Portado para mbed os 6

Dependencies:   XBeeLib DigiLogger ALTIMU DHT MQ4 TinyGPSPlus

diff -r 000000000000 -r c1eda8b76e10 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Apr 04 14:41:14 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// Main library's.
+#include "mbed.h"
+// Sensor library's.
+#include "ALTIMU.h"
+#include "TinyGPSPlus.h"
+#include "MQ4.h"
+#include "DHT.h"
+// Communication library.
+#include "XBeeLib.h"
+// Defines
+#define TIMEOUT                50    // Set ticker time, for time interrupt.
+#define NEW_PANID             0x1234 // Network Pan ID.
+#define NEW_CHANNEL_MASK      0x7FFF // Network Channel.
+#define SEARCH_NETWORK_RETRIES  20   // Numbers of retries search network.
+#define WRITE_LOCAL_DATA             // For write local data on the board usb storage.
+//#define DEBUG_LEDS                 // USED FOR DEBUG.
+#define SAMPLES                 10   // Read and send some samples to network.
+// State Machine
+#define SLEEP_STATE             2    // Sleep state, shutdown all modules and sensor then go to sleep.
+#define SEARCH_NETWORK_STATE    1    // Search for network, stays on this state if network doenst show up.
+#define READ_SEND_DATA_STATE    0    // This state send data after reading it.
+// Global objects.
+using namespace XBeeLib;      // Namespace for XbeeLib
+DigitalOut* sleep_req = NULL; //Xbee sleep request pin.
+DigitalIn* on_sleep = NULL;   // Xbee sleep read pin, for check sleep state.
+AnalogIn bat_pin(p16);        // Batery level read analog pin 16.
+DigitalOut mq4_heater(p17);   // MQ4 heater power pin control.
+DigitalOut GpsPwrPin(p15);    // GPS power pin control`
+// This is used for debug, these leds are built in leds.
+#if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);        // Debug Led 1
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);        // Debug Led 1
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);        // Debug Led 1
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);        // Debug Led 1
+// Control variables
+uint8_t xbee_power_level = 0; //Xbee radio power level, set to minumun
+bool mcu_sleep = false;   // microcontroler sleep control.
+Ticker tim; // Ticker, for timer interrupt .
+int conn_retries = 0; // Count numbers of trying to connect
+LocalFileSystem local("local");
+FILE *fp;   // Logar dados no localfile da placa.
+// ---------------------------------
+//Serial  pc(USBTX, USBRX,9600);// Serial Debug.
+// Auxliar Function.
+float bat_level();
+bool is_radio_sleeping();
+void sleep_radio();
+void awake_radio();
+void sleepManager();
+TxStatus send_data_to_coordinator(XBeeZB& xbee, char *data);
+float bat_level();
+void XbeeNetworkSearch();
+void file_write(char* data_file);
+// Main function.
+int main(){
+  // Serial Configuration.
+  sleep_req = new DigitalOut(RADIO_SLEEP_REQ); // Xbee Sleep request pin
+  on_sleep = new DigitalIn(RADIO_ON_SLEEP);  //   Xbee on sleep pin.
+  uint8_t state;
+  char        gps_data;
+  char        data[200],  // Data to send
+  NorthSouth = 'F',       // North South direction
+  EastWest = 'F';         // East West direction
+  uint16_t    id;         // Node identification
+  uint8_t     hour;       //**********************
+  uint8_t     minute;     //**********************
+  uint8_t     second;     //**** Data and time UTC
+  uint8_t     day;        //**** ,from gps module.
+  uint8_t     month;      //**********************
+  uint16_t    year;       //**********************
+  float       g[3],       // Gyroscope
+  acc[3]                  // Accelerometer
+  ,mag[3],                // Magnetrometer
+  dht_t,                  // DHT22 temperature sensor
+  dht_h,                  // DHT22 humidity sensor
+  piezo,                  // Vibration sensor
+  vbat,                   // Batery percentage.
+  lat,                    // Latitude .
+  lon,                    // Longitude.
+  alt,                    // Altitude from gps module.
+  Balt,                   // Altitude from barometer sensor.
+  speed;                  // Speed over the ground
+  float      Bpress;      // Barometric pressure
+  // Instantiate objects.
+  DHT dht_th(p23,DHT22);                     // Dht (Digital humidity temperature) sensor on digital pin 23.
+  AnalogIn piezo_sensor(p20);                // Piezo sensor on analog pin 20.
+  MQ4 mq4(p18);                              // Gás sensor on analog pin 18.
+  BufferedSerial GPSSerial(p9, p10,9600);
+  Altimu lib_imu(p28,p27);
+  TinyGPSPlus tgps;
+  // Xbee object configuration.
+  RadioStatus radioStatus = xbee.init();
+  xbee.set_power_level(xbee_power_level);
+  // Configure radio and get id number.
+  uint32_t serialn_low;
+  uint64_t current_panid;
+  uint16_t current_channel_mask;
+  // Get 2 bytes of the address module, set Node id with it.
+  xbee.get_param("SL", &serialn_low);
+  id = (uint16_t)serialn_low;
+  // Set PAN_ID if is not configured.
+  xbee.get_operating_panid(&current_panid);
+  if (current_panid != NEW_PANID) {
+    xbee.set_panid(NEW_PANID);
+  }
+  // Set CN (channel mask) if its is not set.
+  xbee.get_channel_mask(&current_channel_mask);
+  if (current_channel_mask != NEW_CHANNEL_MASK) {
+    xbee.set_channel_mask(NEW_CHANNEL_MASK);
+    xbee.write_config();
+  }
+  mq4_heater = 1;         // Set heater on, for Mq4 sensor set up.
+  GpsPwrPin = 1;          // Set gps on.
+  #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+  led1 = 1;
+  #endif
+  //wait(30);              // Wait sensor warm up on cold start, first start.
+  ThisThread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(20*1000));
+  #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+  led1 = 0;
+  #endif
+  MQ4_data_t MQ4_data;    // Store gas sensor information.
+  mq4.begin();            // Begin te R0 calculation and sensor calibration.
+  // Verify network connection at first start.
+  XbeeNetworkSearch();
+  while(1){
+    switch (state) {
+      //Read data
+        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){
+        // Read 3 axis gyroscope sensor.
+        lib_imu.read_L3GD20(&g[0],&g[1],&g[2]);
+        // Read linear accleration and magnecti field.
+        lib_imu.read_LSM303D(&acc[0],&acc[1],&acc[2],&mag[0],&mag[1],&mag[2]);
+        // Read imu pressure in hPa and Altitude in metters.
+        lib_imu.read_LPS25H(&Bpress, &Balt);
+        // Read piezoeletric sensor.
+        piezo = piezo_sensor.read();
+        // Read 9V baterry charge.
+        vbat = bat_level();
+        dht_th.readData();
+        // Read DHT22 temperature in celcius.
+        dht_t = dht_th.ReadTemperature(CELCIUS);
+        // Read DHT22 relative humidity
+        dht_h = dht_th.ReadHumidity();
+        // Read MQ4 gas sensor
+        mq4.read(&MQ4_data);
+        // Reading GPS data...
+        for(int i =0;i<100;i++){
+          if(GPSSerial.readable()){
+            //while (!tgps.encode(GPSSerial.getc()));
+            GPSSerial.read(&gps_data ,1);
+            while (!tgps.encode(gps_data));
+            i = 100;
+          }
+        }
+        if(tgps.location.isValid()){
+          lat = tgps.location.lat();
+          lon = tgps.location.lng();
+        }else{
+          lat = 0;
+          lon = 0;
+        }
+        if(tgps.altitude.isValid()){
+          alt = tgps.altitude.meters();
+        }else{
+          alt = 0;
+        }
+        if(tgps.speed.isValid()){
+          speed = tgps.speed.mps();
+        }else{
+          speed = 0;
+        }
+        if((tgps.NorthSouth == 'S') |
+           (tgps.NorthSouth =='N')){
+          NorthSouth = tgps.NorthSouth;
+        }
+        else{
+          NorthSouth = 'F';
+        }
+        if ((tgps.EastWest == 'W') |
+            (tgps.EastWest == 'E')){
+          EastWest = tgps.EastWest;
+        }else{
+          EastWest = 'F';
+        }
+        if (tgps.time.isValid())
+        {
+          //second[1] = (tgps.time.second()%10)+48;
+          //second[0] = (tgps.time.second()/10) +48;
+          //minute[1] = (tgps.time.minute() %10)+48;
+          second = tgps.time.second();//minute[0] = (tgps.time.minute()/10) +48;
+          minute = tgps.time.minute();//hour[1] = (tgps.time.hour()%10)+48;
+          hour   = tgps.time.hour();//hour[0] = (tgps.time.hour()/10) +48;
+          day    = tgps.date.day();
+          year   = tgps.date.year();
+          month  = tgps.date.month();
+        }
+        //Store data into a vector.
+        sprintf(data,"%4x,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%02d%02d%02d,%02d%02d%4d,%.3f,%.3f,%.2f,%c,%c,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%d",id,
+        g[0], g[1], g[2],acc[0],acc[1], acc[2], mag[0], mag[1], mag[2],Bpress, dht_h,dht_t,MQ4_data.ch4,piezo, hour, minute,second,year,month,day, lon, lat, speed, NorthSouth, EastWest, Balt, alt,vbat,xbee_power_level);
+        #if defined(WRITE_LOCAL_DATA)
+        file_write(data);
+        #endif        
+        while(send_data_to_coordinator(xbee, data) != TxStatusSuccess) // try to send data, every 100 ms
+        {
+          #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+          led1 = !led1;
+          #endif
+          //wait_ms(500);
+          ThisThread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(300));
+        }
+        //wait_ms(800);
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(500));
+      }
+        state = SLEEP_STATE;
+      break;
+      case SLEEP_STATE:
+        //Debug Led
+        #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+        led2 = !led2;
+        #endif
+        sleep_radio();          // Set radio to sleep.
+        mq4_heater = 0;         // Disable Mq4 sensor heater resistence.
+        GpsPwrPin = 0;
+        tim.attach(&sleepManager,TIMEOUT);  // attach timeout function
+        sleep();
+        //Debug Led
+        #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+        led2 = !led2;
+        #endif
+        mq4_heater = 1;           // Disable Mq4 sensor heater resistence.
+        GpsPwrPin = 1;            // Enable gps module.
+        awake_radio();
+        //wait(30);
+        state = SEARCH_NETWORK_STATE;
+        // whaiting for xbee join to network.
+      break;
+      case SEARCH_NETWORK_STATE:    // Looking for network before
+        XbeeNetworkSearch();
+        state = READ_SEND_DATA_STATE;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// Auxliar Function.
+void file_write(char* data_file){
+    fp = fopen("/local/out.csv", "a");
+    if(fp == NULL){
+        error("Arquivo nao encontrado\n\r");
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%s\n",data_file);
+    fclose(fp);
+bool is_radio_sleeping()            // Set radio to sleep, return 0 if radio sleep.
+  assert(on_sleep != NULL);
+  return on_sleep->read() == 0;
+void sleep_radio()                 // Sleep xbee radio function.
+  assert(sleep_req != NULL);
+  sleep_req->write(1);
+void awake_radio()                // Wake up xbee radio funcion.
+  assert(sleep_req != NULL);
+  sleep_req->write(0);
+  /* Wait until radio awakes. Typically 14 mS */
+  while(is_radio_sleeping());
+void sleepManager()              // Sleep Manager function.
+  tim.detach();   // Deatach timer interrupt.
+  #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+  led4 = !led4;
+  #endif
+TxStatus send_data_to_coordinator(XBeeZB& xbee, char *data)
+  const TxStatus txStatus = xbee.send_data_to_coordinator((const uint8_t *)data, strlen(data));
+  return txStatus;
+float bat_level(){
+  return bat_pin.read()*5;
+void XbeeNetworkSearch(){
+  // whaiting for xbee join to network.
+  while (!xbee.is_joined()) {
+    xbee.set_power_level(xbee_power_level);
+    //wait_ms(1000);    
+    ThisThread::sleep_for(1);
+    conn_retries ++;
+    if(conn_retries == SEARCH_NETWORK_RETRIES){
+      if(xbee_power_level < 4)
+      {
+        xbee_power_level ++;
+      }
+        else{
+            sleep_radio();                      // sleep radio
+            tim.attach(&sleepManager,TIMEOUT);  // Call this function every time when reach TIMEOUT value.
+            sleep();                            // Sleep for a while when network is not reach.
+            awake_radio();                      // wake up radio
+            conn_retries = 0;                   // Reset the count variable.
+        }
+    }
+    #if defined(DEBUG_LEDS)
+    led3 = !led3;
+    #endif
+  }
\ No newline at end of file