A light Command Dispatcher Library with commands linked to your functions.

Dependents:   Rocket

You can register your commands and the functions linked.
On each execution of a command (char array), it will parse the array and send all the parameters to the functions.

Here is a quick example :

#include "mbed.h"
#include "CommandDispatcher.h"
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

void echoCommand(unsigned int argc, char* argv[], char* result);
int main() {
    CommandDispatcher disp = CommandDispatcher();
    char buffer[50];
    char result[50];
    int i=0;
    // register a command
    disp.addCommand("echo", echoCommand);
    pc.printf("Example Command Dispatcher\n\n");

    while(true) {
        // get a complete line from serial
        buffer[i++] = pc.getc();
        if (buffer[i-1]=='\n') {
            // send it to the dispatcher and print result
            if (disp.executeCommand(buffer, result)) {
                pc.printf("%s\n", result); 
            } else {
                pc.printf("Command not found.\n");  

// the actual function called
void echoCommand(unsigned int argc, char* argv[], char* result) {
    int i;
    sprintf(result, "");
    for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
        sprintf(result, "%s %s", result, argv[i]);
    sprintf(result, "%s\n", result);



File content as of revision 1:855efbf6d7ae:

#include "mbed.h"

#define MAX_ARG_SIZE 20

/** A  light Command Dispatcher Library \n
    You can link commands to functions. \n
    On each execution of a command (char array), it will parse the array and send all the parameters to the functions. \n
    Here is an quick example class that to show the purpose of this library.
    #include "mbed.h"
    #include "CommandDispatcher.h"
    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

    void echoCommand(unsigned int argc, char* argv[], char* result);
    int main() {
        CommandDispatcher disp = CommandDispatcher();
        char buffer[50];
        char result[50];
        int i=0;
        disp.addCommand("echo", echoCommand);
        pc.printf("Example Command Dispatcher\n\n");

        while(true) {  
            buffer[i++] = pc.getc();
            if (buffer[i-1]=='\n') {
                if (disp.executeCommand(buffer, result)) {
                    pc.printf("%s\n", result); 
                } else {
                    pc.printf("Command not found.\n");  
    void echoCommand(unsigned int argc, char* argv[], char* result) {
        int i;
        sprintf(result, "");
        for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
            sprintf(result, "%s %s", result, argv[i]);
        sprintf(result, "%s\n", result);
class CommandDispatcher {
    class Command {
        char _name[MAX_ARG_SIZE];
        void(*_function)(unsigned int argc, char* argv[], char* result);
        Command* _next;

        friend class CommandDispatcher;
    CommandDispatcher::Command* _first_command;
    int parse_buffer(char* buffer, char*** argv);
    /** Constructor of the Command Dispatcher  
    /** Add a command to the Dispatcher.
        @param commandName the name of the command. Not case sensitive.
        @param commandFunction the pointer to the function called when function is executed. \n
            The 2 first parameters are liked a C code main (number and value of arguments). \n
            The last (result) is got on command execution and transport a potential result to the executor. \n
    void addCommand(char* commandName, void(*commandFunction)(unsigned int argc, char* argv[], char* result));
    /** Clean all the commands (free memory allocated).
    void cleanCommands();
    /** Execute a command. It will check each registered command with its name.
        @param command the command with the arguments in a single char array.
        @param result a char array alocated by the user and sent to the function for feedback use.
    bool executeCommand(char* command, char* result);

    /** A Utility function to transform a char array to lower case (useful for argument checks). \n
            WARNING : This function modifies the word.
        @param word the word to modify.
    static void toLowerCase(char* word);