Changed RPC sucessful execution code from 1 to 200. Included RpcHandler.h in main header file. Effectively allows RPC through HTTP.

Dependents:   RPC_HTTP RPC_HTTP_WIZnetInterface RPC_HTTP rpc_over_http_TL_interrupter_gatePJ

Fork of HTTPServer by Henry Leinen

--- a/HTTPRequestHandler.h	Tue May 28 21:20:58 2013 +0000
+++ b/HTTPRequestHandler.h	Sat Jun 01 06:24:43 2013 +0000
@@ -30,10 +30,52 @@
 typedef std::map<const char*,const char*> HTTPHeaders;
+typedef enum {
+    HTTP_Continue                       = 100,  // 100
+    HTTP_SwitchingProtocols             = 101,  // 101
+    HTTP_Ok                             = 200,  // 200
+    HTTP_Created                        = 201,  // 201
+    HTTP_Accepted                       = 202,  // 202
+    HTTP_NonAuthoritativeInformation    = 203,  // 203
+    HTTP_NoContent                      = 204,  // 204
+    HTTP_ResetContent                   = 205,  // 205
+    HTTP_PartialContent                 = 206,  // 206
+    HTTP_MultipleChoices                = 300,  // 300
+    HTTP_MovedPermanently               = 301,  // 301
+    HTTP_Found                          = 302,  // 302
+    HTTP_SeeOther                       = 303,  // 303
+    HTTP_NotModified                    = 304,  // 304
+    HTTP_UseProxy                       = 305,  // 305
+    HTTP_TemporaryRedirect              = 307,  // 307
+    HTTP_BadRequest                     = 400,  // 400
+    HTTP_Unauthorized                   = 401,  // 401
+    HTTP_PaymentRequired                = 402,  // 402
+    HTTP_Forbidden                      = 403,  // 403
+    HTTP_NotFound                       = 404,  // 404
+    HTTP_MethodNotAllowed               = 405,  // 405
+    HTTP_NotAcceptable                  = 406,  // 406
+    HTTP_ProxyAuthRequired              = 407,  // 407
+    HTTP_RequestTimeOut                 = 408,  // 408
+    HTTP_Conflict                       = 409,  // 409
+    HTTP_Gone                           = 410,  // 410
+    HTTP_LengthRequired                 = 411,  // 411
+    HTTP_PreconditionFailed             = 412,  // 412
+    HTTP_RequestEntityTooLarge          = 413,  // 413
+    HTTP_RequestURITooLarge             = 414,  // 414
+    HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType           = 415,  // 415
+    HTTP_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable   = 416,  // 416
+    HTTP_ExpectationFailed              = 417,  // 417
+    HTTP_InternalServerError            = 500,  // 500
+    HTTP_NotImplemented                 = 501,  // 501
+    HTTP_BadGateway                     = 502,  // 502
+    HTTP_ServiceUnavailable             = 503,  // 503
+    HTTP_GatewayTimeout                 = 504,  // 504
+    HTTP_HTTPVersionNotSupported        = 505,  // 505
+} HTTPResponseCode;
 /** class HTTPRequestHandler is the base class for HTTP Handler request implementations.
 class HTTPRequestHandler