created separate function for hex to char

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of SS_SensePOC2P0_11Dec2017_USERPID by rashmi v

--- a/ecgg.cpp	Sat May 27 05:47:55 2017 +0000
+++ b/ecgg.cpp	Thu Jun 01 09:24:45 2017 +0000
@@ -12,14 +12,95 @@
 #include "rtc.h"
 #include "sdcard.h"
 #include "ec_bp.h"
+#include "struct.h"  // Added on 31/5/17_Nidhin
+#include "test_type.h" //Added on  31/5/17_Nidhin
 Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);  
 float ecg(int pid) 
+    //----------------------- Structure for Bluetooth  Added Nidhin 1/6/2017-------------------//
+    BLEMsg_info *ptr_BLEMsg_info_ecg, BLEMsg_info_ecg; // A copy of master strcuture [ "BLEMsg_info" ] by name "BLEMsg_info_ecg" is created
+    ptr_BLEMsg_info_ecg = &BLEMsg_info_ecg;            // *ptr_BLEMsg_info_bp is the pointer to local copy;
+    // Declaration of Date Structure
+    DateTime_info *ptr_DateTime_info_ecg, DateTime_info_ecg; // A copy of Master Structure "DateTime_info" created, 
+    ptr_DateTime_info_ecg = &DateTime_info_ecg;             // Structure pointer points to that copy.
+    // RTC operations
+    time_t epoch_time_ecg;           //A copy of time_t by name  epoch_time_bp is created 
+    epoch_time_ecg = rtc_read();    // time is got from get epoch function.  
+    struct tm * ptr_time_info_ecg, time_info_ecg;   // Sturucture copy of tm is created
+    ptr_time_info_ecg = localtime(&epoch_time_ecg); // Structure accepts the time in local format from "time_t" type.
+    pc.printf("Time is %d: %d: %d\n", (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_hour, (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_min, (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_sec);
+    pc.printf("Date is %d:%d:%d\n", (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_mday, (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_mon+1, (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_year-100);
+    //Copying from one structure to the other using variables
+    DateTime_info_ecg.hour = (uint8_t)(*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_hour;
+    DateTime_info_ecg.mins = (uint8_t)(*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_min;
+    DateTime_info_ecg.sec =  (uint8_t)(*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_sec;
+ = (uint8_t) (*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_mday;
+    DateTime_info_ecg.month =(uint8_t)(*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_mon+1;
+    DateTime_info_ecg.year = (uint8_t)(*ptr_time_info_ecg).tm_year-100;
+    // Copying Time to Main structure
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.date_time.hour = DateTime_info_ecg.hour;
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.date_time.mins = DateTime_info_ecg.mins;
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.date_time.sec = DateTime_info_ecg.sec;
+ = ;
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.date_time.month = DateTime_info_ecg.month ;
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.date_time.year =  DateTime_info_ecg.year ;
+    //Checking if the structure has these values    
+    pc.printf("Time 2 is %d:%d:%d\n", DateTime_info_ecg.hour, DateTime_info_ecg.mins, DateTime_info_ecg.sec);
+    pc.printf("\t Date is %d:%d:%d\n",, DateTime_info_ecg.month, DateTime_info_ecg.year);
+    //Loading values to of Test type
+    test_type_info test_type_info_ecg;  // copy of " test_type_info" created  
+    test_type_info_ecg = ECG_Test;       // Loaded value 00 to the test type 
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.test_type = test_type_info_ecg;
+    //Check if 00 is getting printed
+    pc.printf("Test Type is : %d\n", test_type_info_ecg);
+    // Loading values of Length ,  PID, DID, sampling frequency, number of samples, calculated data.
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.device_id = 01;                   // Device ID fixed
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.patient_id = (uint32_t)pid;       // Patient ID
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.sampling_freq = 500;              // sampling frrquency
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.length = 4026;                   //Total length of data in bytes  22 B+10752 B
+    /*
+    //Loading number of samples
+    NumSamples_info NumSamples_info_bp;              //Copy of structure NumSamples_info
+    NumSamples_info_bp.num_ppg_sample = 1664;        // PPG & ECG Sample number loaded in structure copy
+    NumSamples_info_bp.num_ecg_sample = 1024;
+    */
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.num_samples.num_sample_ppg_dummy =  0 ;// PPG  number of samples copied to master struct 
+    BLEMsg_info_ecg.num_samples.num_sample_ecg_OTtyp =  1000 ; // ECG  number of samples copied to master struct
+    //----------------------------------------END Structure for Bluetooth - Added Nidhin 1/6/2017-------
     int concatenate_value2 = 0;
+    int *ecg_ptr;                   // Added 1/6/2017 Nidhin
+    ecg_ptr = &concatenate_value2; // Pointer to pass for ECG write into SD card Nidhin 1/6/2017
  //   int32_t sample_sum; // static int32_t avg[1500];
     int32_t count = 0; int32_t fs = 500; 
     uint32_t ecg_buf[N_ECG];
@@ -40,17 +121,24 @@
  //   chk = 1;
-   sd_open_ECGfile(pid);        // opening the ecg file
+   //ORIGINAL sd_open_ECGfile(pid);        // opening the ecg file  COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
+   sd_open_ECGfilee(pid);  // REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin 
   pc.printf( "Raw data is = \n"); 
  for(int i=0; i<N_ECG; i++)
      concatenate_value2= readvalue();
-     sd_write(concatenate_value2);               // writing into the sd card
+     //ORIGINAL sd_write(concatenate_value2); // writing into the sd card  COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
+     sd_ecgwrite(ecg_ptr); // REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017
      ecg_buf[i] = concatenate_value2;
-     pc.printf( "%d\n", concatenate_value2);
+     //pc.printf( "%d\n", concatenate_value2); COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
-   sd_close();          // closing the file
+   //sd_close();          // closing the file COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
+    sd_close_ecg();          // closing the ECG file REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin
  // ---------- reading back SD data for processing --------------------
@@ -133,6 +221,19 @@
  printf("Denominator = %d\n",n);
  printf("Heart Rate = %f\n",HR_avg);
+ //ADDED Nidhin 1/6/2017
+BLEMsg_info_ecg.cal_data.cal_sbp_dummy = 0;
+BLEMsg_info_ecg.cal_data.cal_dbp_OTtyp = (uint16_t)HR1;  //To be modified after HR code is added. 
+structure_file(ptr_BLEMsg_info_ecg, pid); //copy the ECG structure to Main file
+ecgfile_mainfile(pid);                        // copy raw data to the main file and ECG file is cleared.
+ pc.printf("Closed the main file\n");
   return HR1;
   // return HR_avg;