LacqueyFetch firmware for the mbed

Dependencies:   Motor mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Apr 03 15:05:44 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Apr 03 15:11:02 2018 +0000
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
  * @section lacqueyFetch_install Installation
- * You need to program the firmware to the MBED <br>
+ * First you need to program the firmware to the MBED <br>
  * You can use the online compiler ( to compile the firmware and stored it on the flash mbed memory<br>
  * Steps:
  * - Change the "id" of the device corresponding to the hand used (right-hand: ID 65, left-hand: ID 64) <br>
- * - Press "Compile" and save the .bin file on the flash memory <br>
+ * - Press "Compile" and save the .bin file on the flash mbed memory <br>
  * - If you want to check the correct functionality, you can connect the mbed to the serial USB and with a serial monitor program (configured with a baudrate of 115200), see the CAN messages information of the hand. <br>
- * @section lacqueyFetch_running Running (assuming correct installation)
+ * @section lacqueyFetch_running Running (assuming correct installation) 
- * Running "launchManipulation" application, you can open or close the hand with this parameters (assuming you know how to run "launchManipulation"):
- * set pos 6 1  -> open hand
- * set pos 6 -1 -> close hand
- * set pos 6 0  -> loose hand   
+ * Running "launchManipulation" application, you can open or close the hand with this parameters (assuming you know how to run "launchManipulation"): <br>
+ * set pos 6 1  -> open hand  <br>
+ * set pos 6 -1 -> close hand <br>
+ * set pos 6 0  -> loose hand <br>  