This is the OLED library for 128x64 display
OLED library for 128x64 Display¶
This is a cheap 6 pin OLED Display Module, easily available on ebay or other stores for 2-4 USD. It is useful to display simple message with this tiny(1.3") monochrome OLED display. Simple character with font 12 and font 16 are available.
- 6 Rows message for Font 12
- 4 Rows message for Font 16
example >
OLED_SCL PB_5 OLED_SDA PB_4 OLED_RES PB_3 OLED_DC PA_15 oled myoled(OLED_SCL, OLED_SDA, OLED_RES, OLED_DC); int main() { myoled.OLED_ShowString(0, LINE_2_FONT16, FONT16, "Hellow World!"); myoled.OLED_ShowString(0, LINE_3_FONT16, FONT16, "This is Line 3"); myoled.OLED_ShowString(0, LINE_4_FONT16, FONT16, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"); myoled.OLED_ShowNumber(0, LINE_1_FONT16, FONT16, 1234567890); myoled.OLED_Refresh(); myoled.OLED_Display_Off(); //Turn off display wait_ms(1000); myoled.OLED_Display_On(); //Turn on display wait_ms(1000); myoled.OLED_Clear(); myoled.OLED_ShowString(0, LINE_1_FONT16, FONT16, "Message after clear"); }
Library functions list¶
/** Create a oled control interface * * @param oled_SCL A DigitalOut, Clock pin * @param oled_SDA A DigitalOut, Data pin * @param oled_RES A DigitalOut, Reset pin * @param oled_DC A DigitalOut, Command Pin */ oled(PinName oled_SCL, PinName oled_SDA, PinName oled_RES, PinName oled_DC); /** Draw a point on screen at specific co-ordinate * * @param x An unisgned integer byte, X co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~127) * @param y An unisgned integer byte, Y co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~63) * @param t A boolean, 1 = Fill, 0=Clear */ void OLED_DrawPoint(uint8_t x,uint8_t y,bool t); /** Display a charcter at specific position * * @param x An unisgned integer byte, X co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~127) * @param y An unisgned integer byte, Y co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~63) * @param chr An unisgned integer byte, the character to be display * @param size An unisgned integer byte, the font size of the character (12pt or 16pt) * @param mode A boolean, 0 = inverted display, 1 = normal display */ void OLED_ShowChar(uint8_t x,uint8_t y,uint8_t chr,uint8_t size,bool mode); /** Display a number at specific position * * @param x An unisgned integer byte, X co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~127) * @param y An unisgned integer byte, Y co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~63) * @param size An unisgned integer byte, the font size of the character (12pt or 16pt) * @param num An unisgned integer 32bit, value of the number to be display */ void OLED_ShowNumber(uint8_t x,uint8_t y,uint8_t size, uint32_t num ); /** Display a string at specific position with 16 x 8 font size * * @param x An unisgned integer byte, X co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~127) * @param y An unisgned integer byte, Y co-ordinate of the point to be draw on screen (Range from 0~63) * @param size An unisgned integer byte, the font size of the character (12pt or 16pt) * @param *p A string pointer, the address of the string to be display on screen (Maximium 16 characters for a line) */ void OLED_ShowString(uint8_t x,uint8_t y,uint8_t size,const uint8_t *p); void OLED_Display_On(void); void OLED_Display_Off(void); void OLED_Refresh(void); void OLED_Clear(void);
Pin Connection¶
This OLED module tested with STM32F103RBT6 with following pin connection
Demo Video¶