Mbed port of RMCIOS. www.rmcios.fi https://github.com/fkorhone/

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos EthernetInterface

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed_ethernet_channels.cpp	Thu Dec 27 19:21:42 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+RMCIOS - Reactive Multipurpose Control Input Output System
+Copyright (c) 2018 Frans Korhonen
+RMCIOS was originally developed at Institute for Atmospheric 
+and Earth System Research / Physics, Faculty of Science, 
+University of Helsinki, Finland
+Assistance, experience and feedback from following persons have been 
+critical for development of RMCIOS: Erkki Siivola, Juha Kangasluoma, 
+Lauri Ahonen, Ella Häkkinen, Pasi Aalto, Joonas Enroth, Runlong Cai, 
+Markku Kulmala and Tuukka Petäjä.
+This file is part of RMCIOS. This notice was encoded using utf-8.
+RMCIOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+RMCIOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licenses
+along with RMCIOS.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "RMCIOS-functions.h"
+extern const struct context_rmcios *module_context ; 
+// Ethernet interface channel
+EthernetInterface enet ;
+EthernetInterface *eth=&enet ;
+char eth_configured=0;
+void ethernet_class_func(const struct context_rmcios *context, 
+                         void *data, int id, int function,
+                         enum type_rmcios paramtype,
+                         union param_rmcios returnv, 
+                         int num_params,union param_rmcios param)
+ int iplen ;
+ int masklen ;
+ int gwlen ;
+ switch(function) 
+ {
+    case help_rmcios:
+       return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,
+             "help for ethernet interface channel\r\n"
+             " setup eth # Configure ethernet with DHCP\r\n"
+             " setup eth ip_addr ipmask gateway # Manual configuration\r\n"
+             ) ;
+       break ;
+    case setup_rmcios :
+       // Allocate ethernet interface.
+       if(eth==NULL) eth = new EthernetInterface ;
+       if(eth==NULL) break ;
+       if(eth_configured==1) {
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,
+                "Ethernet can only be configured once.") ;
+          break ;
+       }
+       if(num_params<3) {
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,
+                "Configuring ethernet with DHCP:") ;
+          eth_configured=1;
+          eth->init() ; // dhcp config
+          eth->connect();
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,
+                "Ethernet configuration:\r\n") ;
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,"ip:");
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,eth->getIPAddress());
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,"\r\nipmask:");
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,eth->getNetworkMask());
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,"\r\ngateway:");
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,eth->getGateway());
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,"\r\n");
+          break ;
+       }
+       iplen = param_string_length(context, paramtype, param, 0)+1;
+       masklen = param_string_length(context, paramtype, param, 1)+1;
+       gwlen = param_string_length(context, paramtype, param, 2)+1;
+       {
+          char ip[iplen] ;
+          char ipmask[masklen] ;
+          char gateway[gwlen] ;
+          param_to_string(context, paramtype, param, 0, iplen, ip);
+          param_to_string(context, paramtype, param, 1, masklen, ipmask);
+          param_to_string(context, paramtype, param, 2, gwlen, gateway);
+          printf("setup manual ip: %s %s %s\r\n", ip, ipmask, gateway) ;
+          eth_configured=1;
+          eth->init(ip,ipmask,gateway) ; // manual ip config
+          eth->connect();
+          return_string(context, paramtype,returnv,
+                        "Ethernet configuration:\r\n") ;
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, "ip:");
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, eth->getIPAddress());
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, "\r\nipmask:");
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, eth->getNetworkMask());
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, "\r\ngateway:");
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, eth->getGateway());
+          return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, "\r\n");
+       }
+       break ;
+ }
+// TCP Client channel:
+struct tcp_connection_data {
+    char host[50] ;
+    int port ;
+    TCPSocketConnection socket;
+    bool closed ;
+void tcp_client_class_func(void* data,
+                           const struct context_rmcios *context,
+                           int id, 
+                           int function,
+                           enum type_rmcios paramtype,
+                           union param_rmcios returnv, 
+                           int num_params,
+                           union param_rmcios param)
+    tcp_connection_data *p_data=(tcp_connection_data *)data ;
+    int plen ;
+    switch(function) {
+        case help_rmcios:
+           return_string(context, paramtype, returnv,
+           "help for tcp client channel\r\n"
+           " create tcp_client newname\r\n"
+           " setup newname ip port #Open connection\r\n"
+           " setup newname #Close connection\r\n"
+           " write newname #Flush all buffers\r\n"
+           " write newname data #Write data to the connection.\r\n"
+           "       Reconnect if needed\r\n"
+           " link newname channel # Link received data to channel\r\n"
+           ) ;
+            break ;
+        case create_rmcios :
+            if(num_params<1) break ;
+            if(eth==NULL) break ;
+            // allocate new data
+            p_data= new struct tcp_connection_data; 
+            // default values
+            p_data->host[0]=0;
+            p_data->port=0;
+            p_data->closed=true ;
+            create_channel_param(context, paramtype, param, 0, 
+                                 (class_rmcios)tcp_client_class_func, p_data) ; 
+            break ;
+        case setup_rmcios :
+            if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+            if(num_params<1) { // Close connection
+                Thread::wait(500);
+                if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+                if(p_data->socket.is_connected()) p_data->socket.close();
+                break ;
+            }
+            if(num_params<2) break ;
+            param_to_string(context, paramtype, param, 0, 
+                            sizeof(p_data->host),p_data->host) ;
+            p_data->port=param_to_int(context, paramtype,param,1) ;
+            p_data->closed=true ;
+            break ;
+        case write_rmcios :
+            if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+            if(num_params<1) { // Close connection
+                Thread::wait(500);
+                if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+                if(p_data->socket.is_connected()) p_data->socket.close();
+                break ;
+            }
+            /// If socket is not open. Try 3 times to open connection:
+            if(!p_data->socket.is_connected() || p_data->closed==true ) {
+                if(p_data->socket.connect(p_data->host,p_data->port)==0) {
+                   p_data->closed=false ;
+                }
+                else p_data->closed=false ;
+            }
+            if(!p_data->socket.is_connected() || p_data->closed==true ) {
+                Thread::wait(200);
+                if(p_data->socket.connect(p_data->host,p_data->port)==0) {
+                   p_data->closed=false ;
+                }
+                else p_data->closed=false ;
+            }
+            if(!p_data->socket.is_connected() || p_data->closed==true ) {
+                Thread::wait(200);
+                if(p_data->socket.connect(p_data->host,p_data->port)==0) {
+                   p_data->closed=false ;
+                }
+                else p_data->closed=false ;
+            }
+            plen=param_buffer_alloc_size(context, paramtype,param,0) ;
+            {
+                char buffer[plen] ;
+                int retry;
+                struct buffer_rmcios p ;
+                p=param_to_buffer(context, paramtype,param, 0, plen, buffer) ;
+                // retry 3 times
+                for(retry=0 ;
+                    retry<3 && p_data->socket.send(p.data, p.length )<0 ;
+                    retry++)
+                { 
+                    Thread::wait(200);
+                }
+                Thread::wait(100);
+            }
+            break ;
+    }
+// TCP server channel
+struct tcpserver_data {
+    int port ;
+    TCPSocketServer socket ;
+    TCPSocketConnection connection;
+    int linked_channels ;
+    char buffer[512] ;
+    int id ;
+//! Thread for handling udp reception.
+void tcpserver_thread(const void *param)
+    printf("tcp server thread created!\r\n") ;
+    int n=0 ;
+    struct tcpserver_data *pthis=(struct tcpserver_data *) param ;
+    while(pthis->port==0) ;
+    {
+        Thread::wait(200);
+    }
+    pthis->socket.bind(pthis->port) ;
+    pthis->socket.listen();
+    while(1) {
+        pthis->socket.accept( pthis->connection )  ;
+        printf("connection accepted!\r\n") ;
+        // receive command
+        while( pthis->connection.is_connected() ) {
+            n=pthis->connection.receive(pthis->buffer,sizeof( pthis->buffer)-1);
+            if(n>0) {
+                if( pthis->linked_channels!=0) {
+                   write_buffer(module_context, pthis->linked_channels,
+                                pthis->buffer,n,pthis->id) ;
+                } 
+           }
+        }
+    }
+void tcp_server_class_func(struct tcpserver_data *pthis, 
+                           const struct context_rmcios *context,
+                           int id, 
+                           int function,
+                           enum type_rmcios paramtype,
+                           union param_rmcios returnv, 
+                           int num_params,
+                           union param_rmcios param)
+    int plen;
+    switch(function) {
+        case help_rmcios:
+            return_string(context, paramtype, returnv, 
+                          "TCP server channel\r\n"
+                          "create tcpserver newname\r\n"
+                          "setup newname port\r\n"
+                          "write newname data\r\n"
+                          "link newname channel\r\n"
+                          );
+            break;
+        case create_rmcios :
+            if(num_params<1) break ;
+            pthis=  (struct tcpserver_data *) 
+                    malloc(sizeof( struct tcpserver_data)) ; 
+            pthis->port=0 ;
+            pthis->buffer[0]=0;
+            pthis->socket=TCPSocketServer();
+            pthis->connection=TCPSocketConnection();
+            pthis->id=create_channel_param(context, paramtype, param, 0,
+                                           (class_rmcios)tcp_server_class_func,
+                                           pthis); 
+            pthis->linked_channels=linked_channels(context, pthis->id) ;
+            break;
+        case setup_rmcios :
+            if(pthis==NULL) break ;
+            if(num_params<1) {
+                if( !pthis->connection.is_connected() ){
+                   pthis->connection.close() ;
+                }
+                break ;
+            }
+            pthis->port=param_to_integer(context, paramtype, param,0);
+            // Start reception thread
+            new Thread(tcpserver_thread, pthis);
+            break;
+        case write_rmcios :
+            if(pthis==NULL) break ;
+            if(num_params<1) break ;
+            plen=param_buffer_alloc_size(context, paramtype, param, 0) ; 
+            {
+                char buffer[plen] ; 
+                struct buffer_rmcios pbuffer ; 
+                pbuffer = param_to_buffer(context, paramtype,param, 0, 
+                                          plen , buffer) ;
+                if(pthis->connection.send(pbuffer.data, pbuffer.length)<0){
+                    return_int(context, paramtype, returnv, -1) ;
+                    pthis->connection.close() ;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+// UDP server channel
+struct udp_server_data {
+    int id ;
+    int port ;
+    UDPSocket socket ;
+    Endpoint client ;
+    char txbuffer[100] ;
+    char buffer[100] ;
+    int linked_channel ;
+} ;
+//! Thread for handling udp reception.
+void udp_server_thread(const void *param)
+    //printf("udp thread created!\r\n") ;
+    int n=0 ;
+    struct udp_server_data *p_data=(struct udp_server_data *) param ;
+    //printf("waiting for configuration:\r\n") ;
+    while(p_data->port==0) ;
+    {
+        p_data->socket.bind(p_data->port) ;
+        Thread::wait(200);
+    }
+    while(1) {
+        // receive command
+        n=p_data->socket.receiveFrom(p_data->client, p_data->buffer, 
+                                     sizeof(p_data->buffer)-1 ) ;
+        if(n>0) {
+            if(p_data->linked_channel!=0){
+               write_buffer(module_context, p_data->linked_channel, 
+                            p_data->buffer, n, p_data->id) ;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void udp_server_class_func(udp_server_data *p_data,  
+                           const struct context_rmcios *context,
+                           int id, 
+                           int function,
+                           enum type_rmcios paramtype,
+                           union param_rmcios returnv, 
+                           int num_params,union param_rmcios param)
+ switch(function) 
+ {
+    case help_rmcios :
+       return_string(context, paramtype, returnv,
+             "help for udp server channel\r\n"
+             " create udp_server newname\r\n"
+             " setup newname port \r\n"
+             " write newname \r\n"
+             "        # flush tansmit buffer)\r\n"
+             " write newname data \r\n"
+             "        # write data to tansmit buffer.\r\n"
+             "        Flush buffer to ethernet when \\r encountered. \r\n"
+             " link newname channel \r\n"
+             "        # Link received data to channel\r\n"
+             ) ;
+       break ;
+    case create_rmcios :
+       if(num_params<1) break ;
+       if(eth==NULL) break ;
+       p_data= new struct udp_server_data ;
+       if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+       // Default values:
+       p_data->port=0;
+       p_data->buffer[0]=0;
+       p_data->txbuffer[0]=0 ;
+       // Create the channel
+       p_data->id=create_channel_param(context, paramtype, param, 0, 
+                                       (class_rmcios)udp_server_class_func, 
+                                       p_data) ;
+       p_data->linked_channel=linked_channels(context,p_data->id);
+       break ;
+    case setup_rmcios :
+       if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+       if(num_params<1) break ;
+       else {
+          p_data->port=param_to_int(context, paramtype, param, 0);
+          new Thread(udp_server_thread, p_data);
+       }
+       break ;
+    case write_rmcios :
+       if(p_data==NULL) break ;
+       if(num_params<1) { // flush buffer
+          p_data->socket.sendTo(p_data->client, p_data->txbuffer, 
+                                strlen(p_data->txbuffer));
+          p_data->txbuffer[0]=0 ;
+          break ;
+       }
+       // collect data to buffer
+       param_to_string(context, paramtype, param, 0, 
+                       sizeof(p_data->txbuffer)-strlen(p_data->txbuffer), 
+                       p_data->txbuffer+strlen(p_data->txbuffer)) ;
+       break ;
+ }
+void init_mbed_ethernet_channels(const struct context_rmcios *context)
+    module_context=context ;
+    create_channel_str(context, "eth",(class_rmcios)ethernet_class_func, NULL);
+    create_channel_str(context, "udp_server",
+                       (class_rmcios)udp_server_class_func, NULL ) ;
+    // TCP Not usable. (Memory consumption issues.)
+    // create_channel_str("tcp_client",(channel_func) tcp_client_class_func, 
+    //                    NULL ) ;
+    // create_channel_str("tcp_server",(channel_func) tcp_server_class_func, 
+    //                    NULL ) ;
+#endif //if DEVICE_ETHERNET == 1