
Dependencies:   LSM9DS1 RangeFinder FastPWM

Wed Mar 23 09:46:07 2022 +0000
Renamed ReEnalbe function to Enable in Servo class

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
pmic 0:86129f1b4a93 1 #include "Servo.h"
pmic 4:9c003c402033 2
pmic 18:21c0a669d6ef 3 const float Servo::MIN_INPUT = 0.01f;
pmic 18:21c0a669d6ef 4 const float Servo::MAX_INPUT = 0.99f;
pmic 18:21c0a669d6ef 5
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 6 Servo::Servo(PinName Pin) : ServoPin(Pin)
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 7 {
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 8 servoEnabled = false;
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 9 Position = 0;
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 10 Period = 0;
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 11 }
pmic 0:86129f1b4a93 12
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 13 /**
pmic 22:13db7047054c 14 * Sets the pwm period.
pmic 22:13db7047054c 15 * @_Period period in mus.
pmic 22:13db7047054c 16 */
pmic 22:13db7047054c 17 void Servo::SetPeriod(float _Period)
pmic 22:13db7047054c 18 {
pmic 22:13db7047054c 19 Period = _Period;
pmic 22:13db7047054c 20 }
pmic 22:13db7047054c 21
pmic 22:13db7047054c 22 /**
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 23 * Sets the desired angle.
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 24 * @_Input a value between 0...1.
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 25 */
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 26 void Servo::SetPosition(float _Input)
pmic 4:9c003c402033 27 {
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 28 if (servoEnabled) {
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 29 if (_Input < MIN_INPUT) _Input = MIN_INPUT;
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 30 if (_Input > MAX_INPUT) _Input = MAX_INPUT;
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 31 Position = static_cast<int>(_Input * static_cast<float>(Period));
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 32 }
pmic 4:9c003c402033 33 }
pmic 0:86129f1b4a93 34
pmic 4:9c003c402033 35 void Servo::StartPulse()
pmic 4:9c003c402033 36 {
pmic 4:9c003c402033 37 ServoPin = 1;
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 38 PulseStop.attach(callback(this, &Servo::EndPulse), std::chrono::microseconds{static_cast<long int>(Position)});
pmic 4:9c003c402033 39 }
pmic 0:86129f1b4a93 40
pmic 4:9c003c402033 41 void Servo::EndPulse()
pmic 4:9c003c402033 42 {
pmic 4:9c003c402033 43 ServoPin = 0;
pmic 4:9c003c402033 44 }
pmic 0:86129f1b4a93 45
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 46 /**
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 47 * Enables the servo with start angle and period.
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 48 * @_StartInput a value between 0...1.
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 49 * @_Period period in mus.
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 50 */
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 51 void Servo::Enable(float _StartInput, int _Period)
pmic 4:9c003c402033 52 {
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 53 servoEnabled = true;
pmic 18:21c0a669d6ef 54 if (_StartInput < MIN_INPUT) _StartInput = MIN_INPUT;
pmic 18:21c0a669d6ef 55 if (_StartInput > MAX_INPUT) _StartInput = MAX_INPUT;
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 56 Period = _Period;
pmic 16:69911e81dfd4 57 Position = static_cast<int>(_StartInput * static_cast<float>(Period));
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 58 Pulse.attach(callback(this, &Servo::StartPulse), std::chrono::microseconds{static_cast<long int>(Period)});
pmic 4:9c003c402033 59 }
pmic 0:86129f1b4a93 60
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 61 /**
pmic 23:1926540ebbec 62 * Enables the servo with last set angle and period.
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 63 */
pmic 23:1926540ebbec 64 void Servo::Enable()
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 65 {
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 66 servoEnabled = true;
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 67 Pulse.attach(callback(this, &Servo::StartPulse), std::chrono::microseconds{static_cast<long int>(Period)});
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 68 }
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 69
pmic 21:45d903d986f6 70 /**
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 71 * Disables the servo.
pmic 10:fe74e8909d3f 72 */
pmic 4:9c003c402033 73 void Servo::Disable()
pmic 4:9c003c402033 74 {
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 75 servoEnabled = false;
pmic 4:9c003c402033 76 Pulse.detach();
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 77 }
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 78
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 79 /**
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 80 * Returns true if Servo is enabled.
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 81 * @return isEnable.
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 82 */
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 83 bool Servo::isEnabled()
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 84 {
pmic 20:ea222b81350e 85 return servoEnabled;
pmic 4:9c003c402033 86 }