Sample GUI for LPC4088. Base code to begin dev

Dependencies:   DMBasicGUI DMSupport

Fork of lpc4088_displaymodule_shipped_demo by Embedded Artists



File content as of revision 4:a7cbb22e4348:

 *  Copyright 2014 Embedded Artists AB
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "AppLauncherSpecial.h"
#include "lpc_swim_image.h"
#include "lpc_swim_font.h"
#include "Button.h"
#include "ImageButton.h"
#include "image_data.h"

 * Defines and typedefs
#define APP_PREFIX  "[Launcher*] "

#define NO_APPLICATION  (-1)

#define APP_SIGID_TOUCH  0x1

 * Private variables

static int appToLaunch = NO_APPLICATION;
static osThreadId appThread;

 * Private functions

static void buttonClicked(uint32_t x)
    if (appToLaunch == NO_APPLICATION) {
        appToLaunch = (int)x;

void AppLauncherSpecial::draw()
    // Prepare fullscreen
                     _disp->width(), _disp->height(),         // full size
                     0,0,_disp->width()-1, _disp->height()-1, // window position and size
                     0,                                     // border
                     BLACK, WHITE, /*WHITE, BLACK,*/ BLACK);                    // colors: pen, backgr, forgr
    //swim_set_title(_win, "Demo Program", WHITE);

    swim_put_image(_win, _bgImg.pixels, _bgImg.width, _bgImg.height);
    if (_supportsCalibration) {
      const char* msg = "(Press physical UserButton >2s to calibrate touch)";
      int w, h;
      swim_get_string_bounds(_win, msg, &w, &h);
      swim_set_font_transparency(_win, 0); // 0=Transparent, 1=Opaque
      swim_put_text_xy(_win, msg, (_disp->width()-w)/2, _disp->height()-(3*h)/2);
      swim_set_font_transparency(_win, 1); // 0=Transparent, 1=Opaque
    for (int i = 0; i < _usedButtons; i++) {

void AppLauncherSpecial::onTouchEvent()
    _newTouchEvent = true;
    osSignalSet(appThread, APP_SIGID_TOUCH);

void AppLauncherSpecial::onButtonEvent()
    _newButtonEvent = true;
    osSignalSet(appThread, APP_SIGID_TOUCH);

static void onTimeoutEvent(void const* arg)
    *((bool*)arg) = true;
    osSignalSet(appThread, APP_SIGID_TOUCH);

 * Public functions

AppLauncherSpecial::AppLauncherSpecial(int iconWidth, int iconHeight) : 
    _disp(NULL), _win(NULL), _fb(NULL), _usedButtons(0), 
    _resBg(NULL), _iconWidth(iconWidth), _iconHeight(iconHeight)
    _bgImg.pointerToFree = NULL;
    _bgImg.pixels = NULL;
    _currentTime[0] = '\0';

    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfButtons; i++) {
        _buttons[i] = NULL;
    bool r;
    int n;
    if (DMBoard::instance().touchPanel()->info(&r, &n, &_supportsCalibration) != TouchPanel::TouchError_Ok) {
      _supportsCalibration = false;


bool AppLauncherSpecial::setup()
    RtosLog* log = DMBoard::instance().logger();

    _disp = DMBoard::instance().display();
    _win = (SWIM_WINDOW_T*)malloc(sizeof(SWIM_WINDOW_T));
    _fb = _disp->allocateFramebuffer();
    if (_win == NULL || _fb == NULL) {
        log->printf(APP_PREFIX"Failed to allocate memory for framebuffer\r\n");
        return false;
    if (Image::decode(_resBg, Image::RES_16BIT, &_bgImg) != 0) {
        log->printf(APP_PREFIX"Failed to load background image\n");
        return false;
    return true;

void AppLauncherSpecial::runToCompletion()
    DMBoard* board = &DMBoard::instance();
    RtosLog* log = board->logger();
    appThread = osThreadGetId();

    // Draw something on the framebuffer before using it so that it doesn't look garbled
    // Start display in default mode (16-bit)
    Display::DisplayError disperr = _disp->powerUp(_fb);
    if (disperr != Display::DisplayError_Ok) {
        log->printf(APP_PREFIX"Failed to initialize the display, got error %d\r\n", disperr);
    // Render the current time in the upper right corner once every second
    bool updateClock = false;
    RtosTimer updateClockTimer(onTimeoutEvent, osTimerPeriodic, &updateClock);
    int clockXOff, clockYOff;
    swim_get_string_bounds(_win, "Fri Mar 20 10:32:58 2015", &clockXOff, &clockYOff);
    clockXOff = _win->xpvmax - clockXOff - 20;
    clockYOff = 5;
    // To keep track of the button pushes
    bool buttonPressed = false;
    bool buttonTimeout = false;
    InterruptIn button(P2_10);
    button.rise(this, &AppLauncherSpecial::onButtonEvent);
    button.fall(this, &AppLauncherSpecial::onButtonEvent);
    RtosTimer  buttonTimer(onTimeoutEvent, osTimerOnce, &buttonTimeout);
    // To prevent the "exit" click of a launched application to launch
    // a new application. This could happen on a multitouch display if
    // the launched applications' exit/ok/cancel button is located on
    // top of one of the buttons in the launcher.
    Timer tExit;
    // Wait for touches
    TouchPanel* touch = board->touchPanel();
    touch->setListener(new FunctionPointer(this, &AppLauncherSpecial::onTouchEvent));
    touch_coordinate_t coord;
    while (true) {
        if (_newTouchEvent) {
          if (buttonPressed) {
            // cancel
            buttonPressed = false;
          _newTouchEvent = false;
          if (touch->read(coord) != TouchPanel::TouchError_Ok) {
            log->printf("Failed to read touch coordinate\n");
          // Process the touch coordinate for each button
          for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfButtons; i++) {
            if (_buttons[i] != NULL) {
              if (_buttons[i]->handle(coord.x, coord.y, coord.z > 0)) {
        } else if (buttonTimeout) {
          if (board->buttonPressed()) {
            appToLaunch = CalibrationApp;
          buttonPressed = false;
          buttonTimeout = false;
        } else if (_newButtonEvent) {
          _newButtonEvent = false;
          if (board->buttonPressed()) {
            buttonPressed = true;
          } else {
            buttonPressed = false;
        } else if (updateClock) {
          updateClock = false;
          time_t seconds = time(0);
          sprintf(_currentTime, "%-25s", ctime(&seconds));
          swim_put_text_xy(_win, _currentTime, clockXOff, clockYOff);
        if (appToLaunch != NO_APPLICATION) {
          if (tExit.read_ms() < 500) {
            appToLaunch = NO_APPLICATION;
          App* a = NULL;
          if (_callback != NULL) {
            a = _callback(appToLaunch);
          if (a != NULL) {
            if (a->setup()) {
            delete a;            
          appToLaunch = NO_APPLICATION;

bool AppLauncherSpecial::teardown()
    if (_win != NULL) {
        _win = NULL;
    if (_fb != NULL) {
        _fb = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfButtons; i++) {
        _buttons[i] = NULL;
        if (_buttons[i] != NULL) {
            delete _buttons[i];
            _buttons[i] = NULL;
    if (_bgImg.pointerToFree != NULL) {
        _bgImg.pointerToFree = NULL;
    return true;

void AppLauncherSpecial::setAppCreatorFunc(App*(*callback)(uint32_t buttonID))
    _callback = callback;

bool AppLauncherSpecial::addButton(uint32_t buttonID, const char* caption)
    int idx = _usedButtons++;
    int xspace = ((_disp->width() - ButtonColumns * ButtonWidth) / (ButtonColumns + 1));
    int yspace = ((_disp->height() - TitleHeight - ButtonRows * ButtonHeight) / (ButtonRows + 1));
    _buttons[idx] = new Button(caption, (COLOR_T*)_fb, 
                              xspace + (ButtonWidth + xspace)*(idx%ButtonColumns), 
                              TitleHeight + yspace + (ButtonHeight + yspace)*(idx/ButtonColumns), 
                              ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
    _buttons[idx]->setAction(buttonClicked, buttonID);
    return true;

bool AppLauncherSpecial::addImageButton(uint32_t buttonID, const char* imgUp, const char* imgDown)
    return addImageButton(buttonID, NULL, BLACK, imgUp, imgDown);

bool AppLauncherSpecial::addImageButton(uint32_t buttonID, const char* caption, COLOR_T color, const char* imgUp, const char* imgDown)
    int idx = _usedButtons++;
    int xspace = ((_disp->width() - ButtonColumns * _iconWidth) / (ButtonColumns + 1));
    int yspace = ((_disp->height() - TitleHeight - ButtonRows * _iconHeight) / (ButtonRows + 1));
    ImageButton* img =  new ImageButton((COLOR_T*)_fb, 
                              xspace + (_iconWidth + xspace)*(idx%ButtonColumns), 
                              TitleHeight + yspace + (_iconHeight + yspace)*(idx/ButtonColumns), 
                              _iconWidth, _iconHeight, caption, color);
    if (img->loadImages(imgUp, imgDown)) {
      _buttons[idx] = img;
      _buttons[idx]->setAction(buttonClicked, buttonID);
      return true;
    } else {
      //DMBoard::instance().logger()->printf("Failed to load image for buttonID %u, %s[%s]\n", buttonID, imgUp, imgDown==NULL?"":imgDown);
      return false;

bool AppLauncherSpecial::addImageButton(uint32_t buttonID, const unsigned char* imgUp, unsigned int imgUpSize, const unsigned char* imgDown, unsigned int imgDownSize)
    return addImageButton(buttonID, NULL, BLACK, imgUp, imgUpSize, imgDown, imgDownSize);

bool AppLauncherSpecial::addImageButton(uint32_t buttonID, const char* caption, COLOR_T color, const unsigned char* imgUp, unsigned int imgUpSize, const unsigned char* imgDown, unsigned int imgDownSize)
    int idx = _usedButtons++;
    int xspace = ((_disp->width() - ButtonColumns * _iconWidth) / (ButtonColumns + 1));
    int yspace = ((_disp->height() - TitleHeight - ButtonRows * _iconHeight) / (ButtonRows + 1));
    ImageButton* img =  new ImageButton((COLOR_T*)_fb, 
                              xspace + (_iconWidth + xspace)*(idx%ButtonColumns), 
                              TitleHeight + yspace + (_iconHeight + yspace)*(idx/ButtonColumns), 
                              _iconWidth, _iconHeight, caption, color);
    if (img->loadImages(imgUp, imgUpSize, imgDown, imgDownSize)) {
      _buttons[idx] = img;
      _buttons[idx]->setAction(buttonClicked, buttonID);
      return true;
    } else {
      //DMBoard::instance().logger()->printf("Failed to load image for buttonID %u, %s[%s]\n", buttonID, imgUp, imgDown==NULL?"":imgDown);
      return false;

bool AppLauncherSpecial::addImageButton(uint32_t buttonID, const char* caption, COLOR_T color, Resource* resUp, Resource* resDown)
    int idx = _usedButtons++;
    int xspace = ((_disp->width() - ButtonColumns * _iconWidth) / (ButtonColumns + 1));
    int yspace = ((_disp->height() - TitleHeight - ButtonRows * _iconHeight) / (ButtonRows + 1));
    ImageButton* img =  new ImageButton((COLOR_T*)_fb, 
                              xspace + (_iconWidth + xspace)*(idx%ButtonColumns), 
                              TitleHeight + yspace + (_iconHeight + yspace)*(idx/ButtonColumns), 
                              _iconWidth, _iconHeight, caption, color);
    if (img->loadImages(resUp, resDown)) {
      _buttons[idx] = img;
      _buttons[idx]->setAction(buttonClicked, buttonID);
      return true;
    } else {
      //DMBoard::instance().logger()->printf("Failed to load image for buttonID %u, %s[%s]\n", buttonID, imgUp, imgDown==NULL?"":imgDown);
      return false;

void AppLauncherSpecial::addResource(Resources id, Resource* res)
    _resBg = res;