created separate function for hex to char

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of SS_SensePOC2P0_11Dec2017_USERPID by rashmi v

--- a/ecgg.cpp	Wed Oct 04 06:38:21 2017 +0000
+++ b/ecgg.cpp	Fri Nov 03 07:16:44 2017 +0000
@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@
  sprintf(buffer4, "/sd/%d_ECG_lpf.csv", pid);    // For opening a specific file    
  fpeecg1 = fopen(buffer4, "r");
-for(uint16_t i=100;i<=((N_ECG-4)-10);i++){                                       //loop started from 100 //4thoct nikita
+for(uint16_t i=101;i<=((N_ECG-4)-10);i++)                       //loop started from 100 //4thoct nikita// loop started from 101//3rd nov skipping 100 samples, therefore starting from 101
 rewind(fpeecg1);               // Go to start of file each time
 fseek(fpeecg1, m, SEEK_CUR);   // Update the count value according to move pointer //// after every calc. the pointer moves to 0th position, as we have used fseek, hence to make it jump to the respective position by "m" bytes this command is used
@@ -194,11 +195,11 @@
      pc.printf("peak value= %d\n",pk_val[j]);
      pk_pos[j]=i; // also save the peak's position
      pc.printf("peak position is = %d\n",pk_pos[j]);
-     i = i+120;  // once confirmed that this is the necessary peak, skip the next 120 input values
-     n = j; // where n is the number of peaks detected
+     i = i+120;      // once confirmed that this is the necessary peak, skip the next 120 input values
+     n = j;         // where n is the number of peaks detected
      j = j+1;
-     m = m + 480; //similar reason to considering 28, but to skip 120 samples. this cond. is satisfied only when we hit a peak - suhasini_26thjune17
+     m = m + 484;   //similar reason to considering 28, but to skip 120 samples. this cond. is satisfied only when we hit a peak - suhasini_26thjune17
+                    // as we are skipping 120 samples, the pointer should point to 121st sample // 3rd nov//nikita