Capstone project files

Dependencies:   mbed-dsp mbed capstone_display_2

diff -r 30dcfcf9412c -r 9ee3ae61db7f main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Apr 03 20:30:18 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 15 20:27:43 2014 +0000
@@ -3,24 +3,38 @@
 #include "arm_math.h"
 #include "display.h"
 #define f_sampling 2000 //the sampling frequency
-#define NumTaps 27      //the number of FIR coefficients
-#define BlockSize 2048  //the size of the buffer
+#define NumTaps 27      //the number of filter coefficients
+#define BlockSize 512  //the size of the buffer
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); //USB serial for PC, to be removed later
+AnalogOut waveOut(p18); //for debugging
+//--------------------  SPI communication
 SPI spi(p5, p6, p7);
 DigitalOut cs(p8);
+//--------------------  LCD display
 ST7735_LCD disp( p14, p13, p12, p10, p11); //for digital display
 display lcd(&disp);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); //USB serial for PC, to be removed later
+//--------------------  signal-related stuff
 AnalogIn input(p15); //pin 15 for analog reading
-AnalogOut waveOut(p18);
 float32_t waveform[BlockSize]; //array of input data
 float32_t postFilterData[BlockSize]; //array of filtered data
 bool fullRead; //whether the MBED has finish
 bool waitForNext;
+int index_g; //tracks the index for the waveform array
-//the filter coefficients for a band pass filter, consider changing to doubles if not precise enough
+//-------------------the tuning constants for distance calculation
+float minThreshold;
+float maxThreshold;
+float gain1;
+float gain2;
+float c1;
+float c2;
+float c3;
+//------------------------the filter coefficients for FIR filter
 float32_t pCoeffs[NumTaps] = 
                 {    0.012000000000000,   0.012462263166161,  -0.019562318415964,  -0.026175892863747,
                      0.031654803781611,   0.050648026372209,  -0.032547136829180,  -0.070997780956819,
@@ -29,7 +43,26 @@
                     -0.020568171368382,   0.094643188024728,   0.032992306874351,  -0.070997780956815,
                     -0.032547136829177,   0.050648026372211,   0.031654803781612,  -0.026175892863746,
                     -0.019562318415964,   0.012462263166161,   0.012000000000000                        };
+float32_t pState[NumTaps + BlockSize - 1];
 //                    */
+//-----------------------IIR stuff (if needed)
+float32_t pkCoeffs[NumTaps] = 
+    {
+        1,-2.496708288,3.17779085,-2.022333713,0.6561,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+    };
+float32_t pvCoeffs[NumTaps] =
+    {
+        0.0000556000,0.0002167120,0.0004326320,0.0005056930,0.0002111890,-0.0004911030,-0.0013071920,-0.0017060250,-0.0012444070,0.0000684000,0.0016603140,0.0026622100,0.0024306750,0.0009787140,-0.0009787140,-0.0024306750,-0.0026622100,-0.0016603140,-0.0000684000,0.0012444070,0.0017060250,0.0013071920,0.0004911030,-0.0002111890,-0.0005056930,-0.0004326320,-0.0002167120,-0.0000556000
+    };
+float32_t pState[NumTaps + BlockSize];
+//--------------------------------if needed, the 4kHz FIR filter
 float32_t pCoeffs[NumTaps] = 
@@ -52,12 +85,14 @@
                              0.00456436168827984, 0.00130297171184699
-float32_t pState[NumTaps + BlockSize - 1];
-int index_g; //tracks the index for the waveform array
+    This is a helper function for precision timing of Tickers
 void readPoint()
     waitForNext = false;    
@@ -81,7 +116,13 @@
-void outputWaveform()
+    This function spits out the waveform on the analogOut pin (p18)
+    This function will be unused in the final version, but is still usefull for debugging.
+    @param array (float32_t *): (array of data) pointer to the data to output over the analogOut pin
+    @return none
+void outputWaveform(float32_t* array)
     Ticker outputter;
     waitForNext = true;
@@ -89,13 +130,20 @@
     for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++)
         while (waitForNext); //wait until the ticker calls for the next data point
-        waveOut.write(postFilterData[i]);
+        waveOut.write(array[i]);
         waitForNext = true;
-int setPot(int wiperNo, float kOhms)
+    This method writes to the digital potentiometer (MCP4251)
+    @param wiperNo (int): this is the wiper number to write to (either 0 or 1)
+    @param kOhms (float): this is the value to set the resistance (in kilo Ohms) between the wiper and terminal B 
+        note 
+   @return: the integer command actually sent (for debugging)
+int setPot(int wiperNo, float kOhms) 
     //257 steps (8 bits + 1), see section 7.0 for SPI instructions
     float Rmax = 100000;
@@ -106,42 +154,68 @@
     if (ratio < 0) ratio = 0;
     int dataBits = (int) (ratio * 0x100);
     int command = wiperNo << 12; //setting the Address and Command bits
-    command += dataBits; //add in the digital setting
+    command += dataBits; //add in the data bits (digital settings)
     return command;
-float32_t rms()
+    This function calculates the RMS (root mean squared) of an array of float data.
+    @param array (float32_t *): the array to calculate RMS from
+    @return float_32: the resulting RMS value of the given array
+float32_t rms(float32_t* array)
     float32_t rms = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++)
-        rms += postFilterData[i]*postFilterData[i];
+        rms += array[i]*array[i];
+    //pc.printf("Sum of squares %f\n\r", rms);
     return sqrt(rms/BlockSize);
+void calibrate()
+    gain1 = 1.0;
+    gain2 = 25.0;
+    minThreshold = .0275;
+    maxThreshold = .1850;
+int adjustGains(float estimate)
+    if (estimate < minThreshold)
+    {
+        if (gain2 < 100) //post amp not yet maxed
+        {
+        }
+        else;
+    }
+    else if (estimate > maxThreshold)
+    {
+    }
+float estimateDistance(float estimate)
+    return estimate;
 int main() {
-    //to initialize the filter stuff use init functions (see line 89 in the arm_fir_f32.c file for documentation)
-    //the initialization function is in a seperate file called arm_fir_init_f32.c 
+    //arm_iir_lattice_instance_f32* filter1 = new arm_iir_lattice_instance_f32();
+    arm_fir_instance_f32* filter = new arm_fir_instance_f32();
+    float* history;    
-    /*
-* <code>pState</code> points to a state array of size <code>numTaps + blockSize - 1</code>.  
-* Samples in the state buffer are stored in the following order.  
-* \par  
-* <pre>  
-*    {x[n-numTaps+1], x[n-numTaps], x[n-numTaps-1], x[n-numTaps-2]....x[0], x[1], ..., x[blockSize-1]}  
-* </pre>  
-* \par  
+    int state = 0; //which state of the state machine to be in, change to enum if desired
-    */
-    arm_fir_instance_f32* filter = new arm_fir_instance_f32();
-    int state = 0;
     uint16_t numTaps = NumTaps;
     uint32_t blockSize = BlockSize;
     char buffer[32]; //for debugging scanf things
-    char* outputString;
+    char* outputString; //string to be printed to the LCD display (or other output)
     float32_t estimate = 0;
@@ -149,11 +223,13 @@
         case 0: //initialization
-            //pc.printf("pre-filter init\n\r");
+            calibrate();
             arm_fir_init_f32(filter, numTaps, pCoeffs, pState, blockSize);
+            //arm_iir_lattice_init_f32(filter1, numTaps, pkCoeffs, pvCoeffs, pState, blockSize);
+            setPot(1, gain1);
+            setPot(0, gain2);
             state = 1;
             pc.printf("Done with init.\n\r");
@@ -165,46 +241,35 @@
         case 2: //printout to pc connection or other output debugging
-            //pc.printf("into print\n\r");
-            /*
-            for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++)
-            {
-                pc.printf("Waveform contents:%f\n\r", waveform[i]);
-            }
-            */
-            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) outputWaveform();
+            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) outputWaveform(postFilterData);
             state = 1;
         case 3: //filter?
+            pc.printf("RMS of waveform = %f\n\r", rms(waveform));
             arm_fir_f32(filter, waveform, postFilterData, blockSize);
-            state = 2;
+            //arm_iir_lattice_f32(filter1, waveform, postFilterData, blockSize);
+            state = 6;
         case 4: //FFT?
         case 5: //output, write to display and PWM tone
+            /*
             sprintf(outputString, "RMS = %f", estimate);
             state = 1;
+            //*/
-        case 6: //calculate the average voltage maybe depreciated
-            /*
-            *   
-            *
+        case 6: //calculate the average voltage 
-            double sum = 0;
-            for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++) sum += postFilterData[i];
-            double average = sum/BlockSize*3.3;  //*3.3 V_ref (array stored as fractions of V_ref)
-            pc.printf("Average = %f\n\r", average);
-            wait_ms(500);
-            state = 2;
-            */
-            estimate = rms();
-            pc.printf("RMS = %f", estimate);
-            state = 5;
+            estimate = rms(postFilterData);
+            pc.printf("post filter RMS = %f\n\n\r", estimate);
+            state = 1;
+            adjustGains(estimate);
-        case 7: //estimate amplitude
+        case 7: //estimate amplitude using simple peak detection (consider discarding)
             pc.printf("Into estimation\n\r");
             int peaks = 0;
             float sum = 0.0;
@@ -229,11 +294,51 @@
             pc.scanf("%s", buffer);
             float value = atof(buffer);
-            pc.printf("Command: %x Scanned:%f\n\r", setPot(0, value), value);
+            pc.printf("Command: %x Scanned:%f\n\r", setPot(1, value), value);
+            state = 8;
+            break;
+        case 9:
+        case 10: //purely for testing that the digital potentiometer is working.
+            pc.printf("Start of loop.\n\r");
+            setPot(1,0);
+            wait_ms(1000);
+            setPot(1,20);
+            wait_ms(1000);
+            setPot(1,40);
+            wait_ms(1000);
+            setPot(1,50);
+            wait_ms(1000);
+            setPot(1, 80);
+            wait_ms(1000);
+            setPot(1, 100);
+            wait_ms(1000);
+            state = 10;
     } //end of (infinite) while loop
+//-----------------------------Unused code, but potentially useful
+            /*
+            double sum = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++) sum += postFilterData[i];
+            double average = sum/BlockSize*3.3;  //*3.3 V_ref (array stored as fractions of V_ref)
+            pc.printf("Average = %f\n\r", average);
+            wait_ms(500);
+            state = 2;
+            */
+            //pc.printf("into print\n\r");
+            /*
+            for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; i++)
+            {
+                pc.printf("Waveform contents:%f\n\r", waveform[i]);
+            }
+            */