for use with NXP LPC1768 Microcontroller mbed application board. The programme Reads the LM75B sensor temperature and Pot1 analogue input as room temp and thermostat temp setting respectively. Displays the temp and thermostat readings on LCD display and switches LED 1,2 and 4 on and off to indicated too hot, too cold and heater on or off.

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd LM75B mbed

Sun Dec 29 16:58:06 2013 +0000
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Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
rostam 1:4a768c18e543 1 //heater control using LM75B Temp sensor and Pot1 as inputs and LED1 and 2 as too hot and too cold tempreture indicators.
rostam 1:4a768c18e543 2 //LED 4 is used to indicate heater on/off
rostam 1:4a768c18e543 3
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 4 #include "mbed.h"
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 5 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 6 #include "LM75B.h"
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 7
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 8 DigitalOut toohot(LED1);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 9 DigitalOut toocold(LED2);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 10 DigitalOut heater(LED4);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 11
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 12 C12832_LCD disp;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 13 LM75B temp(p28,p27);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 14 AnalogIn therm(p19);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 15
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 16 float room_temp;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 17 float therm_set;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 18
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 19 int main()
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 20 {
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 21 toocold=0;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 22 toohot=0;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 23
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 24 while(1)
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 25 {
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 26
rostam 1:4a768c18e543 27 *45.0f;// Reading and caliberating the thermostat setting
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 28;
rostam 1:4a768c18e543 29 disp.cls(); // clear the screen
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 30 disp.locate(0,0);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 31 disp.printf("Thermostat setting: %.2fc", therm_set);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 32 disp.locate(0,10);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 33 disp.printf("Room Temperature: %.2fc", room_temp);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 34
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 35 if (room_temp>24.0f)
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 36 {
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 37 toocold=0;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 38 toohot=1;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 39 }
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 40 else
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 41 {
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 42 toocold=1;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 43 toohot=0;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 44 }
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 45
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 46 if(room_temp<therm_set)
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 47 heater=1;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 48 else
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 49 heater=0;
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 50
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 51 wait(0.1);
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 52 }
rostam 0:b818a72ebb42 53 }