
Dependencies:   mbed Watchdog stm32-sensor-base2

--- a/RS485/RS485.cpp	Tue Jul 07 15:02:22 2020 +0000
+++ b/RS485/RS485.cpp	Sat Jul 18 14:59:04 2020 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,144 @@
 #include "RS485.h"
-RS485::RS485(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName mode, const char *name) : Serial( tx, rx, name), m_modePin(mode)
-    m_modePin = 0;
+#include <stdarg.h>
+typedef unsigned int word;
+typedef uint8_t byte;
+typedef uint8_t boolean;
+typedef void (*voidFuncPtr)(void);
+Timer lapse;
+    const byte STX = '\2';
+    const byte ETX = '\3';
+RS485::RS485(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName dere)
+    : BufferedSerial(tx, rx)
+    return;
-int RS485::_getc() { 
-    return _base_getc();
-int RS485::_putc(int c) {
-    m_modePin = 1;
-    int ret = _base_putc(c);
-    m_modePin = 0;
-    return ret;
+byte RS485::crc8(const byte *addr, byte len)
+  byte crc = 0;
+  while (len--)
+    {
+    byte inbyte = *addr++;
+    for (byte i = 8; i; i--)
+      {
+      byte mix = (crc ^ inbyte) & 0x01;
+      crc >>= 1;
+      if (mix)
+        crc ^= 0x8C;
+      inbyte >>= 1;
+      }  // end of for
+    }  // end of while
+  return crc;
+}  // end of crc8
+void RS485::sendComplemented( const byte what)
+  byte c ;
+  // first nibble
+  c = what >> 4;
+  putc((c << 4) | (c ^ 0x0F));
+  // second nibble
+  c = what & 0x0F;
+  putc((c << 4) | (c ^ 0x0F));
+}  // end of sendComplemented
+void RS485::sendMsg(const byte * data, const byte length)
+  putc(STX);  // STX
+  for (byte i = 0; i < length; i++)
+    sendComplemented (data[i]);
+  putc(ETX);  // ETX
+  sendComplemented(crc8(data, length));
+}  // end of sendMsg
+// receive a message, maximum "length" bytes, timeout after "timeout" clock_mseconds
+// if nothing received, or an error (eg. bad CRC, bad data) return 0
+// otherwise, returns length of received data
+byte RS485::recvMsg (byte * data,                    // buffer to receive into
+              const byte length,              // maximum buffer size
+              unsigned long timeout)          // clock_mseconds before timing out
+  {
+  unsigned long start_time = lapse.read_ms();
+  bool have_stx = false;
+  // variables below are set when we get an STX
+  bool have_etx;
+  byte input_pos;
+  bool first_nibble;
+  byte current_byte;
+  while (lapse.read_ms() - start_time < timeout)
+    {
+    if (readable() > 0)
+      {
+      byte inByte = getc();
+      switch (inByte)
+        {
+        case STX:   // start of text
+          have_stx = true;
+          have_etx = false;
+          input_pos = 0;
+          first_nibble = true;
+          start_time = lapse.read_ms();  // reset timeout period
+          break;
+        case ETX:   // end of text
+          have_etx = true;
+          break;
+        default:
+          // wait until packet officially starts
+          if (!have_stx)
+            break;
+          // check byte is in valid form (4 bits followed by 4 bits complemented)
+          if ((inByte >> 4) != ((inByte & 0x0F) ^ 0x0F) )
+            return 0;  // bad character
+          // convert back
+          inByte >>= 4;
+          // high-order nibble?
+          if (first_nibble)
+            {
+            current_byte = inByte;
+            first_nibble = false;
+            break;
+            }  // end of first nibble
+          // low-order nibble
+          current_byte <<= 4;
+          current_byte |= inByte;
+          first_nibble = true;
+          // if we have the ETX this must be the CRC
+          if (have_etx)
+            {
+            if (crc8 (data, input_pos) != current_byte)
+              return 0;  // bad crc
+            return input_pos;  // return received length
+            }  // end if have ETX already
+          // keep adding if not full
+          if (input_pos < length)
+            data [input_pos++] = current_byte;
+          else
+            return 0;  // overflow
+          break;
+        }  // end of switch
+      }  // end of incoming data
+    } // end of while not timed out
+  return 0;  // timeout
+} // end of recvMsg
\ No newline at end of file