This project utilizes mbed's networking features to display live traffic updates on the Nokia LCD using the MapQuest API's Traffic Web Service.

Dependencies:   NetServices-Traffic mbed spxml

Wed Mar 06 19:15:22 2013 +0000
This project utilizes mbed's networking features to display live traffic updates on the Nokia LCD using the MapQuest API's Traffic Web Service.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 1 #include "mbed.h"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 2 #include "EthernetNetIf.h"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 3 #include "HTTPClient.h"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 4 #include "NokiaLCD.h"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 5 //Mapquest traffic RSS Feed - get web page with XML
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 6 // displays Road diversions/closures on LCD from XML "<fullDesc>.... text...</fullDesc>"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 7 NokiaLCD lcd(p5, p7, p8, p9, NokiaLCD::LCD6610); // mosi, sclk, cs, rst, type
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 8 EthernetNetIf eth;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 9 HTTPClient http;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 10 HTTPResult result;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 11 bool completed = false;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 12
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 13 void request_callback(HTTPResult r) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 14 result = r;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 15 completed = true;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 16 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 17
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 18 int main() {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 19 char *tstartXML = "<fullDesc>"; //RSS XML start title
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 20 char *tendXML = "</fullDesc>"; //RSS XML end title
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 21 char *tsptr; //Start Pointer
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 22 char *teptr; //End Pointer
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 23 int i=0,j=0;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 24 lcd.cls(); //Clear LCD Screen
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 25 lcd.locate(0,1);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 26 lcd.printf("net setup");
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 27 EthernetErr ethErr = eth.setup();
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 28 if (ethErr) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 29 lcd.printf("net error");
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 30 return -1;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 31 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 32 lcd.locate(0,2);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 33 lcd.printf("net ok");
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 34 wait(1);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 35 lcd.cls(); //Clear LCD Screen
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 36 HTTPStream stream;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 37 char BigBuf[2048 + 1] = {0};
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 38 stream.readNext((byte*)BigBuf, 2048); //Point to buffer for the first read
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 39 //Get web page with XML
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 40 HTTPResult r = http.get(",-84.662833,33.520957,-84.113516&filters=construction,incidents&inFormat=kvp&outFormat=xml", &stream, request_callback);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 41 while (!completed) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 42 Net::poll(); // Polls the Networking stack
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 43 if (stream.readable()) { // check for end of file
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 44 BigBuf[stream.readLen()] = 0; // Transform this buffer in a zero-terminated char* string
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 45 tsptr = BigBuf;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 46 // displays titles on LCD from XML "<title>....title text...</title>"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 47 do {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 48 tsptr = strstr(tsptr,tstartXML); // find <fullDesc> in string - NULL if not
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 49 teptr = strstr(tsptr,tendXML); // find <\fullDesc> in string - NULL if not
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 50 if (tsptr!=NULL) tsptr = tsptr + strlen(tstartXML);// move to char after "<fullDesc>"
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 51 if ((tsptr!=NULL)&&(teptr!=NULL)) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 52 i=0;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 53 // loop to display lines on LCD
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 54 for (j=0; (j)<(strlen(tsptr)-strlen(teptr)); j=j+16) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 55 // lcd.cls(); // clear screen before writing a new line
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 56 lcd.locate(0,(2+(j/16)));
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 57 // loop to output a line on the LCD
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 58 for (i=0; ((i<16)&&(tsptr[i+j] != '<')); i++) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 59 lcd.putc(tsptr[i+j]);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 60 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 61 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 62 wait(5);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 63 lcd.cls(); //clear LCD between traffic updates
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 64 lcd.locate(0,2);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 65 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 66 } while (tsptr!=NULL); // No more "<fullDesc>"s in BigBuf to display
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 67 stream.readNext((byte*)BigBuf, 2048); //Buffer read, now we can put more data in it
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 68 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 69 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 70 lcd.cls();
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 71 if (result == HTTP_OK) {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 72 lcd.cls();
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 73 lcd.locate(0,1);
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 74 lcd.printf(" Read complete");
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 75 } else {
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 76 lcd.printf(" Error %d\", result");
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 77 return -1;
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 78 }
rrajan8 0:88e082c58797 79 }