Modified Arduino library for ICM_20948 IMU for Nucleo boards

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ICM_20948.h	Mon Jan 31 03:25:31 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+A C++ interface to the ICM-20948
+// Modified from Arduino library at
+#ifndef _ICM_20948_H_
+#define _ICM_20948_H_
+#include "util/ICM_20948_C.h" // The C backbone. ICM_20948_USE_DMP is defined in here.
+#include "util/AK09916_REGISTERS.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define ICM_20948_ARD_UNUSED_PIN 0xFF
+// Base
+class ICM_20948
+  const uint8_t MAX_MAGNETOMETER_STARTS = 10; // This replaces maxTries
+  ICM_20948_Device_t _device;
+  float getTempC(int16_t val);
+  float getGyrDPS(int16_t axis_val);
+  float getAccMG(int16_t axis_val);
+  float getMagUT(int16_t axis_val);
+  ICM_20948(); // Constructor
+  Serial *_debugSerial; // change to serial port
+  bool _printDebug = false; //Flag to print the serial commands we are sending to the Serial port for debug
+  void enableDebugging(Serial &debugPort); // TODO: check this syntax
+  void disableDebugging(void); //Turn off debug statements
+  void debugPrintStatus(ICM_20948_Status_e stat);
+  ICM_20948_AGMT_t agmt;          // Acceleometer, Gyroscope, Magenetometer, and Temperature data
+  ICM_20948_AGMT_t getAGMT(void); // Updates the agmt field in the object and also returns a copy directly
+  float magX(void); // micro teslas
+  float magY(void); // micro teslas
+  float magZ(void); // micro teslas
+  float accX(void); // milli g's
+  float accY(void); // milli g's
+  float accZ(void); // milli g's
+  float gyrX(void); // degrees per second
+  float gyrY(void); // degrees per second
+  float gyrZ(void); // degrees per second
+  float temp(void); // degrees celsius
+  ICM_20948_Status_e status;                                              // Status from latest operation
+  // Device Level
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setBank(uint8_t bank);                                // Sets the bank
+  ICM_20948_Status_e swReset(void);                                        // Performs a SW reset
+  ICM_20948_Status_e sleep(bool on = false);                               // Set sleep mode for the chip
+  ICM_20948_Status_e lowPower(bool on = true);                             // Set low power mode for the chip
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setClockSource(ICM_20948_PWR_MGMT_1_CLKSEL_e source); // Choose clock source
+  ICM_20948_Status_e checkID(void);                                        // Return 'ICM_20948_Stat_Ok' if whoami matches ICM_20948_WHOAMI
+  bool dataReady(void);    // Returns 'true' if data is ready
+  uint8_t getWhoAmI(void); // Return whoami in out prarmeter
+  bool isConnected(void);  // Returns true if communications with the device are sucessful
+  // Internal Sensor Options
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setSampleMode(uint8_t sensor_id_bm, uint8_t lp_config_cycle_mode); // Use to set accel, gyro, and I2C master into cycled or continuous modes
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setFullScale(uint8_t sensor_id_bm, ICM_20948_fss_t fss);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setDLPFcfg(uint8_t sensor_id_bm, ICM_20948_dlpcfg_t cfg);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e enableDLPF(uint8_t sensor_id_bm, bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setSampleRate(uint8_t sensor_id_bm, ICM_20948_smplrt_t smplrt);
+  // Interrupts on INT and FSYNC Pins
+  ICM_20948_Status_e clearInterrupts(void);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntActiveLow(bool active_low);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntOpenDrain(bool open_drain);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntLatch(bool latching);         // If not latching then the interrupt is a 50 us pulse
+  ICM_20948_Status_e cfgIntAnyReadToClear(bool enabled); // If enabled, *ANY* read will clear the INT_STATUS register. So if you have multiple interrupt sources enabled be sure to read INT_STATUS first
+  ICM_20948_Status_e cfgFsyncActiveLow(bool active_low);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e cfgFsyncIntMode(bool interrupt_mode); // Can use FSYNC as an interrupt input that sets the I2C Master Status register's PASS_THROUGH bit
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableI2C(bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableDMP(bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnablePLL(bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableWOM(bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableWOF(bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableRawDataReady(bool enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableOverflowFIFO(uint8_t bm_enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e intEnableWatermarkFIFO(uint8_t bm_enable);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e WOMThreshold(uint8_t threshold);
+  // Interface Options
+  ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterPassthrough(bool passthrough = true);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterEnable(bool enable = true);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterReset();
+  //Used for configuring peripherals 0-3
+  ICM_20948_Status_e i2cControllerConfigurePeripheral(uint8_t peripheral, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t len, bool Rw = true, bool enable = true, bool data_only = false, bool grp = false, bool swap = false, uint8_t dataOut = 0);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e i2cControllerPeriph4Transaction(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, bool Rw, bool send_reg_addr = true);
+  //Used for configuring the Magnetometer
+  ICM_20948_Status_e i2cMasterSingleW(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data);
+  uint8_t i2cMasterSingleR(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg);
+  // Default Setup
+  ICM_20948_Status_e startupDefault(bool minimal = false); // If minimal is true, several startup steps are skipped. If ICM_20948_USE_DMP is defined, .begin will call startupDefault with minimal set to true.
+  // direct read/write
+  ICM_20948_Status_e read(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pdata, uint32_t len);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e write(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pdata, uint32_t len);
+  //Mag specific
+  ICM_20948_Status_e startupMagnetometer(bool minimal = false); // If minimal is true, several startup steps are skipped. The mag then needs to be set up manually for the DMP.
+  ICM_20948_Status_e magWhoIAm(void);
+  uint8_t readMag(AK09916_Reg_Addr_e reg);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e writeMag(AK09916_Reg_Addr_e reg, uint8_t *pdata);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e resetMag();
+  //FIFO
+  ICM_20948_Status_e enableFIFO(bool enable = true);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e resetFIFO(void);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setFIFOmode(bool snapshot = false); // Default to Stream (non-Snapshot) mode
+  ICM_20948_Status_e getFIFOcount(uint16_t *count);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e readFIFO(uint8_t *data, uint8_t len = 1);
+  //DMP
+  // Done:
+  //  Configure DMP start address through PRGM_STRT_ADDRH/PRGM_STRT_ADDRL
+  //  Load Firmware
+  //  Configure Accel scaling to DMP
+  //  Configure Compass mount matrix and scale to DMP
+  //  Reset FIFO
+  //  Reset DMP
+  //  Enable DMP interrupt
+  //  Configuring DMP to output data to FIFO: set DATA_OUT_CTL1, DATA_OUT_CTL2, DATA_INTR_CTL and MOTION_EVENT_CTL
+  //  Configuring DMP to output data at multiple ODRs
+  //  Configure DATA_RDY_STATUS
+  //  Configuring Accel calibration
+  //  Configuring Compass calibration
+  //  Configuring Gyro gain
+  //  Configuring Accel gain
+  //  Configure I2C_SLV0 and I2C_SLV1 to: request mag data from the hidden reserved AK09916 registers; trigger Single Measurements
+  //  Configure I2C Master ODR (default to 68.75Hz)
+  // To Do:
+  //  Configuring DMP features: PED_STD_STEPCTR, PED_STD_TIMECTR
+  //  Enabling Activity Recognition (BAC) feature
+  //  Enabling Significant Motion Detect (SMD) feature
+  //  Enabling Tilt Detector feature
+  //  Enabling Pick Up Gesture feature
+  //  Enabling Fsync detection feature
+  //  Biases: add save and load methods
+  ICM_20948_Status_e enableDMP(bool enable = true);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e resetDMP(void);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e loadDMPFirmware(void);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setDMPstartAddress(unsigned short address = DMP_START_ADDRESS);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e enableDMPSensor(enum inv_icm20948_sensor sensor, bool enable = true);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e enableDMPSensorInt(enum inv_icm20948_sensor sensor, bool enable = true);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e writeDMPmems(unsigned short reg, unsigned int length, const unsigned char *data);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e readDMPmems(unsigned short reg, unsigned int length, unsigned char *data);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setDMPODRrate(enum DMP_ODR_Registers odr_reg, int interval);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e readDMPdataFromFIFO(icm_20948_DMP_data_t *data);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e setGyroSF(unsigned char div, int gyro_level);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e initializeDMP(void) __attribute__((weak)); // Combine all of the DMP start-up code in one place. Can be overwritten if required
+// SPI
+#define ICM_20948_SPI_DEFAULT_FREQ 4000000
+class ICM_20948_SPI : public ICM_20948
+  SPI *_spi;
+  DigitalOut *_cs;
+  ICM_20948_Serif_t _serif;
+  ICM_20948_SPI(); // Constructor
+//  ICM_20948_Status_e begin(uint8_t csPin, SPIClass &spiPort = SPI, uint32_t SPIFreq = ICM_20948_SPI_DEFAULT_FREQ);
+  ICM_20948_Status_e begin(DigitalOut &cspin, SPI &spiPort, uint32_t SPIFreq = ICM_20948_SPI_DEFAULT_FREQ); // TODO: check this!
+#endif /* _ICM_20948_H_ */