mbed library for XPT2046 SPI Touchscreen Controller (TFT_320QVT module)

Dependents:   TFT_320QVT_Window_Drag_Demo TFT_320QVT_HelloWorld UTFT_SSD1289 Ejemplo_TFT ... more



File content as of revision 0:a275ef704eb8:

// UTouchCD.h
// ----------
// Since there are slight deviations in all touch screens you should run a
// calibration on your display module. Run the UTouch_Calibration sketch
// that came with this library and follow the on-screen instructions to
// update this file.
// Remember that is you have multiple display modules they will probably 
// require different calibration data so you should run the calibration
// every time you switch to another module.
// You can, of course, store calibration data for all your modules here
// and comment out the ones you dont need at the moment.

// These calibration settings works with my ITDB02-3.2S.
// They MIGHT work on your 320x240 display module, but you should run the
// calibration sketch anyway. If you are using a display with any other
// resolution you MUST calibrate it as these settings WILL NOT work.
//#define CAL_X 0x00378F66UL
//#define CAL_Y 0x03C34155UL
//#define CAL_S 0x000EF13FUL

//#define CAL_X 0x001DC771UL
//#define CAL_Y 0x01E200A6UL
//#define CAL_S 0x000EF13FUL

#ifndef UTouchCD_h
#define UTouchCD_h

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define CAL_X   0x003B8EE2UL
#define CAL_Y   0x03C4014CUL
#define CAL_S   0x000EF13FUL

#ifdef __cplusplus
