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diff -r 8ed44a420e5c -r ba1f97679dad TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F405RG/stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.h
--- a/TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F405RG/stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.h	Tue Aug 18 12:47:28 2015 +0100
+++ b/TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F405RG/stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.h	Wed Sep 02 14:17:43 2015 +0100
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
   * @file    stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.h
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.3.0
-  * @date    09-March-2015
+  * @version V1.3.2
+  * @date    26-June-2015
   * @brief   Header file of RTC HAL module.
   * @attention
@@ -111,11 +111,18 @@
   uint8_t Seconds;          /*!< Specifies the RTC Time Seconds.
                                  This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 59 */
-  uint32_t SubSeconds;      /*!< Specifies the RTC Time SubSeconds.
-                                 This parameter must be a number between Min_Data = 0 and Max_Data = 59 */
   uint8_t TimeFormat;       /*!< Specifies the RTC AM/PM Time.
-                                 This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_AM_PM_Definitions */ 
+                                 This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_AM_PM_Definitions */
+  uint32_t SubSeconds;     /*!< Specifies the RTC_SSR RTC Sub Second register content.
+                                 This parameter corresponds to a time unit range between [0-1] Second
+                                 with [1 Sec / SecondFraction +1] granularity */
+  uint32_t SecondFraction;  /*!< Specifies the range or granularity of Sub Second register content
+                                 corresponding to Synchronous pre-scaler factor value (PREDIV_S)
+                                 This parameter corresponds to a time unit range between [0-1] Second
+                                 with [1 Sec / SecondFraction +1] granularity.
+                                 This field will be used only by HAL_RTC_GetTime function */ 
   uint32_t DayLightSaving;  /*!< Specifies DayLight Save Operation.
                                  This parameter can be a value of @ref RTC_DayLightSaving_Definitions */
@@ -503,7 +510,7 @@
   *            @arg RTC_IT_ALRB: Alarm B interrupt  
   * @retval None
-#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)           ((((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR)& ((__INTERRUPT__)>> 4)) & 0x0000FFFF) != RESET)? SET : RESET)
+#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)           (((((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR)& ((__INTERRUPT__)>> 4)) != RESET)? SET : RESET)
   * @brief  Get the selected RTC Alarm's flag status.
@@ -527,7 +534,7 @@
   *             @arg RTC_FLAG_ALRBF 
   * @retval None
-#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR) = (~(((__FLAG__) | RTC_ISR_INIT)& 0x0000FFFF)|((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & RTC_ISR_INIT))
+#define __HAL_RTC_ALARM_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR) = (~((__FLAG__) | RTC_ISR_INIT)|((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & RTC_ISR_INIT))