The Alarm Clock that runs away from you when you try to switch it off !

Dependencies:   NokiaLCD mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Oct 17 09:37:05 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+//Header/Library Inclusions : Mbed, Speaker, NokiaLCD.   Links Below 
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "NokiaLCD.h"
+#include "Speaker.h"
+NokiaLCD lcd(p5, p7, p8, p9, NokiaLCD::LCD6610); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, type
+DigitalIn set(p19);         // push button for setting the timer
+DigitalIn reset(p20);       // push button for reseting the timer
+DigitalIn incr(p21);        // push button for incrementing hour/min set
+DigitalIn decr(p22);        // push button for decrementing hour/min set
+DigitalIn alarm_stop(p30);      
+DigitalOut myled1(LED3);    // LEDs for testing sensor data reception
+DigitalOut myled2(LED4);    
+AnalogIn dis(p18);      // Analog input for sonar sensor
+DigitalOut fw1(p10);    //Forward Motor 1
+DigitalOut rev1(p11);   //Reverse Motor 1
+DigitalOut fw2(p13);    //Forward Motor 2
+DigitalOut rev2(p14);   //Reverse Motor 2
+DigitalOut pwm(p24);    //Can be kept as PwmOut if speed control desired
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);  
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+int main() {
+    set_time(1379615410);          // real time clock set
+    Speaker mySpeaker(p26);
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.background(0x0000FF);   // Background of blue color
+    int alarm_minute=0;         // integer for storing alarm minutes set   
+    int alarm_hour=0;           // integer for storing alarm hour set
+    while(1){
+            time_t seconds = time(NULL);
+            lcd.background(0x0000FF);
+            lcd.locate(0,0);
+            lcd.printf("Time : ");
+            lcd.locate(3,2);
+            char buffer[32];                                        // Buffer for storing Time
+            strftime(buffer, 32, "%I:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));  //
+            lcd.printf("%s", buffer);
+            wait(0.10);
+            int i = (((buffer[0] - 48)*10) + (buffer[1]-48));       // Converting from Asci to Int
+            int j = (((buffer[3] - 48)*10) + (buffer[4]-48));
+            lcd.locate(0,5);
+            lcd.printf("Alarm Set for : ");
+            lcd.locate(3,7);
+            lcd.printf("%d : %d",alarm_hour,alarm_minute);
+             if((i == alarm_hour) && (j == alarm_minute))       // When the real time hour/ min match the alarm set
+             {
+                while(1)
+                {
+                     mySpeaker.PlayNote(969.0,0.5,0.3);                 // Speaker with police siren playnote( frequency, duration,volume)
+                     mySpeaker.PlayNote(800.0,0.5,0.3);                 //
+              //Motor
+                    int per;
+                    per=dis*512/3.3;
+                    if(per<8)
+                    {
+                        led1=1;
+                        led2=0;
+                        pwm=1;
+                        fw1=0;
+                        rev1=1;
+                        fw2=0;
+                        rev2=1;
+                     }
+                    else 
+                    {
+                        led1=1;
+                        led2=1;
+                        pwm=0;
+                    }
+                    //motor  code end
+                             if(alarm_stop == 1)
+                             {
+                                 alarm_minute--;
+                                 break;
+                             }
+                }
+            }
+       if(reset)
+       {
+        int count=0;   
+       while(count!=3)
+       {
+        time_t seconds = time(NULL);
+        lcd.locate(0,0);
+        lcd.printf("Time : ");
+        lcd.locate(3,2);
+                char buffer[32];
+            strftime(buffer, 32, "%I:%M:%S", localtime(&seconds));
+            lcd.printf("%s", buffer);
+    if(count == 2)
+    {
+    lcd.locate(0,8);
+    lcd.printf("Alarm Set to -> ");
+    lcd.locate(3,10);
+    lcd.printf("%02d : %02d ",alarm_hour,alarm_minute);
+    lcd.locate(0,13);
+    lcd.printf("Press Set !");
+    }
+    if(count == 1)
+    {         
+    lcd.locate(0,8);            
+            //strftime(alarm, 2, "%I:%M:%S %p %F\n",);
+            lcd.printf("Selected Hour:" );
+    lcd.locate(3,10);
+    lcd.printf("%02d",alarm_hour );        
+    lcd.locate(0,13);            
+            //strftime(alarm, 2, "%I:%M:%S %p %F\n",);
+    lcd.printf("Select Minute ",alarm_minute );
+    lcd.locate(3,15);
+    lcd.printf("%02d",alarm_minute );
+            //wait(1);
+             //lcd.cls();            
+     }  
+     if(incr && count == 1)
+     { 
+    alarm_minute++;
+    wait(0.25);
+     }
+     if(incr && count == 0)
+     { 
+    alarm_hour++;
+    wait(0.25);
+     }
+     if(alarm_hour==25)
+     {
+     alarm_hour=0;
+     }
+    if(alarm_minute==60)
+    {
+    alarm_minute=0;
+    }   
+    if(decr && count == 1)
+     { 
+    alarm_minute--;
+    wait(0.25);
+     }
+    if(alarm_minute==(-1))
+    {
+    alarm_minute=59;
+    }
+    if(decr && count == 0)
+     { 
+    alarm_hour--;
+    wait(0.25);
+     }
+    if(alarm_hour==(-1))
+    {
+    alarm_hour=24;
+    }
+    if(set)
+    {
+    count = count + 1;
+    wait(0.25);
+    lcd.cls();
+    }
+    if(count == 0) 
+     {
+    lcd.locate(0,8);            
+            //strftime(alarm, 2, "%I:%M:%S %p %F\n",);
+            lcd.printf("Select Hour:" );
+    lcd.locate(3,10);
+    lcd.printf("%02d",alarm_hour );        
+            //wait(1);
+             //lcd.cls();            
+       }
+      }  
+        }
+    }