AdiSense1000_V21 MBED API

Fork of AdiSense1000 by PoC_Team

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/	Wed Mar 07 00:58:50 2018 +0000
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+ADSNS1000 Overview
+# Overview {#overview}
+ADISENSE product family provide complete, flexible and versatile measurement
+solutions for a wide range of both compensated and uncompensated analog or
+digital sensors. The ADSNS1000 is the first product in this portfolio. The
+ADSNS1000 module seamlessly interfaces to temperature, pressure, humidity,
+acceleration and multiple other sensors. The module has all the building blocks
+to excite, measure and correct each sensor and generate an output in sensor
+related units such as oC, oF, psi, %RH. In conjunction with the MeasureWare
+ecosystem, ADSNS1000 can be easily configured and optimised for the sensor types
+selected to meet the accuracy and measurement times required.
+The ADSNS1000 provides up to 11 measurement channels. The module has 4
+measurement inputs that connect to uncompensated analog sensors. It also
+includes two dedicated analog measurement inputs for temperature compensation
+such as cold junction compensation of the thermocouples. ADSNS1000 includes a
+0-10V measurement input, 0-20mA measurement input, two I2C measurement inputs
+and one SPI measurement input also which are useful for compensated sensors such
+as pressure, humidity and accelerometers.
+The ADSNS1000 communicates to the host application processor via a dedicated SPI
+interface. The ADSNS1000 operates as a slave device when communicating with the
+host application processor.
+The ADSNS1000 host application library currently includes support for the
+ADSNS1000 module when used in conjunction with the ST Nucleo F411RE host
+application processor running in the Arm Mbed development environment.
+# Interfaces {#interfaces}
+## Host Communication Interfaces {#interfaces_hostcommunication}
+The interfaces in this section enable the connectivity with the host application
+processor which is responsible for communication, configuration and control of
+the ADSNS1000 module.  Platform specific host connection parameters may be
+specified via the [ADI_SENSE_CONNECTION](@ref ADI_SENSE_CONNECTION) structure on
+the [ADISENSE API](@ref ADISENSE_Api) and low-level connectivity is accessed via
+the [ADISENSE Host Portability Layer](@ref ADISENSE_Host).
+* SPI
+  + Standard 4-wire SPI interface (SCLK, MOSI, MISO, SS)
+  + Mode 0 (CPOL=0, CPHA=0)
+  + SCLK speeds up to 1.6MHz
+* Signals
+  + ERROR
+    - active-high digital output
+    - signals an error condition to the host processor
+    - an error condition signifies a fault that will affect the integrity of the
+      measurement
+    - operation of the ADSNS1000 will cease to continue until the ERROR is
+      rectified
+  + ALERT
+   - active-high digital output
+   - signals a warning/alert condition to the host processor
+   - measurement operation will continue on the ADSNS1000 in an ALERT condition
+    - active-high digital output
+    - going high to indicate the completion of a sensor measurement
+    - can be programmed to go high on the completion of each individual
+      measurement, it can go high when a cycle of measurements is complete or
+      when the FIFO is full
+  + RESET
+    - active-low digital input
+    - pulse low for at least 4 microseconds to trigger a hardware reset of the
+      module
+## Sensor Interfaces {#interfaces_sensor}
+The following is an overview of the sensor interfaces available on the ADSNS1000
+module.  For latest information on the sensors currently supported by this
+library, please refer to the [ADSNS1000 API](@ref ADSNS1000_Api)
+* Analog Sensor Interfaces
+  + CJC 0-1
+    - Intended for connecting temperature measurement sensors for temperature
+      compensation
+    - Analog sensor types currently supported:
+      - 2-wire RTD PT100
+      - 2-wire RTD PT1000
+  + SENSOR 0-3
+    - Intended for connecting a wide variety of uncompensated analog sensors
+    - Analog sensor types currently supported:
+      - 2/3/4-wire PT100 RTD temperature sensors
+      - 2/3/4-wire PT1000 RTD temperature sensors
+      - Type-T/K/J Thermocouple temperature sensors
+      - 4/6-wire bridge transducers
+      - Thermistors 10k NTC temperature sensors
+  + I\_MEAS
+    - Intended for connecting compensated current output 0-20mA analog sensors
+  + V\_MEAS
+    - Intended for connecting compensated voltage output 0-10V analog sensors
+* Digital Sensor Interfaces
+  + SPI
+    - Intended for connecting supported SPI digital sensors
+    - SPI digital sensor types currently supported:
+      - Honeywell TruStability pressure sensors
+      - Analog Devices ADXL362 3-Axis MEMS accelerometer
+  + I2C
+    - Intended for connecting support I2C digital sensors
+    - I2C digital sensor types currently supported:
+      - Honeywell HumidIcon HIH9000 Series humidity sensors
+      - Sensirion SHT3x Series humidity sensors
+## Ancillary Interfaces {#interfaces_ancillary}
+* External Reference Inputs
+  + REF 1-2
+    - Optional external reference inputs, for use with analog sensors
+* Supply Voltages / Voltage Reference Outputs
+  + AVDD
+    - Analog voltage output
+    - The filtered VDD power supply is available on AVDD
+    - This supply can be used as the power supply for voltage out, current out
+      or digital out compensated sensors.
+  + VDD
+    - Analog Supply Voltage
+    - The voltage on VDD is referenced to GND
+    - The differential between VDD and GND must be between 3 V and 3.6 V