201903_14ISEで実際に使用した開放用プログラム. 使用マイコンがNUCLES-F303K8なので注意

Dependencies:   mbed Madgwick MPU6050 Kalman BMP180

diff -r 4b3ae90ec778 -r f6e956e8a060 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Aug 09 21:39:18 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Dec 30 13:28:35 2018 +0000
@@ -1,273 +1,159 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "math.h"
 #include "MPU6050.h"
 #include "BMP180.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
-#define RATE_LOG            20
-#define RATE_OPEN           50
-#define ACC_JUDGE_LAUNCH    1.5
-#define CNT_JUDGE_LAUNCH    5
-#define TIME_GAP            3.0
-#define ALT_JUDGE_OPEN      1.5
-#define CNT_JUDGE_OPEN      5
-#define TIME_JUDGE_OPEN     30
-#define TIME_JUDGE_OUT      60
-#define ALT_JUDGE_OUT       -1.5
-#define CNT_JUDGE_OUT       5  
-#define TIME_JUDGE_CNT      1.5
-#define p0                  1013.25f
-//ログ    //2018.06.28 edit
-#define NUM_DATA            20
+#include "Kalman.h"
+#include "MadgwickAHRS.h"
-MPU6050         mpu(p9,p10);
-BMP180          bmp(p9,p10);
-BusOut          led(LED1,LED2,LED3,LED4);
-Serial          pc(USBTX,USBRX);
-Serial          twe(p28,p27);
-Serial          gps(p13,p14);
-PwmOut          servo1(p21);
-PwmOut          servo2(p22);
-PwmOut          servo3(p23);
-PwmOut          servo4(p24);
-DigitalOut      sw(p25);
-SDFileSystem    sd(p5,p6,p7,p8,"sd"); 
-LocalFileSystem local("local");
-Timer   timer_open;
-Timer   timer_log;    
-Ticker  tic_open;
-Ticker  tic_log;     
+#define ACC_JUDGE_LAUNCH    1.5
+#define TIME_BURNING        6
+#define ALT_JUDGE_FIRE      1
+#define ALT_JUDGE_OPEN      2
+#define ANGLE_JUDGE_FIRE    90
+#define CNT_JUDGE           3
+#define TIME_JUDGE_CNT      1.5
+#define NUM_CNT_MEDIAN      10
+#define RATE_GPS            1
+#define RATE_DATA           2
+#define p0                  1013.25f
+#define RadToDeg            57.295779513082320876798154814105
+MPU6050 mpu(dp5,dp27);
+BMP180  bmp(dp5,dp27);
+KalmanFilter gKfx, gKfy; 
+Madgwick MadgwickFilter;
+Serial pc(dp16,dp15);
+Timer timer_open;
+Timer timer_data;
+Ticker tic_data;
+Ticker tic_gps;
-void    _open();
-void    _log();
-float   _getAlt();
-float   _DMS2DEG(float raw_data);
-float   _median(float data[],int num);
-int     _input(char cha);
+float _getAlt();
+float _median(float data[],int num);
+void  _SendData();
+void  _SendGPS();
+float _DMS2DEG(float raw_data);
-float   Alt_buf[10], Alt_gnd, Alt_md, Alt_max=-300; //TODO:Alt_maxの値を調整すること
-float   Time_alt;
-float   Data[2][NUM_DATA][8];
-int     Cnt=0, Cnt_acc=0, Cnt_alt=0;
-int     Cnt_data=0;
-int     cnt_gps;
-char    gps_data[256];
-bool    Row;
-FILE    *lfp;
-FILE    *fp;
-enum PHASE{SETUP=0,LAUNCH=1,WAIT=3,RISE=7,DROP1=15,DROP2=9,SEA=10} Phase;
-enum SERVO{LOCK=0,UNLOCK=1} Servo;
+float gCalibrateX;
+float gCalibrateY;
+float gPrevMicros; 
+float degRoll,degPitch;
 int main(){
-    /*センサ類初期化*/
+    /*ローカル変数*/
+    float acc[3],acc_buff[10],gyro[3],gyro_buff[10],acc_abs;
+    float alt_buff[10],alt_md,alt_max;
+    float time_judge;
+    int cnt_data=0,cnt_judge=0;
+    /*センサの初期化等*/
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    mpu.setAcceleroRange(3);
-    twe.baud(115200);
-    sw=1;
-    /*ファイル作成*/
-    mkdir("/sd/mydir",0777);
-    fp=fopen("/sd/mydir/data.txt","a");
-    fprintf(fp,"phase,time,ax,ay,az,alt,temp,press\r\n");
-    fclose(fp);
-    lfp=fopen("/local/data.txt","a");
-    fclose(lfp);
-    /*サーボ調整*/
-    servo1.period_ms(20);
-    servo2.period_ms(20);
-    servo3.period_ms(20);
-    servo4.period_ms(20);
-    /*初めの挨拶*/
-    //pc.printf("POWER ON\r\n");
-    twe.printf("POWER ON\r\n");
-    /*入力待ち*/
-    while(1){
-        char cha = twe.getc();
-        if(_input(cha)==-1){
-            timer_log.start();  
-            tic_log.attach(&_log, 1.0/RATE_LOG); 
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /*フライト準備*/
-    Phase = SETUP;
-    tic_open.attach(&_open, 1.0/RATE_OPEN);
+    /*初期位置の設定*/
+    mpu.getAccelero(acc);
+    mpu.getGyro(gyro);
+    degRoll  = atan2(acc[1], acc[2]) * RadToDeg;
+    degPitch = atan(-acc[0] / sqrt(acc[1] * acc[1] + acc[2] * acc[2])) * RadToDeg;
+    gKfx.setAngle(degRoll);
+    gKfy.setAngle(degPitch);
+    gCalibrateY = degPitch;
+    gCalibrateX = degRoll;
+    Phase = STANDBY;
-    /*GPS*/
-    while(1){     
-        /*GPS取得*/
-        if(Phase != RISE){
-            if(gps.readable()){
-                gps_data[cnt_gps] = gps.getc();
-                if(gps_data[cnt_gps] == '$' || cnt_gps ==256){
-                    cnt_gps = 0;
-                    memset(gps_data,'\0',256);
-                }else if(gps_data[cnt_gps] == '\r'){
-                    float world_time, lon_east, lat_north;
-                    int rlock, sat_num;
-                    char lat,lon;
-                    if(sscanf(gps_data,"GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d",&world_time,&lat_north,&lat,&lon_east,&lon,&rlock,&sat_num)>=1){
-                        if(rlock==1){
-                            lat_north = _DMS2DEG(lat_north);
-                            lon_east = _DMS2DEG(lon_east);
-                            twe.printf("%s\r\n",gps_data);
-                            twe.printf("Lat:%f,Lon:%f\r\ntime:%f,sat_num:%d\r\n",lat_north,lon_east,world_time,sat_num);
-                        }else{
-                            twe.printf("%s\r\n",gps_data);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }else{
-                    cnt_gps++;
+    while(1){
+        switch(Phase){
+            case STANDBY:
+                /*入力待ち*/
+                timer_data.start();
+                tic_data.attach(&_SendData, 1.0/RATE_DATA); 
+                Phase = LAUNCH;
+                break;
+            case LAUNCH:
+                for(cnt_data=0;cnt_data<NUM_CNT_MEDIAN;cnt_data++){
+                    mpu.getAccelero(acc);
+                    acc_buff[cnt_data] = sqrt(pow(acc[0]/9.81,2.0)+pow(acc[1]/9.81,2.0)+pow(acc[2]/9.81,2.0));
+                }
+                acc_abs = _median(acc_buff,NUM_CNT_MEDIAN);
+                /*加速度判定*/
+                if(acc_abs>ACC_JUDGE_LAUNCH){
+                    cnt_judge++;
-            }
-        }
-        if(timer_log.read()>=30.0*60.0){
-            timer_log.reset();
-            /*なんかずっとこればっか書き込まれた 2018/7/1
-            fp=fopen("/sd/mydir/data.txt","w");
-            fprintf(fp,"phase,time,ax,ay,az,alt,temp,press\r\n");
-            fclose(fp);
-            */
-        }
-    }
-void _open(){
-    led = Phase;
-    float acc[3],acc_buf[10],acc_abs,time_acc,time_alt;
-    switch(Phase){
-        case SETUP:     //地上高度取得
-            //pc.printf("Hello,World!\r\n");
-            twe.printf("Hello,World!\r\n");
-            for(Cnt=0;Cnt<10;Cnt++){
-                Alt_buf[Cnt] = _getAlt();
-            }
-            Alt_gnd = _median(Alt_buf,10); 
-            /*データをローカルファイルに保存*/ 
-            lfp=fopen("/local/data.txt", "a");
-            fprintf(lfp,"地上高度:%f\r\n",Alt_gnd);
-            fclose(lfp);
-            timer_open.start();
-            Phase = LAUNCH;
-            //pc.printf("Phase = LAUNCH\r\n");
-            twe.printf("Phase = LAUNCH\r\n");
-            break;
-        case LAUNCH:    //発射判定
-            for(Cnt=0;Cnt<10;Cnt++){
+                if(cnt_judge==CNT_JUDGE){
+                    cnt_judge=0;
+                    timer_open.start();
+                    Phase = FIRE;
+                }
+                break;
+            case RISE:
+                while(timer_open.read() < TIME_BURNING){
+                }
+                for(cnt_data=0;cnt_data<NUM_CNT_MEDIAN;cnt_data++){
+                    alt_buff[cnt_data] = _getAlt();
+                }
+                alt_md = _median(alt_buff,NUM_CNT_MEDIAN);
+                if(alt_md > ALT_JUDGE_FIRE){
+                    Phase = FIRE;
+                }
+                break;
+            case FIRE:
+                gPrevMicros = timer_open.read();
-                acc_buf[Cnt] = sqrt(pow(acc[0]/9.81,2)+pow(acc[1]/9.81,2)+pow(acc[2]/9.81,2)); 
-            }
-            acc_abs = _median(acc_buf,10);
-            //pc.printf("acc:%f\r\n",acc_abs);
-            //pc.printf("cnt:%d\r\n",Cnt_acc);
-            //加速度判定
-            if(acc_abs>ACC_JUDGE_LAUNCH){
-                Cnt_acc++;
-                time_acc = timer_open.read();
-            }
-            if(timer_open.read()-time_acc > TIME_JUDGE_CNT) Cnt_acc = 0;
-            if(Cnt_acc == CNT_JUDGE_LAUNCH){
-                //pc.printf("Phase = WAIT\r\n");
-                twe.printf("LAUNCHED\r\n");
-                timer_open.reset();
-                Phase = WAIT;
-            }
-            break;
-        case WAIT:      //待機時間
-            if(timer_open.read()>TIME_GAP) Phase = RISE;
-            break;
-        case RISE:      //頂点判定
-            for(Cnt=0;Cnt<5;Cnt++){
-                Alt_buf[Cnt] = _getAlt();
-                //pc.printf("alt:%f\r\n",Alt_buf[Cnt]);
-            }
-            Alt_md = _median(Alt_buf,5);
-            twe.printf("alt:%f\r\n",Alt_md);
-            //twe.printf("cnt:%d\r\n",Cnt_alt);
-            if(Alt_md > Alt_max){
-                Alt_max = Alt_md;
-                Cnt_alt = 0;
-            }
-            else if((Alt_max-Alt_md) > ALT_JUDGE_OPEN){
-                Cnt_alt++;
-                Time_alt = timer_open.read();
-            }
-            if((timer_open.read()-Time_alt) > TIME_JUDGE_CNT){
-                Cnt_alt = 0;
-            }
-            if(/*(*/Cnt_alt == CNT_JUDGE_OPEN/*)||(timer_open.read() > TIME_JUDGE_OPEN)*/){
-                //pc.printf("Phase = DROP1\r\n");
-                twe.printf("OPEN PARA\r\n");
-                Cnt_alt = 0;
-                /*ローカルファイルに最高高度を記録*/    
-                lfp = fopen("/local/data.txt", "a");
-                fprintf(lfp,"最高高度:%f\r\n",Alt_max);
-                fclose(lfp);
+                mpu.getGyro(gyro);
+                degRoll  = atan2(acc[1], acc[2]) * RadToDeg;
+                degPitch = atan(-acc[0] / sqrt(acc[1] * acc[1] + acc[2] * acc[2])) * RadToDeg;
+                float dpsX = gyro[0] * RadToDeg;
+                float dpsY = gyro[1] * RadToDeg;
+                float dpsZ = gyro[2] * RadToDeg;
+                float curMicros = timer_open.read();
+                float dt = curMicros - gPrevMicros;
+                gPrevMicros = curMicros;
-                servo1.pulsewidth(0.0006);  //TODO:サーボホーンの角度調整
-                servo2.pulsewidth(0.0006);  //TODO:サーボホーンの角度調整
-                Phase = DROP1;
-            }
-            break;
+                float degX = gKfx.calcAngle(degRoll, dpsX, dt);
+                float degY = gKfy.calcAngle(degPitch, dpsY, dt);
+                degY -= gCalibrateY;
+                degX -= gCalibrateX;
+                if(degY>ANGLE_JUDGE_FIRE){
+                    Phase = OPEN;
+                }
+                break;
+            case OPEN:
+                for(cnt_data=0;cnt_data<NUM_CNT_MEDIAN;cnt_data++){
+                    alt_buff[cnt_data] = _getAlt();
+                }
+                alt_md = _median(alt_buff,NUM_CNT_MEDIAN);
+                if(alt_md > alt_max){
+                    alt_max = alt_md;
+                    cnt_judge = 0;
+                }
+                else if((alt_max-alt_md) > ALT_JUDGE_OPEN){
+                    cnt_judge++;
+                    time_judge = timer_open.read();
+                }
-        case DROP1:     //放出機構作動?
-            for(Cnt=0;Cnt<5;Cnt++){
-                Alt_buf[Cnt] = _getAlt();
-            }
-            Alt_md = _median(Alt_buf,5);
-            twe.printf("Alt:%f\r\n",Alt_md);
-            //twe.printf("Cnt:%d\r\n",Cnt_alt);
-            if((Alt_md-Alt_gnd) > ALT_JUDGE_OUT){
-                Cnt_alt++;
-            }
-            if((Cnt_alt == CNT_JUDGE_OUT)||(timer_open.read() > TIME_JUDGE_OUT)){ //地上高度からの高度にする?到達高度低いかも?
-                //pc.printf("Phase = DROP2\r\n");
-                twe.printf("GO\r\n");
-                servo3.pulsewidth(0.0006);  //TODO:サーボホーンの角度調整
-                servo4.pulsewidth(0.0006);  //TODO:サーボホーンの角度調整
-                Phase = DROP2;
-            }
-            break;
-        case DROP2:     //着水検知.サーボの電源落とす.
-            //twe.printf("cnt:%d\r\n",Cnt_alt);
-            wait(3.0);
-            sw = 0;
-            //pc.printf("Goodbye Servo\r\n");
-            twe.printf("FINISH\r\n");
-            Phase=SEA;
-            break;
-    }
-void _log(){    
-    Data[Row][Cnt_data][0]=Phase;    
-    Data[Row][Cnt_data][1]=timer_log.read();
-    mpu.getAccelero(&Data[Row][Cnt_data][2]);
-    bmp.ReadData(&Data[Row][Cnt_data][5],&Data[Row][Cnt_data][6]);
-    Data[Row][Cnt_data][7] = (pow((p0/Data[Row][Cnt_data][6]), (1.0f/5.257f))-1.0f)*(Data[Row][Cnt_data][5]+273.15f)/0.0065f;
-    Cnt_data++;
-    //pc.printf("Cnt_data:%d\r\n",Cnt_data);
-    if(Cnt_data==NUM_DATA){
-        Cnt_data = 0;
-        Row =! Row;
-        fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/data.txt","a");
-        for(int i=0;i<NUM_DATA;i++){
-            fprintf(fp,"%2.0f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\r\n",Data[!Row][i][0],Data[!Row][i][1],Data[!Row][i][2],Data[!Row][i][3],Data[!Row][i][4],Data[!Row][i][5],Data[!Row][i][6],Data[!Row][i][7]);
+                if((timer_open.read()-time_judge) - TIME_JUDGE_CNT) cnt_judge=0;
+                if(cnt_judge == CNT_JUDGE){
+                    cnt_judge = 0;
+                    Phase = RECOVERY;
+                }
+                break;
+            case RECOVERY:
+                tic_data.detach();
+                //tic_gps.attach(&_SendGPS, 1.0/RATE_GPS); 
+                Phase = SEA;
+                break;
+            case SEA:
+                break;
-        fclose(fp);
@@ -278,28 +164,75 @@
     return altitude;
-int _input(char cha){
-    twe.printf("%c\r\n",cha);
-    if(cha!='\0'){
-//        pc.printf("%c\r\n",c);  
-    } 
-    if(cha=='F'){
-        twe.printf("flight mode on\r\n");
-        return -1;
-    }else if(cha=='u'){ //開放機構のUNLOCK
-        servo1.pulsewidth(0.0006);
-        servo2.pulsewidth(0.0006);
-    }else if(cha=='l'){ //開放機構のLOCK
-        servo1.pulsewidth(0.0024);
-        servo2.pulsewidth(0.0024);
-    }else if(cha=='a'){ //収穫機構のUNLOCK(AKERU)
-        servo3.pulsewidth(0.0010);
-        servo4.pulsewidth(0.0010);
-    }else if(cha=='s'){ //収穫機構のLOCK(SHIMERU)
-        servo3.pulsewidth(0.0024);
-        servo4.pulsewidth(0.0024);
+void _SendData(){
+    float pretime,a[3],g[3],alt;
+    //カルマン
+    /*
+    pretime = timer_data.read();
+    mpu.getAccelero(a);
+    mpu.getGyro(g);
+    float degroll  = atan2(a[1], a[2]) * RadToDeg;
+    float degpitch = atan(-a[0] / sqrt(a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2])) * RadToDeg;
+    float dpsx = g[0] * RadToDeg;
+    float dpsy = g[1] * RadToDeg;
+    float dpsz = g[2] * RadToDeg;
+    float curtime = timer_data.read();
+    float t = curtime - pretime;
+    pretime = curtime;
+    float degx = gKfx.calcAngle(degroll, dpsx, t);
+    float degy = gKfy.calcAngle(degpitch, dpsx, t);
+    degy -= gCalibrateY;
+    degx -= gCalibrateX;
+    */
+    /*madgwick*/
+    float Roll,Pitch,Yaw;
+    MadgwickFilter.begin(2);
+    mpu.getAccelero(a);
+    mpu.getGyro(g);
+    g[0] *= RadToDeg;
+    g[1] *= RadToDeg;
+    g[2] *= RadToDeg;
+    MadgwickFilter.updateIMU(g[0],g[1],g[2],a[0],a[1],a[2]);
+    Roll  = MadgwickFilter.getRoll();
+    Pitch = MadgwickFilter.getPitch();
+    Yaw   = MadgwickFilter.getYaw();
+    alt = _getAlt();
+    //pc.printf("%d,%f,%f,%f\r\n",Phase,alt,degx,degy);
+    pc.printf("%d,%f,%f,%f\r\n",Phase,alt,Roll,Pitch);
+void _SendGPS(){
+    int cnt_gps;
+    if(gps.readable()){
+        gps_data[cnt_gps] = gps.getc();
+        if(gps_data[cnt_gps] == '$' || cnt_gps ==256){
+            cnt_gps = 0;
+            memset(gps_data,'\0',256);
+        }else if(gps_data[cnt_gps] == '\r'){
+            float world_time, lon_east, lat_north;
+            int rlock, sat_num;
+            char lat,lon;
+            if(sscanf(gps_data,"GPGGA,%f,%f,%c,%f,%c,%d,%d",&world_time,&lat_north,&lat,&lon_east,&lon,&rlock,&sat_num)>=1){
+                if(rlock==1){
+                    lat_north = _DMS2DEG(lat_north);
+                    lon_east = _DMS2DEG(lon_east);
+                    twe.printf("%s\r\n",gps_data);
+                    twe.printf("Lat:%f,Lon:%f\r\ntime:%f,sat_num:%d\r\n",lat_north,lon_east,world_time,sat_num);
+                }else{
+                    twe.printf("%s\r\n",gps_data);
+                }
+            }
+        }else{
+            cnt_gps++;
+        }
-    return 0;
 float _DMS2DEG(float raw_data){
@@ -307,6 +240,7 @@
     float m=(raw_data-(float)d*100);
     return (float)d+m/60;
 float _median(float data[], int num){
     float *data_cpy, ans;
@@ -327,4 +261,4 @@
     else         ans = (data_cpy[num/2-1]+data_cpy[num/2])/2.0;
     delete[] data_cpy;
     return ans;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file