{   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
-    status = wrapped_VL53L0X_get_vcsel_pulse_period( vcsel_period_type,
-             p_vcsel_pulse_period_pclk);
+        *p_vcsel_pulse_period_pclk = VL53L0X_decode_vcsel_period(vcsel_period_reg);
     return status;
 uint32_t VL53L0X::VL53L0X_decode_timeout(uint16_t encoded_timeout)
-{   /*!
-     * Decode 16-bit timeout register value - format (LSByte * 2^MSByte) + 1
-     */
+{   /*! Decode 16-bit timeout register value - format (LSByte * 2^MSByte) + 1 */
     uint32_t timeout_macro_clks = 0;
     timeout_macro_clks = ((uint32_t)(encoded_timeout & 0x00FF)
@@ -1558,17 +1422,11 @@
     uint32_t macro_period_vclks;
     uint32_t macro_period_ps;
-    /* The above calculation will produce rounding errors,
-       therefore set fixed value
-    */
+    /* The above calculation will produce rounding errors,  therefore set fixed value*/
     pll_period_ps = 1655;
     macro_period_vclks = 2304;
     macro_period_ps = (uint32_t)(macro_period_vclks
                                  * vcsel_period_pclks * pll_period_ps);
     return macro_period_ps;
@@ -1679,7 +1537,7 @@
     return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::wrapped_VL53L0X_get_measurement_timing_budget_us(uint32_t *p_measurement_timing_budget_us)
+VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_measurement_timing_budget_us(uint32_t *p_measurement_timing_budget_us)
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     VL53L0X_SchedulerSequenceSteps_t scheduler_sequence_steps;
     uint32_t final_range_timeout_us;
@@ -1693,18 +1551,13 @@
     uint32_t final_range_overhead_us = 550;
     uint32_t pre_range_timeout_us	= 0;
     /* Start and end overhead times always present */
         = start_overhead_us + end_overhead_us;
     status = VL53L0X_get_sequence_step_enables( &scheduler_sequence_steps);
-    if (status != VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        return status;
-    }
+    if (status != VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) { return status; }
     if (scheduler_sequence_steps.TccOn  ||
             scheduler_sequence_steps.MsrcOn ||
@@ -1716,18 +1569,15 @@
         if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
             if (scheduler_sequence_steps.TccOn) {
                 *p_measurement_timing_budget_us +=
-                    msrc_dcc_tcc_timeout_us +
-                    tcc_overhead_us;
+                    msrc_dcc_tcc_timeout_us +  tcc_overhead_us;
             if (scheduler_sequence_steps.DssOn) {
                 *p_measurement_timing_budget_us +=
-                    2 * (msrc_dcc_tcc_timeout_us +
-                         dss_overhead_us);
+                    2 * (msrc_dcc_tcc_timeout_us +  dss_overhead_us);
             } else if (scheduler_sequence_steps.MsrcOn) {
                 *p_measurement_timing_budget_us +=
-                    msrc_dcc_tcc_timeout_us +
-                    msrc_overhead_us;
+                    msrc_dcc_tcc_timeout_us + msrc_overhead_us;
@@ -1737,8 +1587,7 @@
             status = get_sequence_step_timeout(VL53L0X_SEQUENCESTEP_PRE_RANGE,
             *p_measurement_timing_budget_us +=
-                pre_range_timeout_us +
-                pre_range_overhead_us;
+                pre_range_timeout_us +  pre_range_overhead_us;
@@ -1747,26 +1596,13 @@
             status = get_sequence_step_timeout(VL53L0X_SEQUENCESTEP_FINAL_RANGE,
             *p_measurement_timing_budget_us +=
-                (final_range_timeout_us +
-                 final_range_overhead_us);
+                (final_range_timeout_us + final_range_overhead_us);
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
-        CurrentParameters.MeasurementTimingBudget_us = *p_measurement_timing_budget_us;
-    }
-    return status;
-VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X::VL53L0X_get_measurement_timing_budget_us(uint32_t *p_measurement_timing_budget_us)
-{   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
-    status = wrapped_VL53L0X_get_measurement_timing_budget_us(p_measurement_timing_budget_us);
+        CurrentParameters.MeasurementTimingBudget_us = *p_measurement_timing_budget_us;}
     return status;
@@ -1774,9 +1610,7 @@
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     int i;
-    status = VL53L0X_get_device_mode( &(p_device_parameters->DeviceMode));
+    p_device_parameters->DeviceMode = CurrentParameters.DeviceMode;
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE)
         status = VL53L0X_get_inter_measurement_period_ms(&(p_device_parameters->InterMeasurementPeriod_ms));
@@ -1830,8 +1664,6 @@
 {   VL53L0X_Error status = VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE;
     uint8_t temp8;
     temp8 = CurrentParameters.LimitChecksEnable[limit_check_id];
     if (temp8 == 0) { /* disabled write only internal value */
@@ -1840,27 +1672,20 @@
         switch (limit_check_id) {
-                /* internal computation: */
+            case VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGMA_FINAL_RANGE:/* internal computation: */
                 CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGMA_FINAL_RANGE] = limit_check_value;
                 status = VL53L0X_write_word(VL53L0X_REG_FINAL_RANGE_CONFIG_MIN_COUNT_RATE_RTN_LIMIT,
-                /* internal computation: */
+            case VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGNAL_REF_CLIP:/* internal computation: */
                 CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_SIGNAL_REF_CLIP] = limit_check_value;
-                /* internal computation: */
+            case VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_RANGE_IGNORE_THRESHOLD:/* internal computation: */
                 CurrentParameters.LimitChecksValue[VL53L0X_CHECKENABLE_RANGE_IGNORE_THRESHOLD] = limit_check_value;
@@ -2554,7 +2379,7 @@
     /* Get Current DeviceMode */
-    VL53L0X_get_device_mode( &device_mode);
+    device_mode = CurrentParameters.DeviceMode;
     status = VL53L0X_write_byte( 0x80, 0x01);
     status = VL53L0X_write_byte( 0xFF, 0x01);
@@ -2626,7 +2451,7 @@
     VL53L0X_DeviceModes device_mode;  
     /* Get Current DeviceMode */
-    status = VL53L0X_get_device_mode( &device_mode);
+    device_mode = CurrentParameters.DeviceMode;
     /* Start immediately to run a single ranging measurement in case of
      * single ranging or single histogram */
@@ -3521,7 +3346,7 @@
     /* This function will do a complete single ranging
      * Here we fix the mode! */
-    status = VL53L0X_set_device_mode( VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING);
+    CurrentParameters.DeviceMode = VL53L0X_DEVICEMODE_SINGLE_RANGING;
     if (status == VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE) {
         status = VL53L0X_perform_single_measurement();  }
@@ -4157,8 +3982,7 @@
     final_range_timing_budget_us =
-        measurement_timing_budget_us -
-        (start_overhead_us + end_overhead_us);
+        measurement_timing_budget_us - (start_overhead_us + end_overhead_us);
     status = VL53L0X_get_sequence_step_enables( &scheduler_sequence_steps);