
Dependencies:   WebSocketClient

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common.h	Thu Jul 26 00:20:04 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* Information */
+#define LatestUpDate "2017.08.30"
+#define ProgramRevision "Rev 2.30" 
+#define Author "Y.Saito(zinsor)"
+#define Company "Revast Co.,Ltd"
+/* ****************************************** */
+/* Motor                                      */
+/* ****************************************** */
+    MOTOR_RFCRW,        // RF crawler
+    MOTOR_LBCRW,        // LB crawler
+    MOTOR_RFTFM,        // RF Transform
+    MOTOR_LBTFM,        // LB transform
+    MOTOR_WINCH,        // Winch
+    MOTOR_CMPAN,        // Pan
+    MOTOR_CTILT,        // Tilt
+    MOTOR_CABLE         // Cable transfar
+    MOTOR_DIR_FWD,      // Motor forwaed rotation
+    MOTOR_DIR_RVS,      // Motor reverse rotation
+    MOTOR_DIR_STP       // Motor stop
+    MOTOR_NO0,
+    MOTOR_NO1,
+    MOTOR_NO2,
+    MOTOR_NO3
+/* ****************************************** */
+/* I2C                                        */
+/* ****************************************** */
+#define NumberOfI2CCommand 12
+    I2C_CP_COMMAND,                   // instruction command
+    I2C_CP_MOTORNO,                   // motor number
+    I2C_CP_M_DIR,                     // motor rotation direction   
+    I2C_CP_M_CNTTH_U,                 // motor current limit detection threshold upper byte 
+    I2C_CP_M_CNTTH_L,                 // motor current limit detection threshold lower byte 
+    I2C_CP_WDRAM_DIA_X100_UPPER,      // winch dram motor diameter upper
+    I2C_CP_WDRAM_DIA_X100_LOWER,      // winch dram motor diameter lower
+    I2C_CP_ADJUST_VALUE_X10000_UPPER, // cable diameter upper byte
+    I2C_CP_ADJUST_VALUE_X10000_LOWER, // cable diameter lower byte
+    I2C_CP_RESOLVER_RESO,             // resolver resolution (bit)
+    I2C_CP_PRESET_CPOS_UPPER,         // preset position upper
+    I2C_CP_PRESET_CPOS_LOWER          // preset position lower
+#define I2C_ADDRESS_RESOLVER    0x02
+/* ****************************************** */
+/* Parameters                                 */
+/* ****************************************** */
+#define MAX_DROP_AMOUNT    3495           /* Maxmun dropping distance : ex 3500 (mm) */
+#define CALIBRATION_COUNT 300             /* Joystick calibration count */
+#define DEAD_BAND 5                       /* Joystick dead band wide */
+#define ROTATE_PER_RESOLUTION    24       /* For QEI */
+#define PAI    3.14159265359
+#define LED_ON  0
+#define LED_OFF 1
+#define __NETWORK_ACCESS__
+#define TCP_CMDSERVER_PORT      10000
+/* ****************************************** */
+/* Structure                                  */
+/* ****************************************** */
+/* Winch setting value */
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t    cth_dram_mtr_f;      // 2 Current threshold: winch dram Motor ( forward )
+    uint16_t    cth_dram_mtr_r;      // 2 Current threshold: winch dram Motor ( reverse )
+    uint16_t    cth_cabl_mtr_f;      // 2 Current threshold: winch cable Motor ( forward )
+    uint16_t    cth_cabl_mtr_r;      // 2 Current threshold: winch cable Motor ( reverse )
+    uint16_t    dram_dmtr_x100;      // 2 Winch dram diameter x 100
+    uint16_t    adj_val_x10000;      // 2 Winch adjust value x 100
+    uint8_t     res_resolution;      // 1 Winch resolver resolution (bit)
+    uint8_t     reserved_1;          // 1 reserved for future use
+    int16_t     move_interval_cw;    // 2 motor moving interval between m1 and m2 at CW rotation
+    int16_t     move_interval_ccw;   // 2 motor moving interval between m1 and m2 at CCW rotation
+} wch_SetValue_t;   
+typedef struct SetValue {
+    wch_SetValue_t      wchCtrl;
+} setValue_t;