Added for gyro and testing


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
14:365c1c1bf6ee 2019-07-04 sepham IMU tof more gyro and testing default tip
13:d66766523196 2019-07-03 jahutchi Functions are working but now figuring out the yaw
12:6efce6d008f8 2019-07-03 jahutchi IMU6050
11:9b414412b09e 2015-02-20 moklumbys I modified some small things in the library and additionally added some functions for calculating actual angle values from the one read by the sensor.
10:bd9665d14241 2015-02-19 moklumbys Added all the comments
9:898effccce30 2015-02-19 moklumbys additional fnctions - done.
8:b1570b99df9e 2015-02-13 moklumbys Added one more function, which allows enabling interrupts on Int pin. Now we can gather data only when it is received. Next maybe possible to define time period for getting data...
7:56e591a74939 2015-02-13 moklumbys So, added the final function to the library, which would allow to compute angle, knowing the time difference between each calculation.
6:502448484f91 2015-02-12 moklumbys So, corrected all mistakes -> successfully built.
5:5873df1e58be 2015-02-12 moklumbys Added changes to the original library to allow getting offset values.
4:268d3fcb92ba 2015-02-12 moklumbys Modified library to get angle from accelerometer.
3:187152513f8d 2015-02-12 moklumbys Finished program using functions. Next time will need to put everything in library.
2:5c63e20c50f3 2012-09-10 Sissors v0.2; Now documentation maybe works
1:a3366f09e95c 2012-09-10 Sissors v0.1
0:6757f7363a9f 2012-07-11 Sissors [mbed] converted /Quadrocopter/MPU6050