Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE MMA8452Q_1 SDFileSystem bouncing_ball mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r cd0b1641b303 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Dec 07 15:31:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+R. Sean Nagle
+0CE306 HW6
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MMA8452Q.h"           //acceleromater library
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"          //LCD library
+#include "bouncing_ball.h"      //new ball phyics library
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#define UPDATE_TIME_S 0.02
+#define START_X_1 10
+#define START_Y_1 10
+#define START_X_2 20
+#define START_Y_2 20
+#define RADIUS_1 6
+#define RADIUS_2 3
+#define DEBUG_MODE 0
+#define LCD_UPDATE .091         //11 Hz
+// Accelerometer - SDA, SCL, and I2C address
+MMA8452Q accel(p28, p27, 0x1D);  //initialize a driver object for an accelerometer connected on pins 27-28.
+// Analog input (pin 15)
+AnalogIn tempin(p15);
+//Initialize Serial communication
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+// SD card (SPI pins)
+SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
+//Drawing positions
+int lastx1;
+int lasty1;
+int lastx2; 
+int lasty2;
+//Led Initialization
+DigitalOut led1(LED1); //update leds
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+//Function prototype for color selection function:
+int get_LCD_color(int color_integer);
+// Graphic LCD - TX, RX, and RES pins
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11);     //initialize a driver object for an LCD connected on pins 9-11
+physics_ball ball1;  //initialize two balls for bouncing
+physics_ball ball2;  //the default states from the library will be used initially
+//Ticker for update
+Ticker update1; //ball 1 ticker for update position
+Ticker update2; //ball 2 ticker for update position
+//Toggle Initialization
+InterruptIn button(p18);    //Interrupt on the button on pin 13
+Timer debounce;             //defines debounce timer for proper switching
+Timer logtimer;
+int updtog = 0;
+void toggle(){
+    if(debounce.read_ms()>175){
+        led3= !led3;
+        debounce.reset(); //restart timer after toggle occurs
+        logtimer.start();
+        if(<2){
+            updtog = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+int v1x;
+int v1y;
+int v2x;
+int v2y;
+void ball1up(){
+    if (updtog == 0){
+        ball1.update(UPDATE_TIME_S,accel);  //updates position
+        /*
+        v1x = (int)ball1.speedx;
+        v1y = (int)ball1.speedy;
+        */
+        }
+    else {
+        ball1.set_state(ball1.posx,ball1.posy,0,0); //speeds are set to zero
+        //pc.printf("%i    %i\r\n",v1x,v1y);
+        if(>2){
+            //ball1.set_state(ball1.posx,ball1.posy,v1x,v1y);
+            logtimer.stop();
+            logtimer.reset();
+            updtog = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    led1 = !led1;                       //changes led state every update
+    }
+void ball2up(){
+    if (updtog == 0){
+        ball2.update(UPDATE_TIME_S,accel);  //updates position
+        /*
+        v2x = (int)ball2.speedx;
+        v2y = (int)ball2.speedy;
+        */
+        }
+    else {
+        ball2.set_state(ball2.posx,ball2.posy,0,0); //speeds are set to zero
+        //pc.printf("%i    %i\r\n",v2x,v2y);
+        if(>2){
+            //ball2.set_state(ball2.posx,ball2.posy,v2x,v2y);
+            logtimer.stop();
+            logtimer.reset();
+            updtog = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    led2 = !led2;                       //changes led state every update
+    }
+//Freefall Interrupt
+InterruptIn FREEFALL(p17);
+DigitalIn tompetty(p17);
+//Ticker for display
+Ticker displayup;   //ticker for displaying ball on lcd
+void display(){
+    // Erase old circles by writing over there locations using the screen color:
+    uLCD.filled_circle(lastx1, lasty1, ball1.radius, BLACK);
+    uLCD.filled_circle(lastx2, lasty2, ball2.radius, BLACK);
+    // Draw circles in the x and y positions stored by the ball objects:
+    uLCD.filled_circle(ball1.posx, ball1.posy, ball1.radius, get_LCD_color(ball1.color));
+    uLCD.filled_circle(ball2.posx, ball2.posy, ball2.radius, get_LCD_color(ball2.color));
+    //Sets previous ball position to be erased in next iteration
+    lastx1 = ball1.posx;
+    lasty1 = ball1.posy;
+    lastx2 = ball2.posx;
+    lasty2 = ball2.posy;
+    }
+int main(){
+    // Initialize uLCD
+    uLCD.baudrate(115200);
+    uLCD.background_color(BLACK);
+    uLCD.cls();
+    // Initialize accelerometer
+    accel.init();
+    // Initialize freefall
+    accel.freefall(0x04,0x03); //0x04 for pin 1, 0x00 for pin 2, threshold = (threshold)/0.063 = counts to set register to
+                                                            //   example, thresh <0.2g, 
+    //Initialize balls:
+    ball1.set_state(START_X_1,START_Y_1,0,0); //speeds are set to zero
+    ball1.set_state(START_X_2,START_Y_2,0,0);
+    //Set ball radius and color:
+    ball1.set_param(RADIUS_1,0); //color is unimportant
+    ball2.set_param(RADIUS_2,1); //just making sure the colors are different
+    update1.attach(&ball1up,UPDATE_TIME_S); //ticker force position update ball 1
+    update2.attach(&ball2up,UPDATE_TIME_S); //ticker force position update ball 2
+    displayup.attach(&display,LCD_UPDATE);   //ticker force lcd update
+    debounce.start();       //starts debounce timer
+    button.rise(&toggle);   //toggles on button press
+    //FREEFALL.rise(&toggle); //interrupts on free fall
+    FREEFALL.fall(&toggle); //interrupts on free fall  
+    while (1) {  //execute 'forever'
+        uint8_t sixteen = accel.readRegister(0x16);
+        sixteen &= 0x80;
+        //pc.printf("%u\n\r",sixteen);
+        if (tompetty == 0){
+            pc.printf("LOW       %u\n\r",sixteen);
+            }
+        else {
+            pc.printf("HIGH      %u\n\r",sixteen);
+            }
+        if (DEBUG_MODE) {
+            //If compiled with DEBUG_MODE flag raised, print values to screen.
+            uLCD.locate(0,4);
+            uLCD.printf("X: %d.1\nY: %.1d",ball1.posx,ball1.posy);
+            uLCD.locate(0,6);
+            uLCD.printf("VX: %f.1\nVY: %.1f",ball1.speedx,ball1.speedy);
+            uLCD.locate(0,10);
+            uLCD.printf("AX: %f.1\nAY: %.1f\nAZ: %0.1f",accel.readX(),accel.readY(),accel.readZ());
+        }
+    }
+//Interpret LCD colors.
+int get_LCD_color(int color_integer)
+    switch (color_integer) {
+        case 0:
+            return(RED);
+        case 1:
+            return(BLUE);
+        case 2:
+            return(GREEN);
+        default:
+            return(WHITE);
+    }
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