Fork of Move by
- Committer:
- sakanakuuun
- Date:
- 2016-09-10
- Revision:
- 17:c167f4ed9070
- Parent:
- 16:140e758346ae
- Child:
- 18:4c812a3c7411
File content as of revision 17:c167f4ed9070:
#include "mbed.h" #include "move.h" #include "locate.h" #include "stdlib.h" PwmOut M1cw(PA_11); PwmOut M1ccw(PB_15); PwmOut M2ccw(PB_14); PwmOut M2cw(PB_13); DigitalOut green (PC_2); DigitalOut yellow(PC_3); DigitalOut red (PC_0); /* DigitalOut teamledblue(PC_10); DigitalOut teamledred(PC_12); */ Serial pc2(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); //pcと通信 //const int allowlength=5; //const float allowdegree=0.02; const int rightspeed=70; const int leftspeed=rightspeed + 4; const int hosei_ = 13; const int max_disorder = 4; const float ratio = 1.0/7.5; //const float PIfact=2.89; void initmotor() { M1cw.period_us(256); M1ccw.period_us(256); M2cw.period_us(256); M2ccw.period_us(256); } void move(int left,int right) { float rightduty,leftduty; if(right>256) { right=256; } if(left>256) { left=256; } if(right<-256) { right=-256; } if(left<-256) { left=-256; } rightduty=right/256.0; leftduty=left/256.0; if(right>0) { M1cw.write(1-rightduty); M1ccw.write(1); } else { M1cw.write(1); M1ccw.write(1+rightduty); } if(left>0) { M2cw.write(1-leftduty); M2ccw.write(1); } else { M2cw.write(1); M2ccw.write(1+leftduty); } } void hosei_turn(float pt, bool cw, float rad) { int np; if(cw) np = 1; else np = -1; while(1) { update_np(); //pc.printf("t:%f\n\r", coordinateTheta()); if(pt-coordinateTheta() < np * rad - ALLOW_RAD) { move(-hosei_, hosei_); } else if(pt-coordinateTheta() > np * rad + ALLOW_RAD) { move(hosei_, -hosei_); } else { move(0,0); return; } } } void turnrad(float rad) { green = 1; update_np(); int np; if(coordinateTheta() > rad) np = 1; else if(coordinateTheta() < rad) np = -1; else return; move((-np)*rightspeed, (np)*leftspeed); while(1) { update_np(); //pc.printf("t:%f\n\r", coordinateTheta()); if(rad - 0.2 < coordinateTheta() && coordinateTheta() < rad + 0.2) { move(0,0); break; } } hosei_turn(0, false, rad); wait(0.5); hosei_turn(0, false, rad); wait(0.5); green = 0; } void turnrad_ccw(float rad) { green = 1; update(); move(rightspeed, -leftspeed); while(1) { update(); //pc.printf("t:%f\n\r", coordinateTheta()); if(rad - 0.2 < coordinateTheta() && coordinateTheta() < rad + 0.2) { move(0,0); break; } } hosei_turn(0, false, rad); wait(0.5); hosei_turn(0, false, rad); wait(0.5); green = 0; } void turnrad_cw(float rad) { green = 1; update(); move((-1)*rightspeed, leftspeed); while(1) { update(); //pc.printf("t:%f\n\r", coordinateTheta()); if(rad - 0.2 < coordinateTheta() && coordinateTheta() < rad + 0.2) { move(0,0); break; } } hosei_turn(0, false, rad); wait(0.5); hosei_turn(0, false, rad); wait(0.5); green = 0; } void pmove(int x, int y) { yellow = 1; float k = 1.0;//ズレ(mm)を回転数に反映させる比例定数 int k_theta = 25;//ズレ(rad)を回転数に反映させる比例定数 int length, dx, dy; int *d_length, *disorder; int absd_length; float dtheta, ptheta; float daikei; int direction; if(abs(x - coordinateX()) > abs(y - coordinateY())) { y = coordinateY(); direction = X_PLUS; length = abs(x - coordinateX()); d_length = &dx; disorder = &dy; } else { x = coordinateX(); direction = Y_PLUS; length = abs(y - coordinateY()); d_length = &dy; disorder = &dx; } update(); dx = x - coordinateX(); dy = y - coordinateY(); if(*d_length < 0) //x,y減少方向なら、*d_length<0 direction *= -1; pc2.printf("direction:%d", direction); switch(direction) { case X_PLUS: ptheta = 0; break; case Y_PLUS: k *= -1; ptheta = PI/2; break; case X_MINUS: k *= -1; ptheta = PI; break; case Y_MINUS: ptheta = -PI/2; break; default: return; } ptheta += nearPi(coordinateTheta() - ptheta); turnrad(ptheta); if(length == 0) return; int i = 0; while(1) { update_np(); dx = x - coordinateX(); dy = y - coordinateY(); dtheta = coordinateTheta() - ptheta; if(*disorder>max_disorder) { *disorder = max_disorder; } else if(*disorder<-max_disorder) { *disorder = -max_disorder; } absd_length = abs(*d_length); if(i++ < 5) { daikei = i/5; } else if(absd_length < 300) { daikei = absd_length / 300.0; } /* else if(absd_length > length - 30) { daikei = abs(length - absd_length) / 30.0; */ else daikei = 1; move(daikei * (rightspeed*(1-ratio) + k*(*disorder) - k_theta*dtheta) + rightspeed*ratio, daikei * (leftspeed *(1-ratio) - k*(*disorder) + k_theta*dtheta) + leftspeed *ratio); //pc2.printf("d_length:%d disorder:%d rs:%f ls:%f daikei:%f\n\r", *d_length, *disorder, k*(*disorder) - k_theta*dtheta, -k*(*disorder) + k_theta*dtheta, daikei); if((direction > 0 && *d_length <= 0) || (direction < 0 && *d_length >= 0)) { move(0, 0); break; } } wait(0.5); yellow = 0; } void back300() { red = 1; float k = 0.9; int k_theta = 2; int length, px, py, dx, dy; float daikei; update(); px = coordinateX(); py = coordinateY(); length = 300; turnrad(PI + nearPi(coordinateTheta() - PI)); while(1) { update_np(); dx = coordinateX() - px; dy = coordinateY() - py; if(dy>max_disorder) { dy = max_disorder; } else if(dy<-max_disorder) { dy = -max_disorder; } move(-(30 + k*dy), -(32 - k*dy)); if(dx>length) { move(0, 0); break; } //pc.printf("d_length:%d disorder:%d daikei:%f\n\r", *d_length, *disorder, daikei); } wait(0.5); red = 0; } void nxback300() { red = 1; float k = 0.9; int k_theta = 2; int length, px, py, dx, dy; float daikei; update(); px = coordinateX(); py = coordinateY(); length = 300; turnrad(nearPi(coordinateTheta())); while(1) { update_np(); dx = coordinateX() - px; dy = coordinateY() - py; if(dy>max_disorder) { dy = max_disorder; } else if(dy<-max_disorder) { dy = -max_disorder; } move(-(30 - k*dy), -(32 + k*dy)); if(abs(dx)>length) { move(0, 0); break; } //pc.printf("d_length:%d disorder:%d daikei:%f\n\r", *d_length, *disorder, daikei); } wait(0.5); red = 0; } void pyback300() { red = 1; float k = 0.9; int k_theta = 2; int length, px, py, dx, dy; float daikei; update(); px = coordinateX(); py = coordinateY(); length = 300; turnrad(-PI/2 + nearPi(coordinateTheta() + PI/2)); while(1) { update_np(); dx = coordinateX() - px; dy = coordinateY() - py; if(dx>max_disorder) { dx = max_disorder; } else if(dx<-max_disorder) { dx = -max_disorder; } move(-(30 - k*dx), -(32 + k*dx)); if(dy>length) { move(0, 0); break; } //pc.printf("d_length:%d disorder:%d daikei:%f\n\r", *d_length, *disorder, daikei); } wait(0.5); red = 0; } float nearPi(float rad) { float npi = 0; while(1) { if(rad > npi + PI) npi += 2*PI; else if(rad < npi - PI) npi -= 2*PI; else return npi; } }