A copy of very incomplete program for forum

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystem

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Mar 17 14:15:20 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Test code to read temperature from a Maxim DS18B20 or DS18S20
+// 1-wire device
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "DebugTrace.h"
+#include "DS18B20.h"
+#include "OneWireDefs.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+DebugTrace trace(ON, TO_SERIAL);
+SDFileSystem *poSD;
+bool bSDfs_active=false;
+DigitalIn oSDCardPresent(p15);
+const int NUM_THERMS=5; // set of themometers
+const int SAMPLE_SIZE=5; // how many readings to average over
+#define ReturnAir 0
+#define WasteAir 1
+#define FreshAir 2
+#define MixedAir 3
+#define HeatedAir 4
+DS18B20 oThermos[NUM_THERMS]={DS18B20(true, false, false, p16),DS18B20(true, false, false, p17),DS18B20(true, false, false, p18),DS18B20(true, false, false, p19),DS18B20(true, false, false, p20)};
+float fTemps[NUM_THERMS][SAMPLE_SIZE+1]; //average and the last SAMPLE_SIZE readings
+int iCurrentSample;
+DigitalOut oPump(p23);
+typedef enum {Cooling,Neutral,Heating} tState;
+tState eState=Neutral; //main system state
+int iSubState=0;
+int iHeatingStates,iCoolingStates,iCoolingStep,iCoolingValue;
+float fHeatingStep,fHeatingValue;
+DigitalOut oLedPump(LED1);
+DigitalOut oLedRecirc(LED2);
+DigitalOut oLedByp(LED3);
+DigitalOut oLedFileOpen(LED4);
+const int NUM_SERVOS=2;
+#define HeatExBypass 0
+#define FreshAirBypass 1
+typedef struct {
+    int iBase,iRange,iCurrent;
+    PwmOut oOut;
+} tServo ;
+tServo oServos[NUM_SERVOS]={{0,0,0,PwmOut(p21)},{0,0,0,PwmOut(p22)}};
+int BypassState;
+float MaxHeat,SetPoint;
+int TempFreq,LogFreq,ControlFreq;
+void read_temps();
+void do_controls();
+void adjust_pump(float current,float required);
+void log_values(time_t now);
+void set_servo(tServo *poServo,float fTarget);
+int main() {
+    int x;
+    time_t start,nexttemp,nextcontrol,nextlog,now;
+    printf("Roselea Air conditioning control system\n");
+    FILE *fp;
+    do { // wait for SD to be inserted hten attempt to open  setting file
+        if (oSDCardPresent==1) {
+            printf("Waiting for SD Card\n");
+            while (oSDCardPresent) { //flash led while waitinf for the card
+                oLedFileOpen=!oLedFileOpen;
+                wait (0.5);
+            }
+            oLedFileOpen=0;
+            wait (0.5); //allow poSD time to stabilse
+        }
+        poSD=new SDFileSystem(p11, p12, p13, p14, "poSD");
+        bSDfs_active=true;
+        fp = fopen("/poSD/Settings.txt", "r");
+        if (fp == NULL) {
+            printf("Could not open file for read\nPlease insert card with Settings.txt on it\n");
+            while (oSDCardPresent==0) { // wait for card to be removed then try again
+                oLedFileOpen=!oLedFileOpen;
+                wait (0.1);
+            }
+            delete poSD;
+            bSDfs_active=false;
+        }
+    } while (fp==NULL);
+    oLedFileOpen=1;
+    struct tm t;
+    fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d:%d:%d",&t.tm_year,&t.tm_mon,&t.tm_mday,&t.tm_hour,&t.tm_min,&t.tm_sec); //read the real time
+    // convert to timestamp
+    t.tm_mon--;
+    t.tm_year=t.tm_year-1900;
+    set_time(mktime(&t));
+    printf("Time has been set to %s\n",asctime(&t));
+    for (x=0; x<NUM_SERVOS; x++) { //initialise servos from file values
+        int l,h;
+        fscanf(fp,"%d %d",&l,&h); //read low and high values
+        oServos[x].iBase=20000-l;
+        oServos[x].iRange=(20000-h)-oServos[x].iBase; // calculate operation range
+        oServos[x].oOut.period_us(20000);
+        oServos[x].oOut.pulsewidth_us(oServos[x].iBase);
+        printf("Servo %d has base of %d and range of %d\n",x+1,oServos[x].iBase,oServos[x].iRange);
+    }
+    fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d",&TempFreq,&LogFreq,&ControlFreq);
+    printf("temp read time %d, log time %d and control time %d\n",TempFreq,LogFreq,ControlFreq);
+    fscanf(fp,"%f",&SetPoint);
+    printf("Temperature setpoint is %.1f \n",SetPoint);
+    fscanf(fp,"%d %f",&iHeatingStates,&fHeatingStep);
+    printf("There are %d heating states @ rate of %.1f\n",iHeatingStates,fHeatingStep);
+    fscanf(fp,"%d %d",&iCoolingStates,&iCoolingStep);
+    printf("There are %d cooling states @ rate of %d\n",iCoolingStates,iCoolingStep);
+    fclose(fp);
+    oLedFileOpen=0;
+    // Initilize hardware
+    for (x=0; x<NUM_THERMS; x++) //set up thermometers
+        if (!oThermos[x].initialize())
+            printf("Thermometer %d failed to initialse\n",x);
+        else {
+            fTemps[x][0]=oThermos[x].readTemperature();
+            for (int y=1; y<=SAMPLE_SIZE; y++)
+                fTemps[x][y]=fTemps[x][0]; //load into all entries
+        }
+    iCurrentSample=1;
+    oPump=0; // Turn off the pump
+    oLedPump=0;
+    //Set_servo(FreshAirBypass,0);
+    //Set_servo(HeatExBypass,0);
+    start = time(NULL);
+    nexttemp=start-10; //cause all actions at the start
+    nextcontrol=start-10;
+    nextlog=start-10;
+    // infinite control loop ...
+    while (1) {
+        now=time(NULL);
+        printf("%d\n",now);
+        if (now>=nexttemp) {
+            nexttemp+=TempFreq;
+            read_temps();
+        }
+        if (now>=nextcontrol) {
+            nextcontrol+=ControlFreq;
+            do_controls();
+        }
+        if (eState>0 && fTemps[HeatedAir][0]!=fHeatingValue) adjust_pump(fTemps[HeatedAir][0],fHeatingValue);
+        if (oSDCardPresent==1 && bSDfs_active) { //SD Card removed and SD file system is instansiated
+            delete poSD; //deconstruct the SD File System
+            bSDfs_active=false;
+            printf("SD Card removed\n");
+        }
+        if (oSDCardPresent==0 && !bSDfs_active) { //SD Card inserted and SD file system is void
+            poSD=new SDFileSystem(p11, p12, p13, p14, "poSD"); //construct the SD File System
+            bSDfs_active=true;
+            printf("SD Card inserted\n");
+        }
+        if (now>=nextlog) {
+            nextlog+=LogFreq;
+            log_values(now);
+        }
+        wait (1); //waste some time
+    }
+void read_temps() {
+    int x;
+    printf("conversion start\n");
+    for (x=0; x<NUM_THERMS; x++)
+        fTemps[x][0]=oThermos[x].readTemperature();
+    printf("conversion finished\n");
+void do_controls() {
+void adjust_pump(float current,float required) {
+    if (current>required)
+        oPump=0;
+    else
+        oPump=1;
+ void set_servo(tServo *poServo,float fTarget)
+ {
+ }
+void log_values(time_t now) {
+    FILE *fp;
+    int x;
+    char sTime[25];
+    strftime (sTime,25,"%x %X",localtime(&now));
+    if (bSDfs_active) {
+        fp=fopen("/poSD/log.csv","a");
+        if (fp) {
+            oLedFileOpen=1;
+            fprintf(fp,"%s,",sTime); //time
+            for (x=0; x<NUM_THERMS; x++) fprintf(fp,"%.1f,",fTemps[x]); //fTemps
+            //fprintf(fp,"%d,%.1f,",HeatingOn,HeatingSetPoint); // heating data
+            for (x=0; x<NUM_SERVOS; x++) fprintf(fp,"%d,",oServos[x].iCurrent); //servo positions
+            fprintf(fp,",0\r\n");
+            fclose(fp);
+            oLedFileOpen=0;
+            printf("Written - ");
+        } else printf("Failed - ");
+    } else printf("SD removed - ");
+    fp=stdout;
+    fprintf(fp,"%s,",sTime); //time
+    for (x=0; x<NUM_THERMS; x++) fprintf(fp,"%.1f,",fTemps[x]); //fTemps
+    //fprintf(fp,"%d,%.1f,",HeatingOn,HeatingSetPoint); // heating data
+    for (x=0; x<NUM_SERVOS; x++) fprintf(fp,"%d,",oServos[x].iCurrent); //servo positions
+    fprintf(fp,"0\n");