Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:f81b117f7df3:

// Software generation of a grayscale composite TV signal //
// Puts a 105x128 grayscale fractal zoom onscreen (slow!) //
//                                                        //
// Hacked together, (ab)uses the LPC1768 DAC output (p18) //
// with some shifty looking timing sensitive code         //
//                                                        //
//                                                        //
// Rob Younger 26th Oct 2009, (tweaked 15th Nov 2009)     //

// fire demo routine based on 
// Copyright (C) 2003 W.P. van Paassen -
// which I guess means this version is GPL.
// note it uses a secondary buffer for the fire, which is 
// copied into the main buffer, innefficient but quick!
// limits on available resolution due to inneficient mem use

// Generating video like it's 1982!

// Warning : this is *very* hacky code - just proof of concept!
// This might blow up your mbed or your TV.
// I claim no responsibility for anything :-)

// Start with a 180 Ohm resistor in series with the DAC output
// before connecting to a composite AV input,
// DAC is about 0-3.3v output, Composite in 1v p-p, with a 75 Ohm termination, so 180 Ohms is about right.

// but it also worked without any resistor for me! Start with a higher value if you aren't sure.
// More likely to burn out your mbed or TV with low/no resistor - Use at your own risk!


// The DAC output is written as fast as possible to software generate a composite signal
// dac.write_u16() seems to take about 0.5 us: I worked this timing out using a big loop of
//        dac.write_u16(0);
//        ....
//        dac.write_u16(0);
//        dac.write_u16(0xFFFF);
//        ....
//        dac.write_u16(0xFFFF);
// Until I got a frequency I could measure on a multimeter.
// At full speed gives us about 1MHz max frequency -
// I don't have an oscilloscope to see how well this actually works, probably totally out of spec!
// The software just runs loads of these to generate the composite signal as fast as possible!
// Since a TV output is generated continuously this would use 100% CPU time.
// Clever to-the-metal code would do things like use the horizontal and vertical blanking
// intervals to do any required calculation. This isn't clever to-the-metal code!
// Instead, I just don't draw the bottom few percent of the TV picture, and use this free time to run code.
// This may well cause your TV to loose sync, but it works for me - I did say it was a hack!
// Driving the display takes 90%, main code gets 10% to play with at the end of each frame.
// Tweak these percentages up and down, but loose too many lines and the tv is much more likely to
// drop the signal, equally as you hit 100% CPU the frame calls might start to overlap and it all goes a bit wrong!
// This code actually starts with the end of previous frame signalling first, then all the setup, then the actual picture.
// It's coded up as a routine that draws a whole frame (field), which is called from main on a timer interrupt (at 50Hz for PAL)
// This makes it easy to have a main routing that can operate normally, without you having to worry (too much) about the timing involved.
// The picture elements of the signal are created by dumping a global frame buffer over to the DAC:
// unsigned short int framebuffer[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
// The values in this framebuffer are the actual composite signal, NOT just shades of gray!
// In other words, only write values between 0x56DB (black) and 0xFFFF (bright white).
// For this reason, it's important to initialize the buffer to all 0x56DB or above

// Yes - there's probably a much better way to do this - but you don't want to slow down the DAC writes at all.
// Adding checks or shifting the value from a normal range might be to slow - over to the real programmers to work out how to do this...

// The frame buffer is 105 pixels wide - this is just because 105 dac writes take up the time required for a horizontal tv line.
// height is more arbitrary, as we draw every scan line - but I double or quadruple scan to get squarish pixels!
// Use a modulo value in the picture write line to repeat the picture for small framebuffers.

// This program has a couple of demo routines. One draws a fractal, and the other just writes random values to the framebuffer

// A future enhancement could be to have two small framebuffers 105x64 and do double buffering? Needs to all be in fast memory though.
// The code could definitely do with some tuning as the sync delays are all a bit off...


#include "mbed.h"

//Framebuffer size
#define WIDTH 105
#define HEIGHT 86

//TV signal generation controlling:
#define LINES 256 //Visible lines drawn to screen
#define SCAN 3 //Number of scanlines per pixel (vertical)
#define DRAWWIDTH 105 //Pixels per line

// LINES: theoretically up to 286 for PAL, 241 for NTSC). 285 seems to be about 100% CPU on PAL. Smaller values means I stop drawing the signal early.
// SCAN: controls double scan (e.g. 128 pixels to 256 lines)
// DRAWWIDTH: number of pixels to attempt to draw in a line (should be =< framebuffer WIDTH). Very timing critical - expect different values to break

// Composite signal values for DAC output. These should really be scaled for 1v peak-to-peak
#define IRE_m40 0x0000 //0volts
#define IRE_0   0x4920 //Baseline
#define IRE_7p5 0x56DB //Black
#define IRE_100 0xFFFF //White
// DAC is 10bit, but i'm using write_u16 to write to the DAC.
// IRE is a definition:
// the levels are -40 (0volts), 0 (baseline below black), 7.5 (Black), 100 (White).
// IRE -40 is 0v, 100 is 1v, so scale accordingly!

AnalogOut dac(p18); // Video out pin
Ticker timer;  // Timer for calling the frame

DigitalOut led1(LED1);//Some status lights...
DigitalOut led2(LED2);
DigitalOut led3(LED3);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);

// Framebuffer actually has video signal levels in it - not just grayscale data
// This means it must be initialised to at least all black IRE_7p5 before it's used.
// zero values will likely kill the output and TV will loose sync.
unsigned short int framebuffer[HEIGHT][WIDTH];

//Software composite signal generation (very timing specific)

void createframe() {

// Procedure to create a output frame to a tv - needs to run on a very regular sync (e.g. 50Hz or 60Hz)
// Using the DAC to create this output, which seems to happily run at 2MHz update
// dac.write_u16 seems to take almost spot on 0.5us, so I'm using multiples of this to create a signal.

// Could maybe be done with timing precision through multiple digital outputs and a resistor ladder to create an external DAC, but this didn't need any external components!

// Someone with an oscilloscope can tweak this to get the delays more up to standard!

// TV signal specs

// For 50Hz PAL, each line takes up 64us, and there are 625 lines, but split into two fields of about 312 lines.
// I'm treating both fields exactly the same, so we have a 312(ish) lines  at 50Hz.
// NTSC is actually very similar but with slightly different timings/counts. (525 lines at 60Hz).

// Some info found through google:

//525line     (NTSC) - required timing in us for a line
//Front porch   1.5 IRE_0
//Sync Tip      4.7 IRE_m40
//Breezeway     0.6 IRE_0
//Color Burst   2.5 IRE_0
//Back Porch    1.6 IRE_0
//Active Video 52.6 IRE_7p5 - IRE100

//Total line time = 63.5us ( * half of 525 lines * 60Hz)

//625line     (PAL) - required timing in us for a line
//Front porch   1.65 IRE_0
//Sync Tip      4.7  IRE_m40
//Breezeway     0.9  IRE_0
//Color Burst   2.25 IRE_0
//Back Porch    2.55 IRE_0
//Active Video 51.95 IRE_7p5 - IRE100

//Total line time = 64us ( * half of 625 lines * 50Hz)

// There actually seem to be a lot of variations on this, but they all seem roughly the same.

// Colour needs a precision ~4MHz carrier signal applied over the 'color burst' and active video
// with precise phase and amplitude control (sounds like a lot of work!)

// So for colour, Use svideo, VGA, or use 3 of these signals to generate an RGB scart signal?

//The basic frame format is
//1) few lines of special start pulses,
//2) some off screen lines, which had things like teletext/close captions
//3) the tv picture bit you see,
//4) some special pulses to say end of screen, go back to the top.
// Then straight back to 1 for the next frame.

// To get the timing right - I do this:
//4) some special pulses to say end of screen, go back to the top.
//1) few lines of special start pulses,
//2) some off screen lines, which had things like teletext/close captions
//3) the tv picture bit you see,

// You can get away dropping the last few lines of 3)
// I use this to drop back to the main program to run as normal.

// Ideally you'd use the few cycles between each line to do stuff, but that's going to be hard to get timing right.

//Start of Frame

//Each dac.write is ~0.5us, so multiply up to create the timings.

// (This is a mix of PAL and NTSC - hack as appropriate)

// There are 21 lines per field in a vertical blanking period
// the last 4 lines of a field indicate are just before flyback
// then there are 5 blank lines for flyback itself...

//END OF A FRAME + FLYBACK + START OF NEW FRAME signalling (9 lines)
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //6 equalizing pulses (time = 6 half lines)
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //2.4us
//        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40);
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //29.4us
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {// 6 serrated vertical pulses (time = 6 half lines)
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0);  //2.4us
//        dac.write_u16(IRE_0);
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //29.4us
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // 6 equalizing pulses (time = 6 half lines)
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //2.4us
//        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40);
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //29.4us

// The lines just above the top of the picture used for setup/teletext/closed captions etc.
// about 17 lines for PAL, 12 for NTSC?
    for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
        //10.9us (NTSC) or 12.5us (PAL) for horizontal blanking interval
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //Front porch 1.6us
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //Sync Tip    4.7us
//        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //extra for PAL timing
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //Breezeway   0.5us
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //ColorBurst  2.5us
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //Back Porch  1.6us (2.55us in PAL)
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //extra for PAL timing
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //extra for PAL timing

//        for (int j = 0; j < DRAWWIDTH; j++) {
//            dac.write_u16(IRE_0);
//        }  //next pixel

        //Then that video signal for 52.6us (52 for PAL)
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //Video signal for 52.6us
        wait_us(51); // replaces another 104 dac.write_u16(IRE_0)

//Draw the actual visible lines on screen: exactly same header as previous, but followed by real video data.
    // intentionally dropping the last few lines to throw some time to main()
    // otherwise this loop would use 100% of CPU.
    for (int i = 0; i < LINES; i++) {
        //10.9us (NTSC) or 12.5us (PAL) for horizontal blanking interval
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //Front porch 1.6us
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //Sync Tip    4.7us
//       dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //extra for PAL timing
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //Breezeway   0.5us
        dac.write_u16(IRE_0); //ColorBurst  2.5us
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //Back Porch  1.6us (2.55us in PAL)
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //extra for PAL timing
        dac.write_u16(IRE_m40); //extra for PAL timing

        //Then that video signal for 52.6us (52 for PAL):

        //Write out the video data
        //(very timing sensitive as must last ~53us, no more or less)
        // Examples:
        //1) draw random shade per line
        // dac.write_u16(rand() % 40000 + IRE_7p5);    //Video signal for 52.6us
        // wait_us(52);
        //2) draw black
        // dac.write_u16(IRE_7p5);
        // wait_us(51);
        //3) draw white
        // dac.write_u16(IRE_100);
        // wait_us(51);
        //4) draw framebuffer
        // Code here is very timing critical.

        // loop count is instruction dependent, if you add some code here, it will need be a different width
        // We have ~52.5us and a a dac write takes 0.5us so 104/105px seems correct.
        // Trial+error shows ~100-110 pixels to be OKish on a particular old TV.

        int k =(i/ SCAN ); //double scan the framebuffer, particularly convenient for 128 vertical px but 256 line resolution..

        // The modulo is only needed if screen output size is bigger than framebuffer (wrapping occurs).
        // Stick to powers of 2 for modulo wrapping (or likely too slow).
        for (int j = 0; j < DRAWWIDTH; j++) {
            dac.write_u16( framebuffer[k%128][j%128] ); //modulo used to wrap framebuffer. Keep to power of 2 =< framebuffer sizes.
        }  //next pixel

    } //next line loop
     //Default back to black when we don't bother drawing the last few lines of a frame!
}  //End of createframe routine

// randomfill the framebuffer                             //
void randomfill () {
    for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
            framebuffer[j][i] = rand();
            if (framebuffer[j][i] < IRE_7p5 ) {
                framebuffer[j][i] = IRE_7p5;

// blank the framebuffer                                  //
void blankfill () {
    for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
            framebuffer[j][i] = IRE_7p5;
            //framebuffer[j][i] = IRE_100;

// zooming mandelbot fractal in the framebuffer           //

void mandelbrot () {
//Mandelbrot escape time algorithm (doubles+iteration=slow)
//Taken from wikipedia pseudocode,
//tweaked by using the speeded up version that google found on geocities
//(oops - Geocities has shut down in the 3 weeks since I wrote this! first time I've used it in years!)
//then put in a loop to zoom in on a intersting co-ords point i saw elsewhere...
    double zoom;
    for (int z = 0; z < 200; z++) {//2^50 is quite a lot of zoom - thats why you need precision!
        zoom= pow((double)1.2,z);


        double x,y;
        double x0,y0;
        //            double xtemp;
        double xsq;
        double ysq;

        unsigned short int iteration = 0;
        unsigned short int max_iteration = (z*2)+20; //arbitrary scaling so there are more interation allowed as you zoom
        for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++) {
            //little status hack as as drawing fractals (particularly with doubles on only 10% of a cpu is slow!)
            if (j== (( HEIGHT /4)-1)) {
            } else if (j==(( HEIGHT /2)-1)) {
            } else if (j==(3*( HEIGHT /4)-1)) {
            } else if (j==( HEIGHT -1)) {
            //end of little status hack

            for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
                //            x0=(((float) i) -32.0)/32.0;//redefine 0to63 as -1to+1 mandelbrot window
                //            y0=(((float) j) -32.0)/32.0;//redefine 0to63 as -1to+1 mandelbrot window
                //-1.865725138512217656771 moves center point to something interesting
                x0=((((double) i) - ( WIDTH /2)) /zoom)-1.865725138512217656771;//redefine 0to63 as -1to+1 mandelbrot window
                y0=(((double) j) - ( HEIGHT /2)) /zoom;//redefine 0to63 as -1to+1 mandelbrot window
                iteration = 0;

                //Standard version of mandelbrot loop based on wikipedia pseudocode
                //                    x=0;
                //                    y=0;
                //                    while ( ((x*x + y*y) <= (2*2))  &&  (iteration < max_iteration) ) {
                //                        xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0;
                //                        y = 2*x*y + y0;
                //                        x = xtemp;
                //                        iteration++;
                //                    }

                //Speedy version of main mandelbrot loop (algorithm from geocities page)
                for (iteration=0;iteration<max_iteration && (ysq=y*y)+(xsq=x*x)<4;iteration++,y=y0+x*y+x*y,x=x0-ysq+xsq) ;

                //Iteration count determines color (clamp max iteration to zero, and normalize for black to white)
                framebuffer[j][i] = (( iteration == max_iteration ) ? (IRE_7p5) : (IRE_7p5 + ((iteration%20)*2000)) );
    }//zoom loop

// fire the framebuffer                                   //
// based on demo at
// refer back to original code for how it should be done :-)
void fire () {
    static unsigned char fire[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
    int i,j,index,temp;

    /* draw random bottom line in fire array*/

    j = WIDTH * (HEIGHT- 1);
    for (i = 0; i < WIDTH - 1; i++) {
        int random = 1 + (int)(16.0 * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)));
        if (random > 8) /* the lower the value, the intenser the fire, compensate a lower value with a higher decay value*/
            fire[j + i] = 255; /*maximum heat*/
            fire[j + i] = 0;

    /* move fire upwards, start at bottom*/

    for (index = 0; index < HEIGHT-4 ; ++index) {
        for (i = 0; i < WIDTH - 1; ++i) {
            if (i == 0) { /* at the left border*/
                temp = fire[j];
                temp += fire[j + 1];
                temp += fire[j - WIDTH];
                temp /=3;
            } else if (i == WIDTH - 1) { /* at the right border*/
                temp = fire[j + i];
                temp += fire[j - WIDTH + i];
                temp += fire[j + i - 1];
                temp /= 3;
            } else {
                temp = fire[j + i];
                temp += fire[j + i + 1];
                temp += fire[j + i - 1];
                temp += fire[j - WIDTH + i];
                temp >>= 2;
            if (temp > 1)
                temp -= 1; /* decay */

            fire[j - WIDTH + i] = temp;
        j -= WIDTH;

//dirty hack to convert the fire data to the framebuffer. better graduation of shades would look better!
    for (int j = HEIGHT-3 ; j >= 0; --j) {
        for (int i = WIDTH-1; i >= -1 ; --i) {
            framebuffer[j][i] = ((fire[j * WIDTH + i])*150)+IRE_7p5;


// main() showing use framebuffer                         //
// Puts a grayscale pic in it                             //

int main() {

    blankfill(); //set framebuffer to blank values

    timer.attach_us(&createframe,20000);//attach the display (at 50Hz)

    // int attached=0; //attach frame
    // //If you had a lot of setup in a main game loop, you could do something like this:
    // if (attached==0) {
    //     timer.attach_us(&createframe,20000);
    //     attached=1;
    // }

    //Program loop
    while (1) {
        // Add you own demo code here. Expect it to get regularly interupted by the screen draw call!
        // very simple code can run at full fps.
        //Example - change HEIGHT to 64 and SCAN to 4 and use randomfill...
        //randomfill();  //random pixel fill

        //Example - change HEIGHT to 86 and SCAN to 3 and use fire;    

        //Example - change HEIGHT to 128 and SCAN to 2 and use mandelbrot...         
        //mandelbrot(); //mandelbrot procedure is a 200 loop zoom so takes ages - and each scene redraw takes a few seconds!
    } //while
} //main