6 sharps, 2 ads hooked up

Dependencies:   ADS1115 BME280 CronoDot SDFileSystem mbed

Fork of Outdoor_UPAS_v1_2_Tboard by Volckens Group Sensors

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Mar 01 16:59:14 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Mar 02 16:49:59 2016 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "EEPROM.h"
 #include "Calibration.h" 
 //Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-//Serial microChannel(D0, D1); // tx, rx Appears there is a conflict in the mbed code (possibly already assigned to SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX, USBTX, USBRX need to reassign these values)
+//Serial microChannel(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx Appears there is a conflict in the mbed code (possibly already assigned to SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX, USBTX, USBRX need to reassign these values)
 // However still an issue with the BLE not reading the EEPROM with the old pin assignments Jake had.
 Serial microChannel(D8, D2); // tx, rx
 //Timer t;
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@
 //DigitalOut          GPS_EN(p4,0);       //pin 4 is used to enable and disable the GPS, in order to recive serial communications
 Calibration         calibrations(1);     //Default serial/calibration if there are no values for the selected option
-Timeout         stop;   //This is the stop call back object
+Timeout         stop;     //This is the stop callback object
 //Timeout         logg;   
-Ticker          logg;     //This is the logging call back object
+Ticker          logg;     //This is the logging callback object
+Ticker          flowCtl;    //This is the control loop callback object
 uint16_t serial_num = 1;                // Default serial/calibration number
 int RunReady =0;
@@ -277,7 +278,54 @@
+void flowControl()
+        RGB_LED.set_led(0,1,0);
+        omronReading = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0, 0xC583); // read channel 0 PGA = 2 : Full Scale Range = 2.048V
+        omronVolt = (omronReading*4.096)/(32768*2);
+        if(omronVolt<=calibrations.omronVMin) {
+            massflow = calibrations.omronMFMin;
+        } else if(omronVolt>=calibrations.omronVMax) {
+            massflow = calibrations.omronMFMax;
+        } else {
+            massflow = calibrations.MF4*pow(omronVolt,(float)4)+calibrations.MF3*pow(omronVolt,(float)3)+calibrations.MF2*pow(omronVolt,(float)2)+calibrations.MF1*omronVolt+calibrations.MF0;
+        }
+        atmoRho = ((press-((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)))*100)/(287.0531*(temp+273.15))+((6.1078*pow((float)10,(float)((7.5*temp)/(237.3+temp))))*(rh/100)*100)/(461.4964*(temp+273.15));
+        volflow = massflow/atmoRho;
+        sampledVol = sampledVol + ((((float)logInerval)/60.0)*volflow);
+        deltaVflow = volflow-volflowSet;
+        massflowSet = volflowSet*atmoRho;
+        deltaMflow = massflow-massflowSet;
+        if(abs(deltaMflow)>.025) {
+            digital_pot_change = (int)(gainFlow*deltaMflow);
+            if(abs(digital_pot_change)>=50) {
+                digital_pot_set = (int)(digital_pot_set+(int)((10.0*deltaMflow)));
+                //RGB_LED.set_led(1,0,0);
+            }   else {
+                digital_pot_set = (digital_pot_set+ digital_pot_change);
+               // RGB_LED.set_led(1,1,0);
+            }
+                    if(digital_pot_set>=digitalpotMax) {
+                        digital_pot_set = digitalpotMax;
+                        //RGB_LED.set_led(1,0,0);
+                    } else if(digital_pot_set<=digitalpotMin) {
+                        digital_pot_set = digitalpotMin;
+                        //RGB_LED.set_led(1,0,0);
+                    }
+            DigPot.writeRegister(digital_pot_set);
+        } else {
+            //RGB_LED.set_led(0,1,0);
+        }
 int main(){
@@ -403,6 +451,7 @@
     stop.attach(&check_stop, 31);    // check if we should shut down every 9 seconds, starting 60s after the start.
     logg.attach(&log_data, logInerval);
+    flowCtl.attach(&flowControl, 1);
     //** end of initalization **//
@@ -414,8 +463,7 @@
         // Do other things...
-    //logg.attach(&log_data, 30); // uses callbacks or block Interrupts for anything that uses i2c
-   // while(!RTC_UPAS.compare(startAndEndTime[6], startAndEndTime[7], startAndEndTime[8], startAndEndTime[9], startAndEndTime[10], startAndEndTime[11])){