Headers for emWin lib

Dependents:   DISCO-F746NG_rtos_test

Sat Mar 26 22:49:50 2016 +0000
new code integration

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 1 /*********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 2 * SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 3 * Solutions for real time microcontroller applications *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 4 **********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 5 * *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 6 * (c) 1996 - 2014 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 7 * *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 8 * Internet: www.segger.com Support: support@segger.com *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 9 * *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 10 **********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 11
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 12 ** emWin V5.24 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 13 All Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to SEGGER.
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 14 emWin is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 15 source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 16 only be used in accordance with the following terms:
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 17
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 18 The software has been licensed to NXP Semiconductors USA, Inc. whose
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 19 registered office is situated at 411 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose,
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 20 CA 95134, USA solely for the purposes of creating libraries for
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 21 NXPs M0, M3/M4 and ARM7/9 processor-based devices, sublicensed and
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 22 distributed under the terms and conditions of the NXP End User License
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 23 Agreement.
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 24 Full source code is available at: www.segger.com
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 25
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 26 We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 28 File : LCD_SIM.h
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 29 Purpose : Declares LCD interface functions
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 31 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 32
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 33 #ifndef LCDSIM_H
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 34 #define LCDSIM_H
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 35
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 36 #include "LCD.h"
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 37
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 38 /************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 39 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 40 * Defines
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 41 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 42 *************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 43 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 44 #define LCDSIM_MAX_DISPLAYS GUI_NUM_LAYERS
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 45
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 46 #define GUI_TRANSMODE_PIXELALPHA 0
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 47 #define GUI_TRANSMODE_CHROMA 1
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 48 #define GUI_TRANSMODE_ZERO 2
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 49
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 50 #ifdef __cplusplus
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 51 extern "C" {
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 52 #endif
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 53 /************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 54 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 55 * LCDSIM_ General declarations
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 56 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 57 *************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 58 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 59
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 60 void LCDSIM_PreInit(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 61 char* LCDSIM_Init(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 62 void LCDSIM_Exit(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 63 int LCDSIM_GetMouseState(LCD_tMouseState *pState);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 64 void LCDSIM_SetMouseState(int x, int y, int KeyStat, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 65 void LCDSIM_CheckMouseState(int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 66 int LCDSIM_SaveBMP (const char * sFileName);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 67 int LCDSIM_SaveBMPEx (const char * sFileName, int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 68 int LCDSIM_SaveSBMP (const char * sFileName);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 69 int LCDSIM_SaveSBMPEx(const char * sFileName, int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 70 void LCDSIM_SetRGBOrder(unsigned RGBOrder);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 71
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 72 /************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 73 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 74 * LCDSIM_ Functions for each display
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 75 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 76 *************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 77 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 78
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 79 void LCDSIM_FillRect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int Index, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 80 int LCDSIM_GetModifyCnt(int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 81 int LCDSIM_GetModifyCntInfo(int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 82 int LCDSIM_GetPixelColor(int x, int y, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 83 int LCDSIM_GetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 84 int LCDSIM_Index2Color(int Index, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 85 int LCDSIM_RLUT_GetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 86 void LCDSIM_RLUT_SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int Index, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 87 void LCDSIM_SetLUTEntry(U8 Pos, LCD_COLOR color, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 88 void LCDSIM_SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int Index, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 89 void LCDSIM_SetPixelColor(int x, int y, LCD_COLOR PixelColor, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 90 void LCDSIM_SetSubPixel(int x, int y, U8 Value, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 91 void LCDSIM_SetPixelPhys(int x, int y, int Index, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 92 int LCDSIM_GetPixelPhys(int xPhys, int yPhys, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 93 void LCDSIM_FillRectPhys(int x0Phys, int y0Phys, int x1Phys, int y1Phys, int Index, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 94 void LCDSIM_SetOrg(int x, int y, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 95 void LCDSIM_SetAlpha(int Alpha, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 96 int LCDSIM_GetAlpha(int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 97 void LCDSIM_SetLayerPos(int xPos, int yPos, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 98 void LCDSIM_SetLayerVis(int OnOff, int LayerIndex);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 99 void LCDSIM_SetSize(int LayerIndex, int xSize, int ySize);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 100 void LCDSIM_SetTransMode(int LayerIndex, int TransMode);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 101 void LCDSIM_SetChroma(int LayerIndex, LCD_COLOR ChromaMin, LCD_COLOR ChromaMax);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 102 void LCDSIM_SetCompositeColor(U32 Color);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 103 void LCDSIM_SetCompositeSize(int xSize, int ySize);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 104 void LCDSIM_CopyBuffer(int LayerIndex, int IndexSrc, int IndexDst);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 105
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 106 /********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 107 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 108 * Publics for LCD
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 109 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 110 *********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 111 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 112 void SIM_GUI_SetCompositeSize(int xSize, int ySize);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 113 void SIM_GUI_SetCompositeColor(U32 Color);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 114 U32 SIM_GUI_GetCompositeColor(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 115 void SIM_GUI_SetLCDPos(int xPos, int yPos);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 116 int SIM_GUI_SetTransColor(int Color);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 117 int SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorBlack (unsigned int Index, int Color);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 118 int SIM_GUI_SetLCDColorWhite (unsigned int Index, int Color);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 119 void SIM_GUI_SetMag(int MagX, int MagY);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 120 int SIM_GUI_GetMagX(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 121 int SIM_GUI_GetMagY(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 122 int SIM_GUI_GetForwardRButton(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 123 void SIM_GUI_SetForwardRButton(int OnOff);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 124 void SIM_GUI_SetTransMode(int LayerIndex, int TransMode);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 125 void SIM_GUI_SetChroma(int LayerIndex, unsigned long ChromaMin, unsigned long ChromaMax);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 126 void SIM_GUI_UseCustomBitmaps(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 127 void SIM_GUI_SetAccellerator(int Accellerator);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 128 void SIM_GUI_SetMainScreenOffset(int x, int y);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 129
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 130
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 131 /********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 132 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 133 * Routine(s) in user application
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 134 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 135 *********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 136 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 137 void SIM_X_Config(void); /* Allow init before application starts ... Use it to set LCD offset etc */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 138
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 139 /********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 140 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 141 * Publics used by GUI_X module
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 142 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 143 *********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 144 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 145 void SIM_GUI_Delay (int ms);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 146 void SIM_GUI_ExecIdle(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 147 int SIM_GUI_GetTime(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 148 int SIM_GUI_GetKey(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 149 int SIM_GUI_WaitKey(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 150 void SIM_GUI_StoreKey(int);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 151
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 152
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 153 /********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 154 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 155 * Publics for logging, warning, errorout
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 156 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 157 *********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 158 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 159 void SIM_GUI_Log(const char *s);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 160 void SIM_GUI_Log1(const char *s, int p0);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 161 void SIM_GUI_Log2(const char *s, int p0, int p1);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 162 void SIM_GUI_Log3(const char *s, int p0, int p1, int p2);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 163 void SIM_GUI_Log4(const char *s, int p0, int p1, int p2,int p3);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 164 void SIM_GUI_Warn(const char *s);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 165 void SIM_GUI_Warn1(const char *s, int p0);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 166 void SIM_GUI_Warn2(const char *s, int p0, int p1);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 167 void SIM_GUI_Warn3(const char *s, int p0, int p1, int p2);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 168 void SIM_GUI_Warn4(const char *s, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 169 void SIM_GUI_ErrorOut(const char *s);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 170 void SIM_GUI_ErrorOut1(const char *s, int p0);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 171 void SIM_GUI_ErrorOut2(const char *s, int p0, int p1);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 172 void SIM_GUI_ErrorOut3(const char *s, int p0, int p1, int p2);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 173 void SIM_GUI_ErrorOut4(const char *s, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 174 void SIM_GUI_EnableMessageBoxOnError(int Status);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 175
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 176 /********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 177 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 178 * Commandline support
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 179 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 180 *********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 181 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 182 const char *SIM_GUI_GetCmdLine(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 183
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 184 /********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 185 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 186 * Multitasking support
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 187 *
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 188 *********************************************************************
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 189 */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 190 void SIM_GUI_CreateTask(char * pName, void * pFunc);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 191 void SIM_GUI_Start(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 192 unsigned long SIM_GUI_GetTaskID(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 193 void SIM_GUI_Lock(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 194 void SIM_GUI_Unlock(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 195 void SIM_GUI_InitOS(void);
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 196
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 197 #ifdef __cplusplus
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 198 }
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 199 #endif
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 200
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 201 #endif /* LCD_H */
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 202
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 203
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 204
redbird 0:1bf8f02b0770 205