Headers for emWin lib

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/emWin_header/WM_GUI.h	Sat Mar 26 22:49:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+*                SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG                *
+*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
+*                                                                    *
+*        (c) 1996 - 2014  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG       *
+*                                                                    *
+*        Internet: www.segger.com    Support:  support@segger.com    *
+*                                                                    *
+** emWin V5.24 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
+All  Intellectual Property rights  in the Software belongs to  SEGGER.
+emWin is protected by  international copyright laws.  Knowledge of the
+source code may not be used to write a similar product.  This file may
+only be used in accordance with the following terms:
+The software has been licensed to  NXP Semiconductors USA, Inc.  whose
+registered  office  is  situated  at 411 E. Plumeria Drive, San  Jose,
+CA 95134, USA  solely for  the  purposes  of  creating  libraries  for
+NXPs M0, M3/M4 and  ARM7/9 processor-based  devices,  sublicensed  and
+distributed under the terms and conditions of the NXP End User License
+Full source code is available at: www.segger.com
+We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
+File        : WM_GUI.h
+Purpose     : Windows manager include for low level GUI routines
+#ifndef WM_GUI_H            /* Make sure we only include it once */
+#define WM_GUI_H
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {     /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */
+int       WM__InitIVRSearch(const GUI_RECT* pMaxRect);
+int       WM__GetNextIVR   (void);
+int       WM__GetOrgX_AA(void);
+int       WM__GetOrgY_AA(void);
+#define WM_ITERATE_START(pRect)                   \
+  {                                               \
+    if (WM__InitIVRSearch(pRect))                 \
+      do {
+#define WM_ITERATE_END()                          \
+    } while (WM__GetNextIVR());                   \
+  }
+#define WM_ADDORGX(x)       (x += GUI_pContext->xOff)
+#define WM_ADDORGY(y)       (y += GUI_pContext->yOff)
+#define WM_ADDORG(x0,y0)    WM_ADDORGX(x0); WM_ADDORGY(y0)
+#define WM_ADDORGX_AA(x)    (x += WM__GetOrgX_AA())
+#define WM_ADDORGY_AA(y)    (y += WM__GetOrgY_AA())
+#define WM_ADDORG_AA(x0,y0) WM_ADDORGX_AA(x0); WM_ADDORGY_AA(y0)
+#define WM_SUBORGX(x)       (x -= GUI_pContext->xOff)
+#define WM_SUBORGY(y)       (y -= GUI_pContext->yOff)
+#define WM_SUBORG(x0,y0)    WM_SUBORGX(x0); WM_SUBORGY(y0)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+  }
+#endif   /* Avoid multiple inclusion */
+/*************************** End of file ****************************/