created separate function for hex to char

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of SS_SensePOC2P0_11Dec2017_USERPID by rashmi v

--- a/display_modules.cpp	Sat Apr 01 06:37:02 2017 +0000
+++ b/display_modules.cpp	Wed Apr 26 10:14:53 2017 +0000
@@ -1,39 +1,64 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "ili9325.h"
-#include "lcd_base.h"
 #include "display_modules.h"
 #include "touch_modules.h"
 #include "rtc.h"
 //#include "main.h"
+#include <ILI932x.h>
+#include "Arial12x12.h"
+#include "Arial24x23.h"
+//#include "Terminal6x8.h"
+//#include "Arial43x48_numb.h"
-BusOut dataBus( PTC12, PTC13, PTB10, PTC9, PTD4, PTD5, PTD6, PTD7 ); // 16 pins//POC DISPALY 240*320 pixels
-ILI9325_LCD lcd( PTC5, PTB9, PTC0, PTB0, &dataBus, NC, PTE31);
+//BusOut dataBus( PTC12, PTC13, PTB10, PTC9, PTD4, PTD5, PTD6, PTD7 ); // 16 pins//POC DISPALY 240*320 pixels
+//ILI9325_LCD lcd( PTC5, PTB9, PTC0, PTB0, &dataBus, NC, PTE31);
+ PinName buspins[8]={PTC12, PTC13, PTB10, PTC9, PTD4, PTD5, PTD6, PTD7 };
+ ILI932x TFT(BUS_8, buspins, PTC5, PTB9, PTC0, PTB0,PTE31,"SPFD5408_2.4") ;
+DigitalOut backlight(PTC9) ;
  void init_screen()     // initializing the screen
-    lcd.Initialize(PORTRAIT);
+      //Configure the display driver    
+    TFT.FastWindow(true) ;
+    TFT.background(Black);
+    TFT.foreground(White);
+    wait(0.01) ;
+    TFT.cls();
  void screen_main()     //main screen
-       char buff1[32];
-        time_t epoch_time;
-         lcd.ClearScreen();
-         lcd.SetFont(&TerminusFont);
-         epoch_time=rtc_read();                           // read the time from rtc module
-        // sprintf(buff1 ,"%s", ctime(&epoch_time));        // display time on LCD
-        strftime(buff1, 32, "%d/%m/%Y         %H:%M",localtime(&epoch_time));
-         lcd.Print( buff1,20,100,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-            lcd.SetFont(&TerminusBigFont);
-            lcd.Print( "SENSESEMI",50,20,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-            lcd.Print( "SenseSmart",45,60,COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK, 0);// align text to center horizontally and use starndard colors
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(60,130,180,200,COLOR_YELLOW);
-            lcd.Print( "SYS",100,140,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-            lcd.Print( "CONFIG",70,170,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-            lcd.Print( "TEST",90,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+    char buff1[32];
+    time_t epoch_time;
+    epoch_time=rtc_read();                           // read the time from rtc module
+    strftime(buff1, 32, "%d-%m-%Y           %H:%M",localtime(&epoch_time));
+    backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(White) ;
+       TFT.cls() ;
+      wait(0.1) ;
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
+    TFT.foreground(Red);
+    TFT.locate(20,100) ;
+     TFT.printf(buff1);
+      TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);  
+       TFT.foreground(Black);
+     TFT.locate(35,20) ;
+    TFT.printf("SENSESEMI") ;
+    TFT.locate(45,60) ;
+    TFT.printf("SenseSmart") ;
+      TFT.background(Olive) ;
+     TFT.fillrect( 60,130,180,200,Olive);
+       TFT.locate(100,140) ;
+    TFT.printf("SYS") ;    
+       TFT.locate(65,170) ;
+    TFT.printf("CONFIG") ;    
+        TFT.fillrect( 60,230,180,300,Olive);
+       TFT.locate(90,250) ;        
+       TFT.printf("TEST") ;          
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ;
@@ -41,62 +66,89 @@
     void screen_main_2(int pid)     // test main screen
-     char buff2[10];
-                lcd.FillRect(5,20,250,150,COLOR_BLACK); 
-               //lcd.Print( "SenseSmart", CENTER, 95);
-                sprintf(buff2 ,"%d", pid);
-                lcd.Print( "PATIENTID",20,50,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK, 0);           /////////
-                lcd.Print(buff2,170,50,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-                lcd.SetFont(&TerminusBigFont);
-               // lcd.FillRect(5,120,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(60,130,180,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_BLACK);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(10,130,100,200,COLOR_CYAN);
-                lcd.Print( "BG",40,160,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_CYAN,0);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(130,130,220,200,COLOR_YELLOW);
-                lcd.Print( "ECG",160,160,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(10,215,100,285,COLOR_MAGENTA);
-                lcd.Print( "BP",40,245,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_MAGENTA,0);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(130,215,220,285,COLOR_GREEN);
-                lcd.Print( "HOME",150,245,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
-                }         
+    char buff2[10];   
+       backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+  TFT.background(White) ;
+  sprintf(buff2 ,"%d", pid);
+  TFT.fillrect(5,20,250,150,White ); 
+     TFT.fillrect(60,130,180,200,White );  
+      TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,White ); 
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
+     TFT.foreground(Black);
+     TFT.locate(10,50) ;
+    TFT.printf("PATIENTID") ;
+     TFT.locate(180,50) ;
+    TFT.printf(buff2) ;
+      TFT.background(Orange) ;
+     TFT.foreground(Black);
+      TFT.fillrect( 10,130,100,200,Orange);
+       TFT.locate(40,160) ;
+    TFT.printf("BG") ;   
+       TFT.fillrect( 130,130,220,200,Orange);
+       TFT.locate(145,160) ;
+    TFT.printf("ECG") ;    
+        TFT.fillrect( 10,215,100,285,Orange);
+       TFT.locate(40,245) ;        
+       TFT.printf("BP") ;    
+        TFT.fillrect(130,215,220,285,Orange);
+       TFT.locate(130,245) ;        
+        TFT.printf("HOME") ;    
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ;
     void screen_main_1() // System Configuration main screen
-                lcd.SetFont(&TerminusBigFont);
-                lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(10,130,100,200,COLOR_CYAN);
-                lcd.Print( "BLE",30,160,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_CYAN,0);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(130,130,220,200,COLOR_YELLOW);
-                lcd.Print( "ERASE",140,160,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(10,215,100,285,COLOR_MAGENTA);
-                lcd.Print( "FILE",20,245,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_MAGENTA,0);
-                lcd.FillRoundRect(130,215,220,285,COLOR_GREEN);
-                lcd.Print( "HOME",145,245,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
-                }                  
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(GreenYellow) ;
+      TFT.fillrect(5,127,230,320,White );  
+    // wait(0.1) ;
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
+   TFT.foreground(Black);
+      TFT.fillrect( 10,130,100,200,GreenYellow);
+       TFT.locate(40,160) ;
+    TFT.printf("BLE") ;   
+       TFT.fillrect( 130,130,220,200,GreenYellow);
+       TFT.locate(135,160) ;
+    TFT.printf("ERASE") ;    
+        TFT.fillrect( 10,215,100,285,GreenYellow);
+       TFT.locate(30,245) ;        
+       TFT.printf("FILE") ;    
+        TFT.fillrect(130,215,220,285,GreenYellow);
+       TFT.locate(130,245) ;        
+       TFT.printf("HOME") ;    
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ;
+ }                  
   void screen_ecg()    //ECG screen 1
-             //  lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-             lcd.FillRoundRect(10,130,100,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-             lcd.FillRoundRect(130,130,220,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-             lcd.FillRoundRect(10,215,100,285,COLOR_BLACK);
-             lcd.FillRoundRect(130,215,220,285,COLOR_BLACK);
-             lcd.FillRoundRect(60,130,180,200,COLOR_YELLOW);
-             lcd.Print( "START",80,150,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-            // lcd.Print( "CONFIG",70,170,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-              lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-              lcd.Print( "RET",100,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+       backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+      TFT.fillrect(10,130,100,200,White);
+     TFT.fillrect(130,130,220,200,White);
+      TFT.fillrect(130,215,220,285,White);
+       TFT.fillrect(10,215,100,285,White);
+       TFT.fillrect(60,130,180,200,White);
+     TFT.background(Green) ;   
+    TFT.fillrect( 60,130,180,200,Green);
+       TFT.locate(80,150) ;
+    TFT.printf("START") ;    
+         TFT.fillrect( 60,230,180,300,Green);
+       TFT.locate(85,250) ;        
+       TFT.printf("RET") ;          
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ;  
@@ -104,18 +156,26 @@
  void screen_ecg_2()   // ECG screen 2
-              lcd.FillRect(5,90,230,150,COLOR_BLACK); 
-              lcd.Print( "  Tst is Done  ",3,100,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,0);
-              lcd.Print( "   HeartRate   ",3,150,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,0);
-              lcd.Print( "    72 bpm",3,180,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK,0);
-           //  lcd.Print( "DONE", CENTER, 95);
-            // lcd.Print( "s Done   ",80,150,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,0);
-              lcd.FillRect(10,215,230,290,COLOR_BLACK);
-          //  lcd.FillRoundRect(10,215,100,285,COLOR_MAGENTA);
-           // lcd.FillRoundRect(130,215,220,285,COLOR_GREEN);
-              lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-              lcd.Print( "RET",100,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+              backlight = 0 ;
+            TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+            TFT.background(White) ;
+            TFT.foreground(Green) ;
+          TFT.fillrect(5,90,230,150,White);  
+          TFT.locate(3,100) ;  
+            TFT.printf("  Tst is Done  ") ;   
+            TFT.locate(3,150) ;  
+            TFT.printf("   HeartRate   ") ;        
+            TFT.locate(3,180);  
+            TFT.printf("    72 bpm") ;    
+            TFT.background(Green) ;
+            TFT.fillrect(10,215,230,290,White);  
+            TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,Green); 
+            TFT.locate(100,250) ;  
+            TFT.foreground(Black) ;
+            TFT.printf("RET") ;   
+            TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+            backlight = 1 ;
@@ -123,31 +183,47 @@
  void screen_bp()          // BP main screen
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(10,130,100,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(130,130,220,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(10,215,100,285,COLOR_BLACK);
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(130,215,220,285,COLOR_BLACK);
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(60,130,180,200,COLOR_YELLOW);
-            lcd.Print( "START",80,150,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-            // lcd.Print( "CONFIG",70,170,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-            lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-            lcd.Print( "RET",100,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+    backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+    TFT.background(Green) ;
+    TFT.foreground(Black) ;
+    TFT.fillrect(10,130,100,200,White);   
+    TFT.fillrect(130,130,220,200,White);  
+    TFT.fillrect(10,215,100,285,White);  
+    TFT.fillrect(130,215,220,285,White);  
+    TFT.fillrect( 60,130,180,200,Green);
+    TFT.locate(80,150) ;
+    TFT.printf("START") ;    
+    TFT.fillrect( 60,230,180,300,Green);
+    TFT.locate(100,250) ;        
+    TFT.printf("RET") ;          
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ;     
  void screen_bp1(float SBP, float DBP)          // BP  screen 2
-    char buf[10];    
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(3,130,200,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_BLACK);
+    backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+       TFT.background(White) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Green) ;
+        char buf[10];  
+        TFT.fillrect(3,130,200,200,Black);
+         TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,Black);
         sprintf (buf, "SBP: %f",SBP);
-        lcd.Print( buf, 5,100,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-        sprintf (buf, "DBP: %f",DBP);
-        lcd.Print( buf, 5,150,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-        lcd.Print( "RET",100,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+        TFT.locate(5,100) ;
+    TFT.printf(buf) ; 
+         sprintf (buf, "DBP: %f",DBP);
+          TFT.locate(5,150) ;
+        TFT.printf(buf) ;
+        TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,Green);
+         TFT.locate(85,250) ;  
+            TFT.foreground(Black) ;
+         TFT.printf("RET") ;    
+          TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
@@ -157,16 +233,22 @@
  void screen_glc()     // glc main screen
-                 //lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-              //   lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(10,130,100,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(130,130,220,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(10,215,100,285,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(130,215,220,285,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(60,130,180,200,COLOR_YELLOW);
-        lcd.Print( "START",80,150,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_YELLOW,0);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-        lcd.Print( "RET",100,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+         backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+      TFT.background(Green) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Black) ;
+     TFT.fillrect(10,130,100,200,White);
+       TFT.fillrect(130,130,220,200,White);
+         TFT.fillrect(10,215,100,285,White);
+           TFT.fillrect(130,215,220,285,White);
+        TFT.fillrect( 60,130,180,200,Green);
+       TFT.locate(80,150) ;
+    TFT.printf("START") ;    
+         TFT.fillrect( 60,230,180,300,Green);
+       TFT.locate(100,250) ;        
+       TFT.printf("RET") ;          
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
@@ -174,108 +256,158 @@
  void screen_bp2()    //BP screen 3
-           lcd.FillRoundRect(3,130,200,200,COLOR_BLACK);
+          /* lcd.FillRoundRect(3,130,200,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-           lcd.FillRect(5,215,230,290,COLOR_BLACK);
+           lcd.FillRect(5,215,230,290,COLOR_BLACK);*/
  void ecg_countdown()   // ECG measurement countdown 
-     char tim1[5];
-         // lcd.DrawRect(20,90,90,40,COLOR_BLACK);
-         // lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(3,130,200,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRect(5,215,230,290,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.Print( "ECG starts in", CENTER, 95);
-    for(int i=5;i>=0;i--)
+        backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+       TFT.background(White) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Green) ;
+        char tim1[5];
+           TFT.fillrect(3,130,200,200,White);
+           TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,White);
+           TFT.fillrect(5,215,230,290,White);
+         TFT.locate(25,100) ;        
+       TFT.printf("ECG starts in") ; 
+         for(int i=5;i>=0;i--)
                 sprintf (tim1, "%d",i);
-                lcd.Print( tim1,120,120,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
+                TFT.locate(120,120) ;        
+                 TFT.printf(tim1) ; 
-        lcd.Print( "Tst in Progres",3,150,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,0);
+     TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
    void bp_countdown()   // ECG measurement countdown 
-     char tim1[5];
-         // lcd.DrawRect(20,90,90,40,COLOR_BLACK);
-         // lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(3,130,200,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRect(5,215,230,290,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.Print( "BP starts in", CENTER, 95);
-    for(int i=5;i>=0;i--)
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+       TFT.background(White) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Green) ;
+        char tim1[5];
+           TFT.fillrect(3,130,200,200,White);
+           TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,White);
+           TFT.fillrect(5,215,230,290,White);
+         TFT.locate(25,100) ;        
+       TFT.printf("BP starts in") ; 
+         for(int i=5;i>=0;i--)
                 sprintf (tim1, "%d",i);
-                lcd.Print( tim1,120,120,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
+                TFT.locate(120,120) ;        
+       TFT.printf(tim1) ; 
-        lcd.Print( "Tst in Progres",3,150,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,0);
-  } 
+     TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
  void screen_again()    // screen to press 'yes' or 'no' to repeat the test 
- {
+ { 
+   backlight = 0 ;
+   TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+   TFT.background(White) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Black) ;
+            TFT.fillrect(5,127,230,200,White);
+            TFT.locate(50,130) ; 
+            TFT.printf("Take test") ;
+             TFT.locate(75,160) ; 
+            TFT.printf("again?") ;
+             TFT.background(Orange) ;
+            TFT.locate(30,245) ;  
+               TFT.printf("YES") ;
+                 TFT.locate(135,245) ;  
+               TFT.printf(" NO ") ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
+    TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
-          //lcd.DrawRect(20,90,90,40,COLOR_BLACK);
-        lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,200,COLOR_BLACK); 
-        lcd.Print( "Take test",50,130 ,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-        lcd.Print( "again?",75,160 ,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-        lcd.Print( "YES",30,245,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_MAGENTA,0);
-        lcd.Print( " NO ",150,245,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
-   //lcd.FillRect(5 ,127,230,200,COLOR_BLACK); 
   void screen_glc_2()   // GLC screen 3 after test 
-          lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-          lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_GREEN);
-          lcd.Print( "RET",100,250,COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_GREEN,0);
+     backlight = 0 ;
+    TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+       TFT.background(White) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Black) ;
+            TFT.fillrect(5,127,230,320,White);
+          TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,Green);
+         TFT.locate(85,250) ;  
+          TFT.background(Green); 
+        TFT.printf("RET") ;    
+          backlight = 1 ; 
+          TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
   void glc_1()     // GLC screen 
-  {
-           lcd.FillRoundRect(3,130,200,200,COLOR_BLACK);
-           lcd.FillRoundRect(60,230,180,300,COLOR_BLACK);
-           lcd.FillRect(5,215,230,290,COLOR_BLACK);
-           lcd.Print( "BLOOD GLUCOSE",20,130 ,COLOR_CYAN,COLOR_BLACK, 0); // align text to center horizontally and use starndard colors
-           lcd.Print( "Insert strip",5,160,COLOR_MAGENTA,COLOR_BLACK, 0); // align text to center horizontally and use starndard colors
+  { 
+        backlight = 0 ;
+       TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+       TFT.background(White) ;
+        TFT.foreground(Magenta ) ;
+        TFT.fillrect(3,130,200,200,White);
+        TFT.fillrect(60,230,180,300,White);
+         TFT.fillrect(5,215,230,290,White);
+         TFT.locate(5,130) ;  
+        TFT.printf("Blood Glucose") ; 
+        TFT.locate(5,160) ;  
+        TFT.printf("Insert strip") ; 
+      TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
    void glc_2()     // GLC screen 
-     lcd.Print( "Strip Detected",5,160, COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-     lcd.Print( "Insert Blood",5,190,COLOR_RED,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
+      backlight = 0 ;
+       TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+        TFT.locate(5,160) ;  
+        TFT.printf("Strip Detected") ; 
+        TFT.locate(5,190) ;  
+        TFT.printf("Insert Blood") ; 
+      TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
   void glc_3()     // GLC screen 
-     lcd.Print( "Blood Detected",5,190,COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-     lcd.Print( "computing", 5,220,COLOR_MAGENTA,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
-   }
+      backlight = 0 ;
+       TFT.BusEnable(true) ;    
+        TFT.locate(5,190) ;  
+        TFT.printf("Blood Detected") ; 
+        TFT.locate( 5,220) ;  
+        TFT.printf("computing") ; 
+      TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
+     }
   void glc_4(unsigned int mgdl)   // GLC screen to display blood glucose level on the LCD
-   {
-     lcd.FillRect(5,127,230,320,COLOR_BLACK); 
-     char buf[10];
+   { 
+      char buf[10];
      sprintf (buf, " BG %d mg/dl",mgdl);
-     lcd.Print( buf, 5,100,COLOR_YELLOW,COLOR_BLACK, 0);
+       backlight = 0 ;
+       TFT.BusEnable(true) ;
+        TFT.fillrect(5,127,230,320,White);
+      TFT.locate(5,100) ;  
+    TFT.printf(buf) ; 
+      TFT.BusEnable(false) ;
+     backlight = 1 ; 
\ No newline at end of file