
Fork of C027_Support by Umar Naeem



File content as of revision 3:c7cd4887560d:

#include "mbed.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "GPS.h"

int GPSParser::_getMessage(Pipe<char>* pipe, char* buf, int len)
    int unkn = 0;
    int sz = pipe->size();
    if (len > sz)
        len = sz;
    while (len > 0)
        // NMEA protocol
        int nmea = _parseNmea(pipe,len);
        if ((nmea != NOT_FOUND) && (unkn > 0))  return unkn;
        if (nmea == WAIT)                       return WAIT;
        if (nmea > 0)                           return NMEA | pipe->get(buf,nmea);
        // UBX protocol
        int ubx = _parseUbx(pipe,len);
        if ((ubx != NOT_FOUND) && (unkn > 0))   return unkn;
        if (ubx == WAIT)                        return WAIT;
        if (ubx > 0)                            return UBX | pipe->get(buf,ubx);
        // UNKNOWN
        *buf++ = pipe->getc();
        unkn ++;
    if (unkn != NOT_FOUND)                      return unkn; 
    return WAIT;

int GPSParser::_parseNmea(Pipe<char>* pipe, int len)
    int ix = 0;
    if (++ix > len)                     return WAIT;
    if ('$' != pipe->next())            return NOT_FOUND;
    for (;;)
        if (++ix > len)                 return WAIT;
        char ch = pipe->next();
        if ('\n' == ch)                 return ix;
        if (!isprint(ch) && '\r'!= ch)  return NOT_FOUND; 

int GPSParser::_parseUbx(Pipe<char>* pipe, int l)
    int o = 0;
    if (++o > l)                return WAIT;
    if ('\xB5' != pipe->next()) return NOT_FOUND;   
    if (++o > l)                return WAIT;
    if ('\x62' != pipe->next()) return NOT_FOUND;
    o += 4;
    if (o > l)                  return WAIT;
    int i,j,ca,cb;
    i = pipe->next(); ca  = i; cb  = ca; // cls
    i = pipe->next(); ca += i; cb += ca; // id
    i = pipe->next(); ca += i; cb += ca; // len_lsb
    j = pipe->next(); ca += j; cb += ca; // len_msb 
    j = i + (j << 8);
    while (j--)
        if (++o > l)            return WAIT;
        i = pipe->next(); 
        ca += i; 
        cb += ca;
    ca &= 0xFF; cb &= 0xFF;
    if (++o > l)                return WAIT;
    if (ca != pipe->next())     return NOT_FOUND;
    if (++o > l)                return WAIT;
    if (cb != pipe->next())     return NOT_FOUND;
    return o;

int GPSParser::sendNmea(const char* buf, int len)
    char head[1] = { '$' };
    char tail[5] = { '*', 0x00/*crc_high*/, 0x00/*crc_low*/, '\r', '\n' };
    int i;
    int crc = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i ++)
        crc ^= *buf++;
    i  = send(head, sizeof(head));
    i += send(buf, len);
    tail[1] = toHex[(crc > 4) & 0xF0];
    tail[2] = toHex[(crc > 0) & 0x0F];
    i += send(tail, sizeof(tail));
    return i;

int GPSParser::sendUbx(unsigned char cls, unsigned char id, const void* buf, int len)
    char head[6] = { 0xB5, 0x62, cls, id, len >> 0, len >> 8 };
    char crc[2];
    int i;
    int ca = 0;
    int cb = 0;
    for (i = 2; i < 6; i ++)
        ca += head[i];
        cb += ca;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i ++)
        ca += ((char*)buf)[i];
        cb += ca;
    i  = send(head, sizeof(head));
    i += send(buf, len);
    crc[0] = ca & 0xFF;
    crc[1] = cb & 0xFF;
    i += send(crc,  sizeof(crc));
    return i;

const char* GPSParser::findNmeaItemPos(int ix, const char* start, const char* end)
    // find the start
    for (; (start < end) && (ix > 0); start ++)
        if (*start == ',')
            ix --;
    // found and check bounds
    if ((ix == 0) && (start < end) && 
        (*start != ',') && (*start != '*') && (*start != '\r') && (*start != '\n'))
        return start;
        return NULL;

bool GPSParser::getNmeaItem(int ix, char* buf, int len, double& val)
    char* end = &buf[len];
    const char* pos = findNmeaItemPos(ix, buf, end);
    // find the start
    if (!pos)
        return false;
    val = strtod(pos, &end);
    // restore the last character
    return (end > pos);

bool GPSParser::getNmeaItem(int ix, char* buf, int len, int& val, int base /*=10*/)
    char* end = &buf[len];
    const char* pos = findNmeaItemPos(ix, buf, end);
    // find the start
    if (!pos)
        return false;
    val = (int)strtol(pos, &end, base);
    return (end > pos);

bool GPSParser::getNmeaItem(int ix, char* buf, int len, char& val)
    const char* end = &buf[len];
    const char* pos = findNmeaItemPos(ix, buf, end);
    // find the start
    if (!pos)
        return false;
    // skip leading spaces
    while ((pos < end) && isspace(*pos))
    // check bound
    if ((pos < end) && 
        (*pos != ',') && (*pos != '*') && (*pos != '\r') && (*pos != '\n'))
        val = *pos;
        return true;
    return false;

const char GPSParser::toHex[] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' };

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Serial Implementation 
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

GPSSerial::GPSSerial(PinName tx /*= GPSTXD*/, PinName rx /*= GPSRXD*/, int baudrate /*= GPSBAUD*/) : 
            Serial(tx, rx, "gps"), _pipe(256)
    attach(this, &GPSSerial::serialRxIrq, RxIrq);

    attach(NULL, RxIrq);

void GPSSerial::serialRxIrq(void)
    while (serial_readable(&_serial))

int GPSSerial::getMessage(char* buf, int len)
    return _getMessage(&_pipe, buf, len);   

char GPSSerial::next(void)

int GPSSerial::send(const void* buf, int len)   
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i ++)
    return len; 

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// I2C Implementation 
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

GPSI2C::GPSI2C(PinName sda /*= GPSSDA*/, PinName scl /*= GPSSCL*/) : 
    found = false;

bool GPSI2C::detect(void)
    if (!found)
        int w = I2C::write(GPSADR,&REGSTREAM,sizeof(REGSTREAM));
        if (w == 0)
            found = true;
    return found;

int GPSI2C::getMessage(char* buf, int len)
    int sz = _get(buf, len);
    if (sz) 
        _pipe.put(buf, sz);
    return _getMessage(&_pipe, buf, len);   

int GPSI2C::sendNmea(const char* buf, int len)
    int sent = 0;
    if (len) 
        if (!I2C::write(GPSADR,&REGSTREAM,sizeof(REGSTREAM),true))
            sent = GPSParser::sendNmea(buf, len);
        found = len == sent;
    return sent;

int GPSI2C::sendUbx(unsigned char cls, unsigned char id, const void* buf, int len)
    int sent = 0;
    if (len) 
        if (!I2C::write(GPSADR,&REGSTREAM,sizeof(REGSTREAM),true))
            sent = GPSParser::sendUbx(cls, id, buf, len);
        found = (len == sent);
    return sent;

int GPSI2C::_get(char* buf, int len)
    int read = 0;
    unsigned char sz[2];
    if (!I2C::write(GPSADR,&REGLEN,sizeof(REGLEN),true) && 
        int size = 256 * (int)sz[0] + sz[1];
        if (size > len)
            size = len;
        if (size > 0)
            read = !I2C::read(GPSADR,buf,size, true) ? size : 0;
        found = read = size;
        found = false;
    return read;

char GPSI2C::next(void)                       

int GPSI2C::send(const void* buf, int len)
    return !I2C::write(GPSADR,(const char*)buf,len,true) ? len : 0; 

const char GPSI2C::REGLEN    = 0xFD;
const char GPSI2C::REGSTREAM = 0xFF;