mbed 5.4 with sleep mode

Dependencies:   C027_Support mbed-dev

Fork of C027_SupportTest_coap by Umar Naeem

diff -r 334263983fcd -r 16f1037626e3 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Dec 12 07:54:19 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Nov 18 16:07:01 2015 +0000
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 #define PASSWORD    NULL 
+//#define CELLOCATE
 int main(void)
     int ret;
@@ -184,9 +186,25 @@
     unsigned int i = 0xFFFFFFFF;
     const int wait = 100;
     bool abort = false;
+#ifdef CELLOCATE    
+    const int sensorMask = 3;  // Hybrid: GNSS + CellLocate       
+    const int timeoutMargin = 5; // seconds
+    const int submitPeriod = 60; // 1 minutes in seconds
+    const int targetAccuracy = 1; // meters
+    unsigned int j = submitPeriod * 1000/wait;
+    bool cellLocWait = false;
+    MDMParser::CellLocData loc;
+    //Token can be released from u-blox site, when you got one replace "TOKEN" below 
+    if (!mdm.cellLocSrvHttp("TOKEN"))
+            mdm.cellLocSrvUdp();        
+    mdm.cellLocConfigSensor(1);   // Deep scan mode
+    //mdm.cellUnsolIndication(1);
     //DigitalOut led(LED1);
     while (!abort) {
     //    led = !led;
+#ifndef CELLOCATE
         while ((ret = gps.getMessage(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
             int len = LENGTH(ret);
@@ -219,6 +237,27 @@
+        if (mdmOk && (j++ == submitPeriod * 1000/wait)) {   
+            j=0;
+            printf("CellLocate Request\r\n");
+            mdm.cellLocRequest(sensorMask, submitPeriod-timeoutMargin, targetAccuracy);
+            cellLocWait = true;
+        }
+        if (cellLocWait && mdm.cellLocGet(&loc)){           
+            cellLocWait = false;     
+            printf("CellLocate position received, sensor_used: %d,  \r\n", loc.sensorUsed );           
+            printf("  latitude: %0.5f, longitude: %0.5f, altitute: %d\r\n", loc.latitue, loc.longitude, loc.altitutude);
+            if (loc.sensorUsed == 1)
+                printf("  uncertainty: %d, speed: %d, direction: %d, vertical_acc: %d, satellite used: %d \r\n", loc.uncertainty,loc.speed,loc.direction,loc.verticalAcc,loc.svUsed);        
+            if (loc.sensorUsed == 1 || loc.sensorUsed == 2)
+            sprintf(link, "I am here!\n"
+                        "https://maps.google.com/?q=%.5f,%.5f", loc.latitue, loc.longitude);       
+        }
+        if (cellLocWait && (j%100 == 0 ))
+            printf("Waiting for CellLocate...\r\n");                
         if (mdmOk && (i++ == 5000/wait)) {
             i = 0;
             // check the network status