Test program using the LCD and touch pad to adjust the Analog output DAC on the KL46Z Port PTE30
Fork of keyer_test_v3 by
Test of DAC out using cap slider
2015-04-23, by scohennm [Thu, 23 Apr 2015 01:56:30 +0000] rev 3
Test of DAC out using cap slider
Test program using the LCD and touch pad to adjust the Analog output DAC on the KL46Z Port PTE30
2015-02-10, by scohennm [Tue, 10 Feb 2015 21:15:22 +0000] rev 2
Test program using the LCD and touch pad to adjust the Analog output DAC on the KL46Z Port PTE30
Iambic keyer for Morse code with iambic paddle. Added a side tone using PWM @50% DF changing the cycle period to make a 700 Hz tone.
2014-12-19, by scohennm [Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:34:51 +0000] rev 1
Iambic keyer for Morse code with iambic paddle. Added a side tone using PWM @50% DF changing the cycle period to make a 700 Hz tone.
Simple Iambic keyer. KL46Z speed select via capacitive slider.
2014-12-16, by scohennm [Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:14:27 +0000] rev 0
Simple Iambic keyer. KL46Z speed select via capacitive slider.