Use this code as template for Question 2

Dependencies:   mbed Nucleo_Sensor_Shield

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 08 08:11:12 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 10 02:48:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,27 +1,12 @@
-LAB EXERCISE - Environmental sensors measurments 
- ----------------------------------------
-    In this exercise we will read the environmental sensors on the Nucleo sensors shield (X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1) 
-    with the help of the ST Nucleo Sensor Shield library which is compatible with the MBED API.
-    Then we will send the measurements via USB to our PC using serial communication. 
-    We can then display the results using a terminal emulation program (e.g. Termite).
-    At the same time the program blinks the on board LED to show alivness. 
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "x_cube_mems.h"
-// Create a DigitalOut objects for the LED
 DigitalOut led(LED1);
-// Create a Serial objects to communicate via USB
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-// Create 2 Ticker objects for a recurring interrupts. One for blink a LED and the other one to update the sensor lectures periodicly.
 Ticker blinky; 
 Ticker update;
@@ -43,10 +28,10 @@
 int main() {
-    /* Create a sensor shield object */
     static X_CUBE_MEMS *Sensors = X_CUBE_MEMS::Instance();
-    /* Attach a function to be called by the Ticker objects at a specific interval in seconds*/
     blinky.attach(&blinky_handler, 0.5);
     update.attach(&sensors_handler, 3);
@@ -54,15 +39,13 @@
         if(measurements_update == true){
         /* Read the environmental sensors  */
-        Sensors->hts221.GetTemperature((float *)&TEMPERATURE_C);
-        Sensors->hts221.GetHumidity((float *)&HUMIDITY);
-        Sensors->lps25h.GetPressure((float *)&PRESSURE);
-        TEMPERATURE_F = (TEMPERATURE_C * 1.8f) + 32.0f;     //Convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit
-        TEMPERATURE_K = (TEMPERATURE_C + 273.15f);          //Convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin
+            <your code should be here>
         pc.printf("Temperature:\t %.2f C / %.2f F / %.2f K\r\n", TEMPERATURE_C, TEMPERATURE_F, TEMPERATURE_K);
         pc.printf("Humidity:\t %.2f%%\r\n", HUMIDITY);
-        pc.printf("Pressure:\t %.2f hPa\r\n", PRESSURE); 