BaseMachine Sequencer

Dependencies:   Amp AverageAnalogIn BaseMachineUIController Envelope ExioBufferdController FilterController MCP23S17 PinDetect RotaryEncoder Sequence SequencerDisplay mbed-rtos mbed st7567LCD AT24C1024 OscController


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
29:5ca5aef9e7ca 2017-05-22 ryood Impl. FilterEnvelope FilterEnvelope tip
28:407c9f46a07c 2017-05-22 ryood Branch FilterEnvelope FilterEnvelope
27:173ad2312d03 2017-05-04 ryood Display DCF version default
26:fa2bd913530b 2017-05-04 ryood SpiSvfController, SpiVcvsLpfController Class
25:ed2079e645fc 2017-05-04 ryood Tie Duration
24:ddc42cfb9384 2017-05-01 ryood Add SpiSVFilterController Class
23:099d8f1b0914 2017-02-16 ryood Start from Step 0
22:4b8cfeae6623 2017-02-13 ryood Clean up
21:0bbca9e3ba30 2017-02-13 ryood Move the funciton of Osc to OscController from SequceSender
20:bc7bd7faa8d5 2017-02-13 ryood Changed: mbed Rev 135 / mbed-rtos Rev 123
19:77258c516cc6 2017-01-06 ryood Changed for the Exio Board.
18:cf5e60257165 2016-12-21 ryood Initial Synth SPI's CS High
17:bc1f0fea5bc9 2016-12-21 ryood Add SPIMaster Reset
16:dba7252a1ef1 2016-11-28 ryood impl. Save/Load EEPROM(16 slot), copy & paste
15:4463fd3a5c8e 2016-11-27 ryood merge
14:16d53ac0a61a 2016-11-27 ryood implove the Accent Level.
13:35ffba73d263 2016-11-25 ryood impl. copy/paste a sequence (undone)
12:20c1fe8aea2e 2016-11-25 ryood impl. Save/Load all sequence patterns to AT24C1024
11:eb9e72bf529c 2016-11-25 ryood Clean up
10:0b7f4eb37197 2016-11-25 ryood Add: AT24C1024 Simple Test
9:771491096aa1 2016-11-21 ryood Impl. Exio PortA SW & Rotary Encoder
8:4e38bb44c72e 2016-11-17 ryood Impl. Accent Level
7:a47420a0c4bf 2016-11-17 ryood Impl. Sequence pattern change
6:fd15586f72ff 2016-11-17 ryood Bug fix
5:e909232c913e 2016-11-17 ryood Remove glitches while rests
4:49c60d28fa09 2016-11-14 ryood Test ExioBufferedController
3:ebc0d60e741a 2016-11-09 ryood Add: ExioBufferedController Library
2:6056b9559541 2016-11-09 ryood Change the pins of UI Controller2 for SPI3
1:87f7d2e0a123 2016-11-09 ryood integrated
0:1afb83a21a25 2016-11-09 ryood Check VCO out