Cycle Fit - All Sensors

Dependencies:   FXOS8700Q mbed

Wed Feb 24 16:53:45 2016 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 1 #include "mbed.h"
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 2
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 3 #include "PulseSensor.h" //Needed for HeartBeat
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 4 //#include "AnalogIn.h"
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 5
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 6 #include "DigitalIn.h" //Needed for Hall Effect
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 7
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 8 #include "FXOS8700Q.h" //Needed for Accelerometer
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 9 #define PI 3.14159265
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 10
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 11
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 12 DigitalOut led_red(LED_RED);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 13 DigitalOut led_green(LED_GREEN);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 14 DigitalOut led_blue(LED_BLUE);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 15 DigitalIn sw2(SW2);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 16 DigitalIn sw3(SW3);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 17 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 18 bool Button_Pressed = true; //Initialize flag for output on terminal
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 19 ///////////////////////////////////////Variables//////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 20
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 21 ///////////////////////////////////////Heart Rate/////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 22
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 23 AnalogIn Pulse_Signal(A0); //Initialize analog input for pulse signal(Heart Rate sensor)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 24
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 25 ///////////////////////////////////////Hall Effect/////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 26
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 27 DigitalIn HallEffect(D2); //Intializes Digital input into pin D2 (Hall Effect sensor)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 28 int Hall_Counter = 0; //Initialize Counter for Hall Effect
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 29 bool Low_Hall = true; //Initialize Flag for Hall Effect sensor
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 30 Timer Hall_Timer; //Initialize timer for pedal speed calc
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 31 int Pedal_Time; //Intialize int for Time Passed
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 32 int Pedal_Speed; //Initialize int for Pedal Speed
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 33
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 34 ////////////////////////////////////////Accelerometer////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 35
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 36 I2C i2c(PTE25, PTE24); //Initialize I2C connection for sensor
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 37 FXOS8700QAccelerometer acc(i2c, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1); // Configured for the FRDM-K64F with onboard sensors
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 38 double angleX, denomX_T, denomX_A, denomX_B, denomX_C; //intializing variable to hold the angle calculation
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 39 double angleY, denomY_T, denomY_A, denomY_B, denomY_C; //and denominator pieces of algorithm for both X&Y axis
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 40
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 41 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 42
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 43 /////////////////////////////////////////////Heart Rate Processing Section////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 44 PulseSensor::PulseSensor(PinName analogPin, void (*printDataCallback)(char,int), int callbackRateMs)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 45 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 46 _started = false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 47
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 48 _pAin = new AnalogIn(analogPin);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 49
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 50 _callbackRateMs = callbackRateMs;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 51
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 52 _printDataCallback = printDataCallback;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 53 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 54
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 55
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 56 PulseSensor::~PulseSensor()
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 57 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 58 delete _pAin;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 59 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 60
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 61
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 62 void PulseSensor::process_data_ticker_callback(void)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 63 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 64 _printDataCallback('S', Signal); // send Processing the raw Pulse Sensor data
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 65 if (QS == true) { // Quantified Self flag is true when a heartbeat is found
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 66 //fadeRate = 255; // Set 'fadeRate' Variable to 255 to fade LED with pulse
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 67 _printDataCallback('B',BPM); // send heart rate with a 'B' prefix
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 68 _printDataCallback('Q',IBI); // send time between beats with a 'Q' prefix
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 69 QS = false; // reset the Quantified Self flag for next time
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 70 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 71 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 72
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 73
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 74 void PulseSensor::sensor_ticker_callback(void)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 75 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 76 Signal = 1023 * _pAin->read(); // read the Pulse Sensor
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 77
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 78
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 79 sampleCounter += 2; // keep track of the time in mS with this variable
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 80 int N = sampleCounter - lastBeatTime; // monitor the time since the last beat to avoid noise
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 81
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 82 // find the peak and trough of the pulse wave
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 83 if(Signal < thresh && N > (IBI/5)*3) { // avoid dichrotic noise by waiting 3/5 of last IBI
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 84 if (Signal < T) { // T is the trough
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 85 T = Signal; // keep track of lowest point in pulse wave
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 86 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 87 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 88
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 89 if(Signal > thresh && Signal > P) { // thresh condition helps avoid noise
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 90 P = Signal; // P is the peak
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 91 } // keep track of highest point in pulse wave
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 92
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 93 // NOW IT'S TIME TO LOOK FOR THE HEART BEAT
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 94 // signal surges up in value every time there is a pulse
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 95 if (N > 250) { // avoid high frequency noise by waiting
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 96 //this also sets limit to HR sensor to max =240 BPMs
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 97 if ( (Signal > thresh) && (Pulse == false) && (N > (IBI/5)*3) ) {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 98 Pulse = true; // set the Pulse flag when we think there is a pulse
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 99 //digitalWrite(blinkPin,HIGH); // turn on pin 13 LED
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 100 IBI = sampleCounter - lastBeatTime; // measure time between beats in mS
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 101 lastBeatTime = sampleCounter; // keep track of time for next pulse
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 102
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 103 if(firstBeat) { // if it's the first time we found a beat, if firstBeat == TRUE
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 104 firstBeat = false; // clear firstBeat flag
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 105 return; // IBI value is unreliable so discard it
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 106 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 107 if(secondBeat) { // if this is the second beat, if secondBeat == TRUE
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 108 secondBeat = false; // clear secondBeat flag
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 109 for(int i=0; i<=9; i++) { // seed the running total to get a realisitic BPM at startup
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 110 rate[i] = IBI;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 111 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 112 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 113
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 114 // keep a running total of the last 10 IBI values
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 115 long runningTotal = 0; // clear the runningTotal variable
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 116
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 117 for(int i=0; i<=8; i++) { // shift data in the rate array
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 118 rate[i] = rate[i+1]; // and drop the oldest IBI value
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 119 runningTotal += rate[i]; // add up the 9 oldest IBI values
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 120 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 121
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 122 rate[9] = IBI; // add the latest IBI to the rate array
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 123 runningTotal += rate[9]; // add the latest IBI to runningTotal
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 124 runningTotal /= 10; // average the last 10 IBI values
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 125 BPM = 60000/runningTotal; // how many beats can fit into a minute? that's BPM!
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 126 QS = true; // set Quantified Self flag
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 127 // QS FLAG IS NOT CLEARED INSIDE THIS ISR
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 128 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 129 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 130
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 131 if (Signal < thresh && Pulse == true) { // when the values are going down, the beat is over
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 132 Pulse = false; // reset the Pulse flag so we can do it again
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 133 amp = P - T; // get amplitude of the pulse wave
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 134 thresh = amp/2 + T; // set thresh at 50% of the amplitude
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 135 P = thresh; // reset these for next time
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 136 T = thresh;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 137 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 138
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 139 if (N > 2500) { // if 2.5 seconds go by without a beat
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 140 thresh = 512; // set thresh default
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 141 P = 512; // set P default
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 142 T = 512; // set T default
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 143 lastBeatTime = sampleCounter; // bring the lastBeatTime up to date
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 144 firstBeat = true; // set these to avoid noise
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 145 secondBeat = true; // when we get the heartbeat back
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 146 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 147 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 148
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 149 void sendDataToProcessing(char symbol, int data)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 150 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 151 pc.printf("%c%d\t\r\n", symbol, data);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 152 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 153
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 154 bool PulseSensor::start()
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 155 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 156 if (_started == false)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 157 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 158 sampleCounter = 0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 159 lastBeatTime = 0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 160 P =512;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 161 T = 512;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 162 thresh = 512;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 163 amp = 100;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 164 firstBeat = true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 165 secondBeat = true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 166
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 167 BPM=0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 168 Signal=0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 169 IBI = 600;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 170 Pulse = false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 171 QS = false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 172
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 173 _pulseSensorTicker.attach(this, &PulseSensor::sensor_ticker_callback, ((float)_sensorTickRateMs/1000));
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 174 _processDataTicker.attach(this, &PulseSensor::process_data_ticker_callback, ((float)_callbackRateMs/1000));
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 175 _started = true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 176 return true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 177 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 178 else
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 179 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 180 return false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 181 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 182 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 183
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 184 bool PulseSensor::stop()
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 185 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 186 if(_started == true)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 187 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 188 _pulseSensorTicker.detach();
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 189 _processDataTicker.detach();
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 190 _started = false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 191 return true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 192 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 193 else
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 194 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 195 return false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 196 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 197 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 198 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////End of Heart Rate Processing section//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 199
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 200 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Hall Effect Processing section/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 201
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 202 void Hall_Effect_Count(void)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 203 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 204 Hall_Timer.stop(); //stop the timer
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 205; //Divides Time in seconds by 60 so we have minutes for Pedal_Speed (RPM)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 206 Pedal_Speed=Hall_Counter/(; //Calculates pedal speed in units of RPM
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 207
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 208 //Hall_Timer.reset(); //idea here is the timer is reset after the program outputs the pedal speed so the demo can be reran
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 209
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 210 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 211
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 212 void RPM (void)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 213 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 214 Button_Pressed = true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 215
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 216 if(HallEffect==0 && Low_Hall==true) { //If Hall Effect Digital Output is low
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 217 Hall_Counter++; //Add one to counter for calc pedal speed
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 218 led_green = 0; //Output Green on LED, simulates wheel rotation "sensed"
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 219 led_red = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 220 led_blue = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 221 Low_Hall = false; //flag to avoid errors
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 222 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 223 else if(HallEffect==1 && Low_Hall==true){ //Additional logic for accurate readings
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 224 led_green = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 225 led_red = 0; //Stays red while hall effect outputs digital high
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 226 led_blue = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 227 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 228 else if(HallEffect==0 && Low_Hall==false){
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 229 led_green = 0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 230 led_red = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 231 led_blue = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 232
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 233 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 234 else if(HallEffect==1 && Low_Hall==false){
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 235 led_green = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 236 led_red = 0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 237 led_blue = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 238 Low_Hall = true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 239 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 240
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 241
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 242 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 243 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////End of Hall Effect Processing section//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 244
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 245 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Inclinometer Processing section//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 246 /*
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 247 In order to calculate angle from accel data use the following algorithm:
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 248 Ax = arctan( rawX/sqrt(rawY^2 + rawZ^2))
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 249 Ay = arctan( rawY/sqrt(rawX^2 + rawZ^2))
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 250 using Ax as an example:
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 251 we have denom_T = the total denominator = (sqrt(rawY^2 + rawZ^2 )
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 252 denom_A = rawY^2 && denom_B = rawZ^2 && denom_C = denom_A + denom_B
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 253 we may only be concerned with one of these angles for our application
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 254 also note value is output in radians will need to convert to degrees using: 180/PI
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 255
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 256 example of how to use inverse tangent function :
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 257
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 258 int main ()
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 259 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 260 double param, result;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 261 param = 1.0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 262 result = atan (param) * 180 / PI;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 263 printf ("The arc tangent of %f is %f degrees\n", param, result );
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 264 return 0;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 265 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 266 */
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 267
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 268 /*
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 269 Example of pow: 7 ^ 3 would be written as pow(7.0, 3.0);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 270 we can use this find squareroots by making the power exponent = 0.5
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 271 */
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 272 void Y_AXIS(void)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 273 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 274
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 275 float faX, faY, faZ; //intialize float variables for incoming raw sensor values
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 276 acc.getX(faX); //get raw accelerometer data in the X axis
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 277 acc.getY(faY); //"" Y axis
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 278 acc.getZ(faZ); //"" Z axis
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 279 denomY_A = pow(faX, 2);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 280 denomY_B = pow(faZ, 2);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 281 denomY_C = denomY_A + denomY_B;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 282 denomY_T = pow(denomY_C, .5); //pow returns base raised to the power exponent
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 283
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 284 angleY = atan(faY/denomY_T) * 180/PI; //should calculate the angle on the Y axis in degrees based on raw data
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 285 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 286 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////End of Inclinometer Processing section//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 287
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 288 int main()
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 289 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 290 led_blue = 1; //LED Off
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 291 led_green = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 292 led_red = 1;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 293 pc.baud(9600);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 294 pc.printf("Hello World from FRDM-K64F board. This is the Cycle Fit Sensor Demo Program. \t \r\n");
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 295 pc.printf("This program calcualtes and outputs: Heart Rate(in BPM), Pedal Speed(in RPM), and the Angle of incline(in degrees) Press Button SW2 to see fitness metrics.\t \r\n");
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 296
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 297
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 298 PulseSensor Pulse_Signal(A0, sendDataToProcessing); //Intializes Pulse_Signal to A0 for HR
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 299 Pulse_Signal.start(); //Start collecting data from sensor
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 300
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 301 Hall_Timer.start(); //Starts Timer for Pedal Speed Calculation
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 302
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 303 acc.enable(); //enables Accel sensor so it can collect data
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 304
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 305
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 306
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 307 while(1) //NEED TO RUN THOUGH ALL BUTTON PRESS LOGIC FOR COMBINED PROGRAM************************
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 308 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 309 Button_Pressed = true;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 310 RPM(); //function that finds pedal speed through H.E. sensor
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 311 Y_AXIS(); //function that finds incline angle through Accel sensor
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 312 if (sw2==0 && Button_Pressed == true)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 313 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 314 Pulse_Signal.stop(); //stops the continuous signal (do i need to stop the signal?)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 315 pc.printf("Current Heart Rate is: %d BPM\t \r\n", Pulse_Signal.BPM); //Outputs Heart Rate
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 316
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 317 Hall_Effect_Count(); //function for calculating pedal speed
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 318 //Hall_Timer.start(); //restart Hall Effect Timer
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 319 pc.printf("Approximate pedal speed: %d RPM\t \r\n", Pedal_Speed); //Outputs Pedal Speed
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 320
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 321 printf("Approximate angle in the Y-Axis =%f degrees\t \r\n", angleY); //Outputs Inclination Angle in Y axis
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 322 puts(""); //clears a line under output
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 323
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 324 //Pulse_Signal.start();
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 325 //Button_Pressed= false;
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 326 //wait(0.5);
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 327 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 328 else if (sw3==0 && Button_Pressed == true)
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 329 {
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 330 Pulse_Signal.start();
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 331 Hall_Timer.start();
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 332 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 333 }
roberthill04 0:ef02694deaa8 334 }