2014 Eurobot fork

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed QEI


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
92:4a1225fbb146 2013-10-15 rsavitski touch: ripped out 2013-specific bits. Need to address "2014" comments. Rewrite AI layer and other deleted parts. default tip
91:fdadfd883825 2013-10-15 rsavitski 2014 ICRS Eurobot codebase
90:e4164bb8c60e 2013-04-17 madcowswe final state at end of competition. Includes avoid wooden team hack
89:dfe8c2ec5b88 2013-04-16 madcowswe blue works
88:8850373c3f0d 2013-04-16 madcowswe prelim final RED
87:272a7129b04b 2013-04-16 madcowswe Red 57
86:769e33a3f0ff 2013-04-16 madcowswe blue_56 works reliably
85:b0858346d838 2013-04-16 madcowswe diff
84:00c799fd10a7 2013-04-16 madcowswe 90s timer and armlock
83:223186cd7531 2013-04-15 rsavitski both procedural and hardcoded waypoint array ai movement layer done and tested for BLUE side
82:d32b58dbeb94 2013-04-15 rsavitski merge R and O
81:ef1ce4f5322b 2013-04-15 rsavitski blue + white tested and works with procedural wps
80:b9b5d5ecea71 2013-04-15 madcowswe merged
79:0d3140048526 2013-04-15 madcowswe Tuned kalman variances, needs testing
78:3178a1e46146 2013-04-15 rsavitski merged x2
77:8d83a0c00e66 2013-04-15 rsavitski merged
76:532d9bc1d2aa 2013-04-15 rsavitski tuning gains with counterweights + cleanup
75:283283604485 2013-04-15 madcowswe fixed broken motor disable
74:9620d24a2f4e 2013-04-15 madcowswe added starting of motors
73:265d3cc6b0b1 2013-04-15 madcowswe motor disable variable exposed from motor control
72:7996aa8286ae 2013-04-15 madcowswe Working both sides beacons
71:eb1956c2d316 2013-04-15 madcowswe Main start cord contraption sends signal 0x2 to ai thread when its time to go
70:0da6ca845762 2013-04-14 rsavitski top flipper pushing
69:4b7bb92916da 2013-04-14 rsavitski test ai aux hack
68:662164480f60 2013-04-14 rsavitski merge point
67:be3ea5450cc7 2013-04-14 madcowswe Tuned merge. Testing needed
66:f1d75e51398d 2013-04-14 madcowswe Obstacle avoidance working smoothly, fairly hacked motion-ai communication of override
65:4709ff6c753c 2013-04-14 rsavitski rewrote arm code, pushes top layer with uber paddle
64:c979fb1cd3b5 2013-04-14 madcowswe Gains fairly tuned.
63:c2c6269767b8 2013-04-14 madcowswe Workinf feed forward both turn and fwd
62:78d99b781f02 2013-04-14 madcowswe Basic fwd dc power feed forward working
61:a7782a35ce4f 2013-04-14 madcowswe merge..
60:5058465904e0 2013-04-13 madcowswe Added feed forward. Maybe positive feedback
59:63609922579c 2013-04-13 rsavitski tmp
58:ff2121f34e3b 2013-04-13 rsavitski MOVED HARDWARE PINS
57:d434ceab6892 2013-04-13 rsavitski refactored motion with proxy movement object, working
56:ed585a82092b 2013-04-13 rsavitski R syncpoint. Working before modifying motion layer
55:0c8897da6b3a 2013-04-12 rsavitski three way merge done. moves around cake and looks for colours
54:99d3158c9207 2013-04-12 rsavitski crappy movement around cake
53:b013df99b747 2013-04-12 rsavitski waypoints with reversing, motion API still hacky
52:bffe5f7c39a3 2013-04-12 rsavitski diff check
51:bc261eae004b 2013-04-12 madcowswe cleaned up main
50:937e860f4621 2013-04-12 madcowswe Merged oskar and cooper
49:665bdca0f2cd 2013-04-12 madcowswe Kalman online phase estimation works but is SOOO hacked together
48:254b124cef02 2013-04-12 madcowswe Online phase offset estimation, not working
47:fc471218af95 2013-04-12 madcowswe Bumped up motor control to 100Hz, not working for some unexplainable reason
46:adcd57a5e402 2013-04-12 xiaxia686 Colours Sensors fixed
45:77cf6375348a 2013-04-12 xiaxia686 colour sensors fixed
44:555136de33e4 2013-04-12 xiaxia686 colour sensors calibrated and merged with main stuff;
43:c592bf6a6a2d 2013-04-12 xiaxia686 Colour sensors calibrated
42:6504d85d85b4 2013-04-11 madcowswe CpuUsage working. Currently 4%
41:26e5f24b55b3 2013-04-11 madcowswe trying cpu idle
40:fefdbb9b5968 2013-04-11 rsavitski hysteresis
39:44d3dea4adcc 2013-04-11 rsavitski moved waypoint functionality from ai to motion layer
38:c9058a401410 2013-04-10 rsavitski moving to waypoints reliably
37:6ecf0d21e492 2013-04-10 rsavitski rubbish angle facing what
36:34f4b38039bb 2013-04-10 rsavitski merge new gains and motion fixup
35:f8e7f0a72a3d 2013-04-10 rsavitski ; ;
34:e1678450feec 2013-04-10 madcowswe gains a bit more decent
33:a49197572737 2013-04-10 madcowswe untuned navigation half working